Page 27 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 27

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                        February 2020                                     27A

     Stars of David                                                                       Interested in Your

 Etz – Tree  By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist                                         Family’s History?

     Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish
     for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-

 appreciated and adored in the Hebraic  ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify   Nate Bloom (see column at left) has become a family history expert in 10
 culture.  Not only  were  eitzim created  with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are     years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help
 by God to “bear fruit with the seed in  also identified as Jewish.               when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a
 it” (Gen 1:11), but they also were sym-Jewish Stars in New TV Shows –  out more about her background. Over   full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start
 bols of life and wisdom, as exhibited in  Catch-Up and Look Ahead  time, family history sites revealed that   with a limited search of one family line.
 the story of the Garden of Eden where  Starting  on Friday, January 2 on   her father is Jewish and her mother is
 Etz  Ha-chayim,  the  “Tree  of  Life,”  Fox (9PM)  was  Deputy.  STEPHEN   not. I don’t know more because Levy   So here’s the deal:
 and Etz Ha-da-at, the “Tree of Knowl-DORFF, 48, plays Bill Hollister, a dep-  just doesn’t talk about her family back-
 edge,” were planted by God at its cen-uty who becomes the chief of the huge   ground.   Write Bloom at and enclose a phone number.
 ter (Gen. 2:9).  Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Depart-  Broadway actor SKYLER ASTIN,   Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that
 It is not surprising, then, that for  ment when the elected Chief suddenly   32, plays Max, who is Zoe’s best friend
 the writer of the Book of Proverbs, wis-dies. Hollister is more an old West guy   at work. Astin, who was born Skyler   goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible.
 dom was perceived as Etz Chayim, “a  than  a  modern  lawman.  Dorff,  who   Lipstein, is best known to most people   The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also,
 tree of life” (Pro 3:18). But for the rab-identifies as Jewish, is a veteran action   for playing Jesse Swanson in the films
 bis, the Torah was an Etz Cha-yim for  film actor. Dorff’s late mother wasn’t   Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2.   several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate
 those who followed in her path. More-Jewish. His Jewish father  is  STEVE   Also starting on January 7 was   friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out
 over, people were also compared with  DORFF, 70, a successful songwriter   FBI: Most Wanted (CBS, 9PM). It’s a   great for them. So contact him about this as well.
 the beauty of trees. A righteous person,  who also writes film scores.  spin-off of the CBS series, FBI, which
 for example, was compared to a “thriv-  BEX TAYLOR-KLAUS, 25, has   began  in  2018.  The  five  co-stars  in-
 ing cedar of Lebanon” (Ps. 92:14), and  a supporting  Deputy role as Breanna   clude  ROXY  STERNBERG, 30. In   his Next Gen role (“Data,” an android)   to  bring a  musical  version of  The
 a successful person was seen as an “etz  Bishop, an investigator in the Sheriff’s   2016, she was profiled in the London   in the new series.   Nanny  to  Broadway. A  five-star  team
 planted beside a stream of water, which  office. This is her first role as a network   Jewish Chronicle following her cast-  Starting  Thursday, February 6   of songwriters, producers, etc., are at-
 yields fruit in season” (Ps. 1:3).   series regular. She told the Windy City   ing in  Emerald City, an NBC  series   (NBC, 9:30PM) is the  comedy  series   tached to the project.
 On the other hand, etz is also used  Times that “Bex” is short for Rebecca.   that only lasted a couple of months.   Indebted. Dave (ADAM PALLY, 37)   Indebted was created  by  DAN
 to point to the negative in the human  When asked about her nationality, she   Sternberg is the daughter of a black and   and  Rebecca  (Abby Elliot)  look  for-  LEVY, 38, a stand-up  comedian  and
 condition. The prophet Isaiah, for ex-replied,  “Wow,  that  is  difficult.  My   Jewish Ugandan mother  and an Eng-  ward to some “down time” after their   TV comedy series writer/producer. His
 ample,  described  idol worshipers as  family is from Spain, Cuba, Israel. The   lish Jewish father. The Chronicle noted   main parenting duties are behind them.   wife is RACHEL SPECTER, 39, an
 those who worshiped bul etz, namely  family is Jewish and from all over the   that when she is home in London, she   Then  Dave’s  parents  Linda  (FRAN   actress  and  comedy  writer  who has
 “blocks of wood” (Isa 44:19). To this  place.”  teaches Hebrew School classes at her   DRESCHER,  62)  and  Stew (STE-  many credits. They wed before a rabbi
 day, the words bul etz refer to a thick-  Starting on  Tuesday, January 7   synagogue (she’s fluent in Hebrew).   VEN WEBER, 58) show up without   in 2010 and have two children. Spec-
 headed, dullard or foolish person.   (NBC, 10PM) was  Zoey’s Extraordi-  Avenue  5 is a comedic  science   warning on Dave’s doorstep.  They   ter was born and raised in Tampa, and
 We will end with the popular saying  nary Playlist. JANE LEVY, 30, stars   fiction  series,  set  in  the  future,  that   are broke and Dave has to take them   her mother (at last report) taught fourth
 ha-ta-pu-ach  lo  nofel  ra-chok  me-ha-as Zoe, a computer code writer who   started  on HBO on Sunday, January   in (he “owes” them). The two couples   grade at the Tampa Hillel Day School.
 etz, literally “the apple does not fall far  begins to hear the thoughts of people   19  (10PM). Avenue  5  is  the  name  of   don’t get on that well. You might best   Her father is an associate dean at the
 from the tree,” referring to behavioral  around her through popular songs. At   the spaceship where most of the series   remember Weber as the younger of the   Tampa-based University of South Flor-
 similarities  of parents  and  children.  first,  she  questions  her  sanity.  Later,   scenes take place. JOSH GAD, 38, is a   two pilot brothers in the sit-com Wings.   ida College of Medicine.
 Unfortunately, the  space  is too short  with the help of a friend, she comes to   series regular. He plays Herman Judd,   Pally has a host of recent credits, in-
 to  mention  the many  more  usages of  realize that this power is a gift – she   the billionaire owner of Avenue 5.   cluding  co-starring  roles  in  Happy   Need to reach the editor
 eitzim and  ee-la-not, enriching  the  can connect better with everyone, in-  Also  in outer space is  Captain   Endings and The Mindy Project.
 language landscape. We will continue  cluding her ailing father.   Picard,  a  CBS All-Access  series  that   Everyone  knows Drescher  as the   of The Jewish News?
 with more on Arbor Day, which like   Levy’s first big role (2011) was as   began  on  Thursday, January 23. Pat-  star of The Nanny, the hit ’90s sit-com.   Send an email to
 Tu Bishvat, is a day devoted to the rec-the co-star of the well-reviewed ABC   rick Stewart returns in the title role he   Last  month,  it  was  announced  that
 ognition of the importance of trees in  series  Suburgatory.  When  she  was   created in Star Trek: The Next Genera-  RACHEL  My  Crazy  Ex-Girlfriend

 nature.    in that show, I tried and failed to find   tion.  BRENT  SPINER, 70, reprises   BLOOM, 32, will work with Drescher
 Have a lovely Tu Bish-vat day.
 Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
 of  biblical  literature  at  Spertus  Col-
 lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct
 professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
 College in Sarasota.

                                          SARASOTA JAZZ FESTIVAL

                                                                                          SARASOTA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM

                                                                       MARCH 8 - 14, 2020

                                                                           MUSIC DIRECTOR KEN PEPLOWSKI


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                                                                        Plus afternoon jazz, the ever popular Jazz

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                                                                                       For tickets and information visit


                                                                                                                           The Harold and
                                                                                                                           Evelyn R. Davis
                                                                                                                         Memorial Foundation
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