Page 42 - Jewish News_February 2020
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2B                         February 2020                                                           JEWISH HAPPENINGS


              TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4                                                     WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5

                    One-Day Trip to the Rebbe’s Ohel                                      The Gan’s “Mind in the Making” Workshop
        Wednesday, February 5, or the 10  of Shevat on the Hebrew calendar,         The Gan at Temple Sinai presents an opportunity to join a learning adven-
        marks  70  years  of  the  Rebbe’s  leadership.  To  honor  this  special  day,   ture designed to help you and your children thrive. “Mind in the Making”
        Chabad of Sarasota is organizing a one-day trip to the Ohel (the resting    is a learning workshop geared for parents, grandparents, child care pro-
        place of the Lubavitch Rebbe) located in Cambria Heights, New York,         fessionals, early learning educators and caregivers, focusing on controlling
        on Tuesday, February 4. We will fly from TPA at 7:00 a.m. Rabbi Chaim       behavior and other specific areas of child development and learning. Join
        & Sara Steinmetz welcome community members to join this trip, which         us at 9:15 a.m. at Temple Sinai, 4631 South Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota
        which  costs  $117  roundtrip.  The  trip  will  include  a  tour  of  interesting   (enter only from Proctor Road between Beneva and Swift). To register,
        places in Crown Heights, time to shop at Judaica stores and to enjoy lunch   contact Judy Polivy at or 941.355.1184.
        and dinner together before flying from JFK to TPA at 7:00 p.m. For more
        information, contact Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz at 941.925.0770 or rabbi@         The Original Brown Bag with Rabbi Geoff Huntting                                                       Temple Sinai has a longstanding tradition of Rabbi Geoff Huntting host-
                     The Jewish Women’s Book Club                                   ing a brown bag lunch and discussion of timely topics. Join with congre-
                                                                                    gants, friends and neighbors in spirited conversations surrounding worldly
        Join the most popular Jewish Women’s book club in town at “Caffeine for     events. Bring a bag lunch and an open mind to discuss important issues.
        the Soul.” Get your weekly social and spiritual boost over a roundtable     This free workshop is open to the community. Participants are encouraged
        discussion led by Chaya Rivka Schmerling. Enjoy coffee and homemade         to introduce ideas for discussion, analysis and/or debate. Join us at 11:45
        pastries. Walk-ins are welcome to this free event at 10:00 a.m. at Chabad   a.m. on Wednesdays, February 5, 12, 19 and 26 at Temple Sinai, 4631
        Education Center, 21560 Angela Lane, Venice. The Book Club also meets       South Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota (enter only from Proctor Road be-
        at the same time on Tuesday, February 11. For more information, contact     tween Beneva and Swift). For more information, contact the temple office
        Chaya Rivka Schmerling at 941.493.2770 or         at 941.924.1802 or
                         NCJW’s “The Blankee Bee”                                         Temple Emanu-El “Lunch with the Rabbis”
        The  National  Council  of Jewish Women  has an  ongoing project  called    Are you looking for a great lunch date? Join Rabbi Brenner Glickman,
        “The Blankee Bee.” The project has involved its members in making no-       Rabbi  Michael  Shefrin  and  friendly,  interesting  companions  for  lunch,
        sew fleece blankets which have been distributed to various agencies, such   socializing,  and  a  discussion of current  events  and  subjects  of Jewish
        as  Manatee  Community Action Agency,  HIPPY  (Home  Instruction  for       interest. All are invited to this popular, stimulating and enjoyable program
        Parents of Preschool Youngsters), residents of Anchin Pavilion, patients at   at noon at Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Road, Sarasota. Attendees
        the Florida Cancer Center, and children at Camp Mariposa as a joint ven-    are asked to bring a brown-bag lunch and are also welcome to bring a
        ture with JFCS of the Suncoast. Join us from 10:00 a.m. to noon on JFCS     newspaper article for discussion. Homemade dessert and terrific company
        of the Suncoast’s Weinberg Campus (2688 Fruitville Road, Sarasota) to       are provided! For more information, call the temple office at 941.371.2788.
        make these blankets. For more information, please contact Dale Gruder at or 941.554.8592.                                                  “Judaism’s Gifts to the World”
                                                                                    Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                      “Judaism’s Gifts to the World”                                The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) presents a new six-session course
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                      on how major Jewish ideas have become universal values. An analysis of
        Chabad of Venice will offer “Judaism’s Gifts to the World,” a new six-      Jewish contributions past and present allows us to define ways in which
        session course by the acclaimed Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, unearthing   Judaism can continue serving as a beacon of light and wisdom for all hu-
        the  Jewish roots of some of the  most cherished  values of  Western        manity. Classes meet at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, February 5, 12, 19 and
        civilization.  We will face toward Jerusalem to discover how common         26 at The Chabad House, 5712 Lorraine Road, Bradenton. The cost of $75
        ideas of personal responsibility, the  inherent  sanctity  of human  life,   includes the textbooks. JLI courses are sponsored in part by The Jewish
        institutionalized universal education, human equality, the dignity of a day   Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. For more information, contact Rabbi
        of rest and devotion to family, and a sense of purpose have their origins in   Mendy Bukiet at 941.752.3030 or
        ancient Judaism. Classes begin at 7:30 p.m. at Chabad Education Center,
        21560 Angela Lane, Venice. The first class is free. To register or for more
        information, visit or call 941.493.2770.


         DALET presents acclaimed author and speaker                                                             THE

                       A V I   J O R I S C H                                                                   DATE

                                                                                          ES FOR WOMEN


           Mark your calendar:              Buy your tickets today
            Sunday, March 29                        and save!

                  2:00 pm                      $18 until March 20
            Temple Emanu-El                      $25 at the door

           151 McIntosh Road                       Register at                                                               THURSDAY
           Sarasota, FL 34232                                                                MARCH 26
                                                                                                                             Michael’s On East

       Mr.  Jorisch  will  share  how  Israeli  innovations  are  helping  to  repair  the
                                                                                      WOMEN’S PASSOVER CELEBRATION
       world, one astounding discovery at a time, exemplifying the spirit of tikkun
       olam.                                                                          WOMEN’S PASSOVER CELEBRATION

       Mr.  Jorisch  is  a  Middle  East  expert  and  Senior  Fellow  at  the  American
       Foreign Policy Council. His articles have appeared in the New York Times,               Celebrating 100 years of Women’s Suffrage
       the Wall Street Journal, Foreign Affairs, Forbes and Thou
       Shalt Innovate has been translated into over 30 languages.
                                                                                       ONLINE REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 24

                                 Sponsored by                                      Co-Chairs: Janis, Mary & Ella Collier (representing three generations)
                                                                                                QUESTIONS? Contact Lisa Feinman,
                                                                                     or 941.706.0034
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