Page 21 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 21

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                        February 2020                                     21A

     Israel Bonds holds exclusive event with Ambassador

     Ron Dermer at Bryan Glazer Family JCC in Tampa

            evelopment  Corporation for   leadership  of Assistant Executive  Di-  About Israel Bonds                 Israel bonds is global in scope. World-
            Israel/Israel Bonds held an ex-  rector Monica DiGiovanni, and Vladi   Development  Corporation  for Israel/  wide sales have exceeded $44 billion
     Dclusive event with  Ambassa-        Yurovsky, Executive Director for Mi-  Israel Bonds ranks among Israel’s     since  the  first  bonds  were  issued  in
     dor Ron Dermer, Israel’s  ambassador   ami-Dade/Broward  County, Puerto    most valued economic and strategic    1951. Proceeds from the sale of Israel
     to the United States, at the Bryan Glaz-  Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The   resources, with a record of proven suc-  bonds have played a decisive role in
     er Family JCC in Tampa on December   event  brought together  Israel Bonds   cess spanning nearly 70 years. Praised   Israel’s rapid evolution into a ground-
     18, which  included  a  cocktail  supper   leaders and investors from around the   for its dependability, the Bonds organi-  breaking,  global  leader  in  high-tech,
     and remarks from the ambassador.     region and generated more than $3 mil-  zation has helped build every sector of   greentech and biotech.
        At the engagement,  Ambassador    lion  of new Israel  bonds investments   Israel’s economy. Partnering in Israel’s
     Dermer  spoke about  Israel’s success   and indications to invest at press time.  success story through investment in
     and achievements, underscoring  the
     fact that Israel represents 1/10 of 1%
     of the world’s population, yet attracts
     20% of worldwide investment in tech-
        Israel Maimon, president and CEO
     of Israel Bonds, extended gratitude to
     Ambassador Dermer, saying, “Thanks
     to Mr. Dermer, relations between Is-
     rael and the United States have never
     been stronger. Ambassador Dermer is
     a close friend of Israel Bonds who has
     spoken on our behalf  with eloquence
     and passion on countless occasions.”
        The event was held by Israel             Brian Taub, Israel Bonds general chair for the North, West    Steven Warren, MD, Tampa Bay Israel Bonds chair,
     Bonds’  Tampa  Bay  office,  under  the   and Central Florida region, Ambassador Ron Dermer, Debbie Taub  Ambassador Ron Dermer, Diana Sager (photos courtesy Ray Bassett)


     at Temple Beth Sholom

            r. Richard Freund will be the   Program:
            honored Scholar-in-Residence   Friday evening, February 28: Shab-          SUPPORT
     Dat  Temple  Beth Sholom for         bat dinner at 5:30 p.m. (must RSVP),         Friendship at Home
     the weekend of February 28 - March   followed by the evening service which        Financial Stability
     1. He is the Bertram and Gladys Aaron   will include Dr. Freund’s presentation    In-home Support
     endowed  professor of Jewish Studies   on “Holy  Archaeology.”  He has in-        Home Delivered Meals
     at Christopher Newport University  in   vestigated some of the holiest sites in   Educational Programs
     Virginia. He has pioneered a new form   the world and will discuss what these     CAREGIVING
     of  fieldwork,  involving  noninvasive   synagogues and churches tell us about    Caregiver Resource Centers
     geoscience technologies.                           religion.                      Adult Day Care Programs
     He has also directed over                              Saturday morn-             Support Groups
     a  dozen  archeological                            ing, February 29:              Educational Programs
     sites in Israel.                                   During the  Shabbat
        Dr. Freund’s work                               service there will be          HEALTH & WELLNESS
     has been featured in The                           a presentation titled          Medical & Dental Clinics
     New York Times, Smith-                             “Parasha  and  Archae-         Senior Centers
     sonian, Reader’s Digest,                           ology.”  This will  be         Friendship Cafés
                                                                                       Senior Fitness
     Newsweek,  TIME  and                               followed by a Kid-             Balance Movement
     Archaeology, and on me-                            dush luncheon, and by          Lifelong Learning
     dia outlets worldwide in-                          a Shabbat schmooze
     cluding the BBC, CNN,                              presentation  on “The
     MSNBC, NPR  and  Fox                               Holy Tabernacle in the         FRIENDSHIP
     News.                         Dr. Richard Freund   Desert.”                       THROUGHOUT THE JOURNEY OF AGING
        Dr.  Freund’s work  has  also  been   Sunday morning, March 1:
     featured  in 20 television  documenta-  Breakfast,  sponsored by the temple’s
     ries from National Geographic, CNN,   Men’s Club, and a presentation  titled            |  941.955.2122
     Discovery Channel,  History Channel   “Escape  from  the  Holocaust:  Geosci-
     and PBS. His most recent work in Lith-  ence and Archaeology.” This engaging                SARASOTA                    VENICE
     uania has been chronicled in a highly   and in-depth presentation recounts the              1888 Brother Geenen Way     2350 Scenic Drive
                                                                                                 Sarasota, FL 34236
                                                                                                                             Venice, FL 34293
     acclaimed  NOVA PBS  science series   dramatic escape from the Ponar camp
     episode, “Holocaust Escape  Tunnel,”   that  occurred  during  Passover, 1944.
     on the new discoveries made in the   Only 11 survived to recount the story.
     Ponar Burial Pits and the Great Syna-    This program is sponsored by Dr.
     gogue of Vilna, Lithuania.           William Freund of Temple Beth Sho-
        Dr. Freund has authored  more     lom.
     than 100 scholarly articles and eleven   All special  presentations  during
     books (written or co-edited). His latest   services and the breakfast program are
     books include Digging through History   free. To register and pay for the dinner,
     (2012) and  Archaeology  of  the  Holo-  or for program details, please call the
     caust: Vilna, Rhodes, and Escape Tun-  temple office at 941.955.8121 or visit
     nels (2019).               


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