Page 38 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 38

38A                          February 2020                                                                  FOCUS ON YOUTH

     Join young families at “Strawberry Fields Tot Shabbat”

     This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
            oung  Jewish and  interfaith   of hand sanitizer!), families  will  par-  story with Temple Emanu-El Associate   org/events.  For more information,
            families  are warmly  invited   ticipate in an age-appropriate outdoor   Rabbi Michael Shefrin. Families are   please  call  Rabbi  Michael  Shefrin  at
     Yto spend Shabbat in the straw-      Shabbat  worship experience,  featur-  then invited to unpack and enjoy their   941.371.2788. We look forward to cel-
     berry fields at “Strawberry Fields Tot   ing songs, blessings, movement, and a   brown-bag lunches. We will then head   ebrating Tot  Shabbat  with  you in  the
     Shabbat” on Saturday, February 29 at                                       to  the  strawberry  fields  to  pick  fresh   strawberry  fields!  For  more  informa-
     11:00 a.m. at Hunsader Farms.                                              delicious strawberries for dessert. The   tion  about  PJ  Library,  please  contact
        A very special opportunity to cel-                                      morning will finish up with a train ride   Andrea  Eiffert  at
     ebrate Shabbat, the blessings of nature,                                   as well as mini ice cream cups for all   or 941.552.6308.
     and the taste of fresh-picked strawber-                                    the little ones. Although
     ries, “Strawberry Fields Tot Shabbat”                                      this special event is de-
     is one of Temple Emanu-El’s signature                                      signed especially  for
     events, and is proudly presented  in                                       families  with  children
     partnership with The Jewish Federa-                                        up to age 6, older kids
     tion of Sarasota-Manatee and PJ Li-                                        are also warmly invited.
     brary.                                                                         Spaces are lim-
        This wonderful morning will be-                                         ited for “Strawberry
     gin with socializing with old and new                                      Fields  Tot  Shabbat,”
     friends as children explore  the  play-                                    and early  registration
     ground area and feed the animals in                                        is encouraged. Please
     the newly enhanced  petting  zoo.  Af-   Sasha Leopold and Eliana Lasko-Scott    reserve  your family’s   The Weber and Feld families enjoyed the train ride
     ter  playtime  (and  generous  spritzes   at last year’s Strawberry Fields Tot Shabbat  spot at  www.jfedsrq.  at last year’s Strawberry Fields Tot Shabbat

     Sarasota BBYO                                                              Menorah Building Workshop

     This program is sponsored by                                               a huge hit for families
     The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
     By Jessica Zimmerman, Associate Regional Dir., North Florida Region        This program is sponsored by
        n December, Sarasota BBYO gath-   inspiring platform from which the     The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
        ered for two exciting  events. The   best and brightest teen and adult lead-  amilies from around the area got   together to prepare for Chanukah.
     Ifirst  was  a  movie  night  and  pot-  ers from across the Jewish world (and   in the Chanukah spirit with a       In addition to building and paint-
     luck. BBYO teens enjoyed Grease in a    beyond) unite to celebrate, dream and   FHome Depot Menorah Building     ing menorahs, children  received  a
     movie room with lots of pizza and    take  action  to continue  strengthening   Workshop on Sunday, December 8. The   Chanukah gift bag with their very
     snacks. One week later, Sarasota hosted   the future.                      sounds of children laughing, hammers   own menorahs and glow-in-the-dark
     Tampa BBYO for Global Shabbat, an        With nearly 5,000 total attendees,   banging and Chanukah music playing   Chanukah  toys.  They  got  their  faces
     international  BBYO initiative  to cre-  opportunities  to participate  in direct   brought the festive atmosphere of Cha-  painted,  prepared  Chanukah cards
     ate something meaningful  around the   service  and unique Shabbat services,   nukah to Home Depot. It was exciting   for residents at Aviva - A Campus for
     theme of Shabbat. Twenty teens gath-  and appearances  from very special   to see close to 100 children gathering   Senior  Life,  tasted  delicious  latkes
     ered for this special event that encom-  guests – to name a few things to look                                   and  doughnuts,  and  enjoyed  a  Cha-
     passed Havdalah, unique programming   forward to – IC 2020 is going to be off                                    nukah Stick-It  Together  Art Project.
     crafted  by BBYO teens themselves,   the charts.                                                                 Rabbi Mendy Bukiet spoke about the
     and lots of food.                        To be added to our email list and                                       message of Chanukah and the impor-
        This month, our BBYO teens are    receive updates about BBYO program-                                         tance of adding light in the world with
     pumped  for International  Convention   ming,  email  me  at  jesszimmerman@                                     acts of goodness and kindness.
     (IC) in Dallas on February 13-17. IC I hope to hear from you and                                         Three children were the lucky win-
     has become  an unparalleled  conven-  welcome you to Sarasota BBYO.                                              ners of a Maccabot Chanukah Dancing
     ing, offering a powerful, strategic and                                                                          Robot and an Emoji Menorah.
                                                                                                                          The  Menorah Building  Work-
                                                                                                                      shop was organized and sponsored by
                                                                                                                      Chabad  of  Bradenton  &  Lakewood
                                                                                                                      Ranch,  The  Jewish Federation  of
                                                                                                                      Sarasota-Manatee,  PJ  Library  and
                                                                                         Carly and Stella Guido       Home Depot.


           PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
           Manatee to provide families raising Jewish children with the gift
           of free, high-quality children’s books, music, and resources that
           foster deeper engagement with Jewish life in our community.

                   Join one of our PJ programs below
           to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.

                Children Ages 6 mo. thru 8 years

             Sign-up at

                  Children Ages 8 thru 12 years

                                                                                                The Balas family enjoys the Menorah Building Workshop
                 Sign-up at
                                                                                  Read the current and previous

          For more information, contact
          Andrea Eiffert                                                             editions of The Jewish News

          941.552.6308    PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously                  online at
                          funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.
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