Page 26 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 26

26A                          February 2020                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

              Temple Beth Israel                                                K’zohar Ha-Ivrit                                                        Stars of David
              567 Bay Isles Road, Longboat Key                                                                                                          By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist
                                                                                Etz – Tree                                                              Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish

                                                                                By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin                                               for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-
           Temple Beth Israel, The Center of Jewish Living on Longboat Key          n the  Jewish calendar, this  is the   appreciated and adored in the Hebraic  ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify
                                                                                                                                                        with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are
                                                                                    month of She-vat, the fifth month   culture.  Not only  were  eitzim created
       The Rabbi Michael B. Eisenstat Miniversity of Judaism - 2020             Iof the year.  The name  She-vat      by God to “bear fruit with the seed in  also identified as Jewish.
                 All events are $15 at the door and $10 with advance reservations  MEMBERS  is derived  from the  Akkadian  Sha-  it” (Gen 1:11), but they also were sym-Jewish Stars in New TV Shows –
                                                                                batu, meaning  “strike”  or “destroy.”   bols of life and wisdom, as exhibited in  Catch-Up and Look Ahead
       Most events start at 2:00 pm. Check and register on line                    It alludes to the   the story of the Garden of Eden where  Starting  on Friday, January 2 on
               CALL 941-383-3428 TO REGISTER. Free to Temple members.  ADMISSION
                                                                                                   power  exhibited   Etz  Ha-chayim,  the  “Tree  of  Life,”  Fox (9PM)  was  Deputy.  STEPHEN
       REMEMBERING ANNE FRANK NINETY YEARS LATER                                                   by nature during   and Etz Ha-da-at, the “Tree of Knowl-DORFF, 48, plays Bill Hollister, a dep-
       Diane Steinbrink                                                                            this month, which   edge,” were planted by God at its cen-uty who becomes the chief of the huge
       Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 - 2:00 pm                                                       brings an end  to   ter (Gen. 2:9).                  Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Depart-
                                               In this lecture, Diane will                         the  rainy season      It is not surprising, then, that for  ment when the elected Chief suddenly
                                               discuss the original DIARY of                       in  Israel.  In  the   the writer of the Book of Proverbs, wis-dies. Hollister is more an old West guy
                                               1952 and the newer edition                          month of She-vat   dom was perceived as Etz Chayim, “a  than  a  modern  lawman.  Dorff,  who
                                                                                                                      tree of life” (Pro 3:18). But for the rab-identifies as Jewish, is a veteran action
                                               published in 1995 that added                        the trees revive   bis, the Torah was an Etz Cha-yim for  film actor. Dorff’s late mother wasn’t
                                                                                                   from their winter
                                               newly discovered pages. She         Dr. Rachel Dulin  repose, buds ap-  those who followed in her path. More-Jewish. His Jewish father  is  STEVE
                                               will also present characters     pear on their branches and the blos-  over, people were also compared with  DORFF, 70, a successful songwriter
                                               from the original play THE       soms of the almond trees declare that   the beauty of trees. A righteous person,  who also writes film scores.
       DIARY OF ANNE FRANK from 1955 by Goodrich and Hackett and from the       spring has sprung.                    for example, was compared to a “thriv-  BEX TAYLOR-KLAUS, 25, has
       adapted version by Wendy Kesselman from 1997. She will talk about the        The  rabbis,  in  order  to  fulfill  the   ing cedar of Lebanon” (Ps. 92:14), and  a supporting  Deputy role as Breanna
       talent and personality of this teen, wise beyond her years, and the legacy that   law  of  tithing  (Lev  19:23-25),  desig-  a successful person was seen as an “etz  Bishop, an investigator in the Sheriff’s
       she has left through her words and ideas. This program has special meaning   nated the 15 of the month of Shevat   planted beside a stream of water, which  office. This is her first role as a network
       since 2019 was the ninetieth anniversary of Anne’s birth.                as a day to count the years of the trees   yields fruit in season” (Ps. 1:3).   series regular. She told the Windy City
                                                                                (Rosh Ha-shanah 1:1).  They called        On the other hand, etz is also used  Times that “Bex” is short for Rebecca.
                                                                                the day  Rosh  Ha-Shannah  La-ee-la-  to point to the negative in the human  When asked about her nationality, she
       Date        Instructor                  Title                            not, “The New  Year of the  Trees”    condition. The prophet Isaiah, for ex-replied,  “Wow,  that  is  difficult.  My
       Feb. 10     Rabbi Richard Steinbrink  Ancient & Modern Day Miracles      (ee-la-not means “trees” in Mishnaic   ample,  described  idol worshipers as  family is from Spain, Cuba, Israel. The
                                                                                                                      those who worshiped bul etz, namely  family is Jewish and from all over the
                                                                                Hebrew). The 15  of She-vat, which is
       Feb. 18, 24 Rabbi/Cantor Jon Haddon     Jewish Lithurgical Music         also known as Tu Bish-vat (tu equals   “blocks of wood” (Isa 44:19). To this  place.”
                                                                                                                                                            Starting on  Tuesday, January 7
       Feb. 20, 27 Rabbi Michael B. Eisenstat The Term “Judaism”is Misleading   15  in  Hebrew  numerology),  evolved   day, the words bul etz refer to a thick- (NBC, 10PM) was  Zoey’s Extraordi-
                                                                                through the years into a spring festival
                                                                                                                      headed, dullard or foolish person.
       Mar. 3      Dr. Andre Krauss Inside Hitler’s Head                        celebrating the beauty of trees and their   We will end with the popular saying  nary Playlist. JANE LEVY, 30, stars
       March 9     Dr. Barry Bub   “Never Again” - Is it time for Civil Disobedience?  economic benefit.              ha-ta-pu-ach  lo  nofel  ra-chok  me-ha-as Zoe, a computer code writer who
                                                                                    Interestingly, the most common    etz, literally “the apple does not fall far  begins to hear the thoughts of people
       Mar. 17     Dr. Andre Krauss Antisemitism, Holocaust Denial              word for “tree” in the Bible is etz (Pl.   from the tree,” referring to behavioral  around her through popular songs. At
       Mar. 23     Film (Free to Members and Guests) Shealtiels - 7:00 pm       eitzim), not ee-lan (Pl. ee-la-not). Ee-  similarities  of parents  and  children.  first,  she  questions  her  sanity.  Later,
                                                                                                                      Unfortunately, the  space  is too short  with the help of a friend, she comes to
                                                                                lan appears only six times in the Text
       April 20          Sylvia Pastor In the Kitchen with Sylvia               and  only  in  the  late  Book of Daniel,   to  mention  the many  more  usages of  realize that this power is a gift – she
                                                                                whereas etz appears throughout the Bi-  eitzim and  ee-la-not, enriching  the  can connect better with everyone, in-
                        Programs and schedules are subject to change.           ble 329 times. Etz is related to the Ak-  language landscape. We will continue  cluding her ailing father.
              We will make every attempt to notify you of the changes in a timely manner.  kadian word isu and, like it, referred to   with more on Arbor Day, which like   Levy’s first big role (2011) was as
          Please consult your bulletin, eBlasts and the Temple website for last minute information.  a living tree, bearing fruit and beautify-  Tu Bishvat, is a day devoted to the rec-the co-star of the well-reviewed ABC
             The Miniversity Committee wishes to thank our speakers for their contributions   ing the landscape (Gen 1:29; Ez 47:7 et   ognition of the importance of trees in  series  Suburgatory.  When  she  was

                         to the educational vision of Temple Beth Israel.       al). It was the name for “timber” and   nature.                         in that show, I tried and failed to find
                   Your continued participation and support makes it all possible.
                                                                                “wood”  out  of  which  different  tools   Have a lovely Tu Bish-vat day.
                                                                                and  objects  were  made  (Ex.  25:10;  I   Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
                                                                                Sam 6:14 et al).                      of  biblical  literature  at  Spertus  Col-
                                                                                    From the many idioms and phrases   lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct
                                                                                in Hebrew, where trees are at the cen-  professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
                                                                                ter, it  becomes clear  that  eitzim were   College in Sarasota.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Harold and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Evelyn R. Davis
      The Jewish News is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers, committed advertisers and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.                                                                                                                   Memorial Foundation
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