Page 37 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 37

FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                         February 2020                                     37A

 Haggigat Hanukkah    Community Day School students

 at Temple Emanu-El  spread Hanukkah joy through visits to seniors

          tudents from Sarasota’s Her-    Hanukkah party.                       the opportunity to bring her
          shorin  Schiff  Community  Day      The  students  at  Community  Day   students to area senior resi-
     SSchool  spread Hanukkah  joy        School  enjoy  numerous  intergenera-  dences.
     on the final day of school before win-  tional opportunities. In recent years,   “Many of our students
     ter break. The K-2 students traveled to   students from Community  Day and   don’t have grandparents here
     Aviva - A Campus for Senior Life to   residents at Aviva have enjoyed gather-  in town and their opportuni-
     perform Hanukkah songs and distrib-  ings for Shabbat and Jewish holidays as   ties to spend time with older
     ute holiday cards they made in school.   well as projects incorporating the shar-  people  are  very limited,”
     They were thrilled  to receive  goody   ing of stories, and creation of memory   she said. “I’ve found that
     bags and cards from residents. The third   books and  family  trees,  among  other   our kids absolutely light up
     and fourth graders went to The Inn at   activities. The students also enjoy the   when we tell them we’re go-
     The Fountains at Lake Pointe Woods to   Apple Muffin Project and “Baking with   ing to do something to make
     perform Hanukkah songs and play the   Bubbies” program, in partnership with   other people smile.  They
     traditional dreidel game with residents   the Sisterhood at Temple Beth Sholom.  definitely enjoyed their time
     there. Afterward, the children returned   Longtime Community Day School    celebrating  Hanukkah with
     to Community Day for a school-wide   teacher Barbara O’Brien is thrilled for   their new friends at  Aviva   Community Day School student Sophie Lirio
                                                                                and The Fountains!”                    with Aviva resident Miriam Ring

                                                                                       Hershorin Schiff Community Day School

                                                                                                        Preschool - 8th grade

                                                                                  Where students learn, lead and laugh together
                 Aviva resident Melva Marmion is thrilled to receive a Hanukkah card
                  from Community Day students Ava Rupp and Cayden Stolarski                     The Community Day School difference:

     The Gan Trike-a-Thon                                                                     A Jewish day school that is committed to diversity
                                                                                                      Rigorous, project-based learning
     raises money for St. Jude’s                                                              Music and art for every child, every week, all year
                                                                                                  Healthy and active outdoor learning daily

     Children’s Hospital                                                                                   Competitive athletics

     By Gail Glickman                                                                        Variable Tuition Model – affordable for every family
           ikes,  Cozy  Coupes, balance                                                             Accredited by FCIS, FKC & PRIZMAH
           bikes and scooters all riding
     Baround a decorated  course of                                                                 Hershorin Schiff Community Day School
     flags, colorful cones and balloons was                                                                   1050 S. Tuttle Ave. Sarasota
     the  sight  you saw when you walked                                                            (941) 552-2770 |
     into The Gan at Temple Sinai on No-                                                            
     vember 15.
        The  Gan has been  raising money
     for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital  for
     over  a  decade  with  its  annual  Trike-
     a-Thon.  Leading  up  to  the  race,  Gan
     children raise money from family and
     friends to donate to St. Jude’s, a hos-
     pital that is internationally recognized
     for its pioneering work in finding cures
     and saving children, solely supported   and helmet safety along with doing a
     by donations. Over the last decade,   mitzvah for others. The week leading
     The Gan children, family and friends   up to the event teaches children to al-
     have raised more than $10,000 during   ways wear a helmet when they ride,      F A M I L Y E V E N T
     the annual Trike-a-Thon. The funds go   to always look where they are going,
     directly to the children at St. Jude’s.  to ride on the sidewalk and be careful
        All 60 members of  The  Gan at    around driveways, and that it is a mitz-
     Temple Sinai had a great time partici-  vah to do good for others. Most impor-                  Chabad of Sarasota Presents
     pating in the annual event. It was fun to   tant, the focus is on safety first. This is         POLKA DOT
     see the children get excited while they   not a race. Everyone is a winner when
     learned about the importance  of bike   we help others.                                      PURIM PARTY
                                                          This beautiful  tradi-
                                                       tion of doing good deeds       Enjoy family time and spirit of the Purim holiday with loud and
                                                       for others while  biking         joyful instruments from around the world, and making your
                                                       safely  was enjoyed  by          own polka-dot hamentashen! Hot dog dinner will be served
                                                       all.  The Gan collabora-                (vegetarian options available upon request).
                                                       tion with St. Jude’s will
                                                       continue year after year.         WHEN                   WHERE                   COST
                                                       Laura  Freedman,  Direc-        Wednesday,          Chabad of Sarasota’s       This Event
                                                       tor of Early Childhood            March 4          Weinstein After School        is FREE
                                                       Education,  emphasized            5:00 pm        Jewish Enrichment Program
                                                       how this annual  pro-                           7700 Beneva Road, Sarasota
                                                       gram is in keeping with                   Register at
                                                       The Gan  at  Temple  Si-
                                                       nai’s mission of grow-          For more information please contact Sara Steinmetz at
                                                       ing minds, strengthening            941.925.0770 or
                                                       bodies  and  nurturing         SPONSORED BY        Sarasota-Manatee
                              FAMILY                                                                      Chabad


                                THE STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE. THE POWER OF COMMUNITY.
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