Page 16 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 16

16A                          February 2020                                                              COMMUNITY FOCUS

     Songs of Peace and Joy: Celebrating 20 years

     of tikkun olam through song

     By Emily Tennenbaum | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                                                       This program is Sponsored by
         oin the Sarasota Jewish Chorale as   us, as Jews. Our musical  selections,   way that opens the  hearts of all  who   together in Florida, where we frequent-The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
         we continue our tikkun olam (Re-  sung  in  English,  Hebrew,  Ladino,   listen.                             ly have blue skies and many rainbows,   or centuries,  sounds produced
     Jpairing the World) through song at   Yiddish and Swahili, are a collection    There is nothing more joyful than   creating  the awe and splendor that   by the  vibrations  of singing
     our Sunday, March 29 concert. Called   of  musical  pieces  about  peace  and   voices filling the air with a traditional   make positive connections within our Fbowls have  enabled  the  attain-
     Songs  of Peace and Joy, our concert   joy. One such composition, “Shalom   niggun, a song without words, a way of   communities.                  ment of both deep relaxation and stir-
     celebrates our 20  year of sharing the   Aleichem,” sung at the start of Shab-  expressing our love and connection to   Our concert, sponsored by Temple  ring insight. However, it has only been
     joy of Jewish music.                 bat, brings blessings of connection and   G-d. We bring you “Niggun Talmidei   Beth Sholom, The Jewish Federation  in recent years that recognition of the
        This year we focus on what brings   faith  to  our children,  our  households   Besht” composed by the Baal Shem   of Sarasota-Manatee and Dalet, will  salutary  effects  of  this  sonic  healing
     us together, rather than what separates   and our communities in a time-honored   Tov, Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer, and orig-  be held at 4:00 p.m. at  Temple Beth  have  found their  way into  the  main-
                                                                                inally sung by his students.          Sholom  in  Sarasota.  Please  visit  our  stream.
                                                                                    “Over  the  Rainbow”  from  The   website at   For probably the first time ever in
                                                                                Wizard  of  Oz, embodies  our musical   for tickets ($20 in advance and $25 at  Sarasota, on Sunday, February 16 from
               Enjoy your life!                                                 prayers for both peace and joy. As the   the  door) and  more  information.  We  10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on The Larry
                                                                                lyrics say: “Troubles melt, that’s where
                                                                                                                      look forward to entertaining you with  & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for
                                                                                                                                                        Jewish Life, a sonic healing experience
                                                                                                                      another sold-out musical adventure!
                                                                                you’ll find me.” This brings all of us
                                                                                                                                                        will feature Jewish spiritual elements.
                    Let the experts at Cove Cleaners                                   “These we honor”                                                 Certified  sound  healing  professionals
                                                                                                                                                        and musicians will provide a blend of
                 help you find more time to have fun!                                                                                                   singing bowls, rattles,  tuning forks,

           We are not just the dry cleaning and laundry experts for                           Your Tributes                                             electric violin and other modalities in
                      your clothing, we are specialists in:                                                                                             ways designed to engender well-being
                                                                                                                                                        and spiritual enrichment.
         • Area rugs        • Wedding Gowns            • Restoration               ANNUAL CAMPAIGN                      ISRAEL PROGRAMS                     “It’s exhilarating on many levels,”
         • Draperies        • Alterations
                                                                                  IN HONOR OF                        IN HONOR OF
         We also offer a FREE PICK UP & DELIVERY SERVICE                          Vera Charlotte Moskowitz           Ella Collier

      to your home & business, which saves you time & money.                      Alan Moskowitz                     The Jewish Federation
                                                                                                                     of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                  IN MEMORY OF
                                CALL TODAY!                                       Naomi Adelman                           SKIP (Send a Kid
                                                                                  Mildred & Donald Cole
                                941.955.1111, Ext. 1                              Jacqueline Levin                       to Israel Program)

                                                                                  Jeremy Lisitza                     IN MEMORY OF
                                                                                  David Brenner
                                Official Dry Cleaner for                          Lois Barson                        Sandra Hanan
                                The Players Centre for Performing Arts            Sandra C. Hanan                    Charlene Creel
                                                                                  Ilene & Michael Fox                Patti & David Wertheimer                                                          Jeremy Lisitza                    NOTE: To be publicly acknowledged
                                                                                  Kimberly Mullins                    in The Jewish News, Honor Cards
                                                                                  Rachel & Darren Saltzberg        require a minimum $10 contribution
                                                                                  MAZEL TOV                        per listing. You can send Honor Cards
                                                                                  Barbara & Gary Ackerman           directly from For
                                                                                  Ilene & Michael Fox
                                                                                                                   more information, call 941.552.6304.

                                                                                                  While the rest of the country
                                                                                                  bundles for winter, the community

                                                                                                  at Aviva – A Campus for Senior

                                                                                                  Life is bustling with activity.
                                                                                                  Enjoy live music at the pool, day

                                                                                                  trips to Selby Gardens and the

                                                                                                  Dali Museum, or simply take a
                                                                                                  stroll along our natural hiking

                                                                                                  trails. Why should the weather

                                                                                                  stop you from experiencing the
                                                                                                  possibilities? Picture yourself at

                                                                                                  Aviva this winter!


                 Beauty is our Promise.

                                                                                                   1951 N. Honore Ave. • Sarasota, FL 34235
                           Spring into Lifestyle                                                                  941.377.0781

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