Page 32 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 32
A study by Dr. Hisham Jubran
BRIEFS found that 81% of Jewish residents of homes inside Israel.” them, Menuhin said her goal is to show
“the common values we share and the
A Palestinian human rights ac-
mixed cities described relations with
tivist in Gaza said “fatigue” was also
similarities between us.”
Arab residents as good, and 89% of the behind the decision. “People are tired, Uzi Rabi, director of the Moshe
continued from previous page
Arab residents described relations with and the organizers know that very well. Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and
issue, “these countries are looking af- Jewish residents as good. In recent months we’ve seen a signifi- African Studies at Tel Aviv Universi-
ter themselves,” including enhancing Arabs – especially young couples cant decrease in the number of people ty, said the region was in a “transitory
security cooperation with Israel against and members of the middle class – are participating in the Friday demonstra- phase,” including “a growing portion
Iran. Gold, who heads the Jerusalem moving from Arab communities into tions.” (Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusa- of young Arabs who are no longer
Center for Public Affairs think-tank, mixed cities to improve their quality lem Post) afraid to talk to Israelis.... Today, most
said, “The name of the game is how of life and enjoy better municipal ser- people know that Israel is not the prob-
to find joint interests that don’t cre- vices. (Jalal Bana, Israel Hayom) JERUSALEM-TEL AVIV lem.”
ate a big stir. In any case, if you did FAST TRAIN BEGINS The Foreign Ministry’s Arabic-
public opinion surveys, you’d find that JERUSALEM RANKED OPERATIONS language Facebook pages, Twitter
throughout most of the Gulf there’s a WORLD’S FASTEST The new high-speed electrified railway and Instagram accounts, and YouTube
kind of understanding that Israel’s part GROWING TOURIST between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv was channel collectively draw 10 million
of the region.” (AFP - France 24) DESTINATION inaugurated on Saturday night, Decem- viewers and followers each week.
ISRAELI PUBLIC NAME Jerusalem is the world’s fastest grow- ber 21. (Ruth Eglash, Washington Post)
Travel time on the new route is 30
ing tourist destination, UK business
NEW PLANET “ALEF” intelligence company Euromonitor In- minutes, compared with 90 minutes on ISRAEL’S LEVIATHAN
The Israel Ministry of Science, Tech- ternational reports. the old Jerusalem-Tel Aviv railway line OFFSHORE NATURAL
nology and Space announced recently The city saw 3.93 million overseas winding through the Judean hills. GAS FIELD BEGINS
that it will name a planet after the He- tourists in 2018, up 12% from 2017, The new 56-km. route includes an PRODUCTION
brew letter Alef, the first letter of the and is expected to enjoy 22% growth 11.6-km. tunnel, the longest in Israel; a Gas began flowing from the Leviathan
alphabet. in 2019 to 4.8 million. (Globes) 1.25-km. bridge, the longest in Israel; offshore natural gas field on Tuesday,
The name was chosen in an online and a 90-meter high bridge, the highest December 30, the largest energy proj-
poll of 20,000 participants conducted GAZA BORDER PROTESTS in Israel. ect in Israel’s history.
by the Israel Space Agency. SUSPENDED FOR THREE The Yitzhak Navon railway station Yossi Abu, CEO of Delek Drill-
On the occasion of its 100 anni- MONTHS in Jerusalem is 80 meters underground, ing LP, said, “For the first time since
versary, the International Astronomical The organizers of the Great March of the deepest railway station in Israel its establishment, Israel is now an en-
Association offered dozens of countries Return demonstrations near the border and one of the deepest in the world. ergy powerhouse, able to supply all its
the chance to name a planet and a star with Israel on Thursday, December 26, (Globes) energy needs and gaining energy inde-
in solar systems outside of the Milky suspended the protests until the end of pendence. At the same time, we will be
Way. (Itamar Eichner, Ynet News) March 2020. Palestinian political ana- ISRAEL IS USING DIGITAL exporting natural gas to Israel’s neigh-
JEWISH-ARAB lysts said the decision was linked to DIPLOMACY TO REACH bors [Egypt and Jordan], thus strength-
ening Israel’s position in the region.”
COOPERATION SEEN IN ceasefire understandings reached be- Linda Menuhin, born in Baghdad, is Located in the Mediterranean Sea
tween Israel and Hamas.
ISRAEL’S MIXED CITIES Yusri Darwish, from the group or- the moderator of the Arabic-language 125 km. (77 miles) west of Haifa, the
In Israel’s mixed Jewish-Arab cities ganizing the protests, said that when Facebook pages and social media Leviathan field holds some 22 trillion
in the last municipal elections, Arabs the demonstrations resume on March platforms run by Israel’s Ministry of cubic feet of recoverable natural gas.
running on national party lists or as in- 30, they will take place monthly rather Foreign Affairs. Interacting daily with The gas supply will enable Israel to
dependent candidates were elected to than weekly. residents of Arab countries and provid- phase out expensive and polluting im-
city councils, and they all, without ex- “Thursday’s announcement is an ing information about Israel, Judaism ported coal for generating electricity.
ception, joined the municipal coalition admission of failure,” a Palestinian and the Jews who once lived among (Shoshanna Solomon, Times of Israel)
governments. journalist in Gaza said. “The protests
In every mixed-population city, failed to achieve their two declared Get to know Israel and her people!
one finds close cooperation between goals: ending the blockade on Gaza
Jews and Arabs at every level of mu- and achieving the right of return for Visit
nicipal activity. Palestinian refugees to their former