Page 35 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 35

COMMENTARY                                                                             February 2020                                     35A

     Another crossroad                                                          Similarity yet contempt

     By Harold M. Halpern                                                       By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain
                                                                                       story tells how one Lubavitch-
                                          period. Netanyahu serves as a caretak-
        sraelis hoped that the second elec-  without a budget and with a divided  A                                   in order to fortify our egos because we
        tion of the year on November 17,   er Prime Minister without a Knesset,        er in mid-19  century Europe   are already  intrinsically  unique from
     I2019, would result in a govern-                                                  explained to another that, “The   any other human being that will ever
     ment. It didn’t. The parties in the Right   electorate  unsure if another  election   world, my friend, is divided into two,   walk the face of the earth.
     Block and the Center-Left block again   will continue the deadlock and wheth-  ‘them’ and ‘us.’ There’s no point talk-  The question is how  willing we
     deadlocked with both short of the 61   er democracy and its government can                    ing about ‘them.’   are  to  actually  cultivate  our  innate
     votes in the 120-seat Knesset required   function to provide for its needs.                   Now us Jews        specialness  since  this  is  something
     to select a candidate for Prime Minister   What  is the  likely  outcome?  The                are  divided  into   that requires considerable resolve and
     to form a government.                divide over the issues remains.                          the Hasidim and    resilience.  For many, the  easier  road
                           Israelis vote      The Right wants to continue with                     those  opposing    to  differentiation  is  to  just  depreciate
                       for a  party  and   Netanyahu  as  Prime  Minister,  annex                  them,  the Mit-    others or simply pursue a path of non-
                       not an individual.   the Jordan  Valley in the  West Bank,                  nagdim. And  re-   conformity. But while  the  non-con-
                       A party receives   maintain the religious status quo under                  ally,  there’s no   formist may believe he is highlighting
                       a proportionate    the Orthodox Rabbinate,  and weaken                      point talking about   his singularity by doing so,  this con-
                       share of the Knes-  the power of the Supreme Court to re-  Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  the Mitnagdim.   trived iconoclasm actually  distances
                       set seats based on   view actions of the Knesset, including   Among us Hasidim there are basically   him from realizing the possibility  of
                       its  percentage  of   a right to overrule its decisions.  two kinds, Satmar and Lubavitch. No   unfolding his authentic self.
                       the  total  votes.     The Center-Left wants Netanyahu   point talking about the former.  With     Our given ethnic,  religious, na-
       Harold M. Halpern  This  encourages   to go; to modify the strictures of Ortho-  Lubavitch  there  are  the  scholars  and   tional and other group identities should
     multiple  parties to represent diverse   dox Rabbinate control over daily lives,   those that just join in the farbrengen   serve to encourage the exploration and
     interests. The only restraint is a party   marriage and the military exemption of   socials. Of course, no point talking   growth required to achieve  true indi-
     must receive at least 3.25% of the vote   Orthodox students until age 35; main-  about the farbrengen, so this leaves the   viduation. Too often, though, they are
     – a very minimal requirement.        tain strong security in the West Bank   scholars among us, you and me. And   utilized instead to narrowly define our
        No party in Israel’s history has ob-  without annexation to keep open the   everyone  recognizes  how little  you   identity  parameters, thereby  foreclos-
     tained 61 votes. A coalition of parties   future possibility for a two-state solu-  know.”                       ing our potential capacities in myriad
     has always been necessary to form a   tion; and maintain the power of the Su-  This humorous yet mordant  an-    realms.
     government.  Today’s  world is highly   preme Court as a check on the action of   ecdote reflects what Freud called “the   Tellingly, “the  narcissism  of mi-
     polarized. After approximately 90 days   the Knesset.                      narcissism of small differences,” a term   nor differences” phenomenon seems to
     of negotiations, no one could get the    Yet, this election will have some   associated with the longing for distinct   have been especially borne out with the
     necessary votes.                     difference. Voters may realize the stakes   identity. According  to  the  founder  of   advent of the internet, cell phones and
        The Right coalition of Likud, two   and turn out in higher numbers. Gantz   psychoanalysis, because the perceived   social  media,  as they  underscore  just
     Orthodox Religious Parties and Yamid,   has established his credentials as a via-  uniqueness of a person is threatened by   how much  humanity, indeed, has in
     a Nationalist party, mustered 55 votes   ble candidate. Criminal charges against   others who appear too much like him,   common. Food, fashion and entertain-
     for  Benjamin  Netanyahu  –  six  short.   Netanyahu may lose him votes, but yet,   an overemphasizing of relatively small   ment have become internationalized to
     The Center Blue-White coalition with   is that enough? It may not be for Gantz.  differences between them is undertak-  the point that lifestyles and consumer
     two parties on its left plus commitment   Netanyahu’s lost votes may go to   en to enhance ego strength and sense   desires are now fairly universal.
     from 10 of 13 Arab-Israeli  coalitions   other Right parties.  A couple of ex-  of personal superiority. “It is precisely   But this accentuated  appreciation
     received promises from 54 members of   treme Right parties that missed the   the  minor  differences  in  people  who   of sameness has led to an unparalleled
     the Knesset – seven short.           threshold vote in November may gar-   are otherwise alike that form the basis   unleashing  of antipathy  via  Twitter,
        Yisrael Beiteinu,  led by  Avig-  ner enough in March to take seats,    of feelings of hostility between them,”   Facebook and ubiquitous electronic
     dor  Liberman,  said  a  plague  on  both   while at the same time, minor Left par-  Freud  wrote  in  drawing  on  earlier   message boards. In increasingly recog-
     of your houses, and together with the   ties that made the threshold may fail.   work by British anthropologist Ernest     nizing our similarity we, as Freud theo-
     three remaining Arab-Israeli members   If this occurs, the Right may get 61   Crawley.                           rized, are also fighting against it.
     made  no  commitment.  No one  could   votes. And Liberman may again have      This idea is witnessed today in the   Nevertheless,  there  may be some
     get  to 61.  The  two largest factions,   the power to tip Right or Center-Left.  tension found between Sunni and Shi-  room  for  optimism.  In  the  face  of  a
     Blue-White and Likud, refused to form    But public pressure may demand    ite Muslims, Serbs and Croats, Flem-  global existential  threat like global
     a grand coalition.                   a broad coalition rather than a narrow   ing and Walloon in Belgium, Catholics   warming, we will, ultimately, and de-
        Both Benny Gantz and Netanyahu    government. The parties may rise to the   and Protestants, and within the Jewish   spite  our hostilities,  be  compelled  to
     stated their reasons. For Gantz it was   occasion and compromise their interests   community  and many others as well.   come together to address it. It may
     immoral to serve with Netanyahu under   for a decent period of time to give the   Of course, division can also be found   be that  the creativity, resourcefulness
     criminal charges of bribery and breach   country some stability. This is the hope   in families where sibling conflict can   and  compromises  required  for this
     of trust. For Netanyahu, a rejection by   of the Israel public. Democracy will   be quite pronounced.            will lead, by necessity, to the building
     Gantz to annex the Jordan Valley in the   then have met its test. Stay tuned.  A healthy individual or group iden-  of real bridges of trust and mutuality
     West Bank disqualified him. The more   Harold  M.  Halpern,  a  retired  attor-  tity should strive to evince what it is   among people. Hopefully, this will oc-
     likely reason is that both thought they   ney  living  for  12  years  in  Lakewood   for, not simply what it is against. Its   cur before it is too late.
     can  do better  in a third  election.  For   Ranch, is a board member of the Amer-  aim  is  not  to  find  fault  or  inferiority   Rabbi  Jonathan  R.  Katz  serves  as  a
     Netanyahu, it keeps him in office and   ican  Association of Jewish lawyers   in others but to productively fulfill the   Community Chaplain and Director of
     delays his criminal trial.           and Justices, and a board member of   potential of the identity’s inherent dis-  JFCS’s Jewish Healing Program. His
        The next election is scheduled for   the Sarasota Chapter of the American   tinctiveness. In other words, we don’t   position is underwritten by The Jewish
     March 2, 2020. Truly, this is a critical   Jewish Committee.               have to seek out differences in others   Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.

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