Page 36 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 36

36A                          February 2020                                                                  FOCUS ON YOUTH

     Celebrate the “Birthday                                                    Haggigat Hanukkah

     of the Trees”                                                              at Temple Emanu-El

                                          immersing their senses with activities   By Sabrina Silverberg, MARE, Director of Education
                                          and exercises in the garden and con-        ach year, Temple Emanu-El Re-   was dedicated to a different segment of
                                          tinuing to learn by doing. The concept      ligious School (TEERS) holds a   the Hanukkah story and featured activ-
                                          of recycling to help save our trees is   Efamily education day, a Sunday    ities inspired by that segment. Children
                                          another  connection  easily  introduced   morning when parents and grandpar-  created  Maccabee  shields  and  edible
                                          in the context of the holiday. Teaching   ents join TEERS students to engage in   dreidels. They decorated Star of David
                                          respect for all living things and for our   hands-on, meaningful Jewish learning.   cookies that soon after disappeared!
                                          planet while talking about Tu B’Shevat   This year, the  family  education  day   The Hanukkah education day was
                                          provides students with the knowledge   was held on December 15, and was ti-  framed  with the Jewish values of re-
                                          they need to begin to form positive   tled Haggigat Hanukkah – the story of   silience,  courage and faith.  As one
                                          lifelong behaviors and habits that pro-  Hanukkah. It provided a great oppor-  TEERS  mother  put  it,  “The  program
                                          tect and preserve our ecosystem.      tunity to kick off the Hanukkah season   today was great. We learned a lot about
                                              Many Jewish preschools and re-
             Education                    ligious schools dub the holiday, the   with laughter, fun and joyful learning.   the history of Hanukkah and had fun,
                                                                                                                      too. My daughter loved it!”
                                                                                    More than 150 parents, grandpar-
                Corner                    “Birthday  of the  Trees.”  It captures   ents and children  of all ages were in   For more information about Tem-
           By Laura Freedman              the  attention  of  children  when they   attendance.  The  program  began  with   ple  Emanu-El  Religious  School  and
                                          associate parties with a holiday. Their
                                                                                a  special  visit from  the  “man  of the
                                                                                                                      family programs at Temple Emanu-El,
            ature captures the fascination   background experience with parties is   hour” – Hanukkah hero Judah Mac-  please call 941.378.5567.
            of young children. They enjoy   filled with exciting gatherings and fes-  cabee – and a hilarious play that was
     Ndiscovering  the many  variet-      tivities.  Educators  can  bring that  joy   performed by the Gesher class (7
     ies of beautiful flowers, the multitude   to a recognition of the trees and plants   grade). The festivities continued with
     of colors and shapes of leaves, and the   in  our  world. A  celebration  recogniz-  a Hanukkah story walk that  included
     life cycles and parts of plants. Early   ing the contribution  of trees and the   symbolic foods, Hanukkah crafts and
     childhood  and  primary-age  children   plant world is important and a whole   educational  activities  that  provided
     learn best by doing and experienc-   lot of fun for everyone. Children can   time  for  family  reflection.  Everyone
     ing through their senses, and the plant   sing “Happy Birthday” (Yom Huledet   enjoyed playing with dreidels and sam-
     world is  suited well for that sensory   Sameach) to the trees, snack on broc-  pling  gelt,  doughnuts and latkes with
     learning.                            coli and dip treats to remind them of   homemade  applesauce.  Each station
        This month, we celebrate the holi-  the trees, and create artwork and group
     day of  Tu B’Shevat, a celebration of   projects incorporating  natural  materi-
     plants and new life. It is a lovely way   als that they may find on nature walks
     to “marry” children’s wonder to the   in celebration of the trees. All of these
     beauty and significance of nature.   activities focus on trees!
        Outdoor classrooms have become        Tu B’Shevat is one holiday that
     a  special  addition  to  many  schools.   piques the interest of children of all                                   Skylar and grandmother Sandi Chapnick
     The goal of these unique spaces is to   ages – planting, nurturing, creating, re-
     give students opportunities to inter-  cycling and celebrating, all in appreci-
     act with nature. In the natural setting,   ation of our planet earth and our trees.
     they experiment and explore different   Get together with that special little one
     textures and species of flora. Teachers   in your life (a child, grandchild, niece,
     can introduce the life cycle  of plants   nephew or “grandfriend”) this holiday,
     with hands-on gardening and a chance   and spend some time discovering the
     to tend to their plantings. Helping chil-  beauty of nature through the eyes of
     dren connect  with nature  and under-  children.
     stand the importance of our trees and   Laura Freedman is the Director  of
     all they do for us is a bridge for them to   Early Childhood Education at The
     want to take good care of them, again   Gan at Temple Sinai.

                         STAY CONNECTED

                                                                                     Theo Levey-Baker and dad Cooper        Raquel Vieira and mom Jaime


                                                                                       E  ducat            ion
        F A M I L Y E V E N T                                                            Program
                                                                                                             Y NOW!
                                                                                     APPLY NOW!
                                                                                                            Y N
                          Temple Emanu-El Presents
            STRAWBERRY FIELDS                                                       APPLY N                                 OW!
                      TOT SHABBAT
           Join us for a special morning at Hunsader Farms as we explore            APPLICATION WINDOW JANUARY 1 - APRIL 6
              the playground, feed the animals, enjoy a train ride, and
            participate in age-appropriate Shabbat blessings, songs, and              The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee will award more than $90,000
         movement with Rabbi Michael Shefrin. Bring a picnic lunch if you’d          in education scholarships to eligible students for the 2020-2021 school year.
                    like —we’ll treat you to an ice cream dessert!

              WHEN                   WHERE                   COST                        $5,000                $4,000            AWARDS VARY
             Saturday,           Hunsader Farms            This Event                   Jacqueline Siegel-   Ned and Janet Sinder
            February 29          5500 Co. Rd. 675           is FREE                    Frascella Scholarship    Scholarship           The Jewish
             11:00 am               Bradenton                                                                                       Scholarship Fund
                                                                                         $2,000                $1,000                    and
                     Register at                                                                                   Ronald and Geri Yonover
                     For more information please contact                               Michelson Interfaith    Betty Schoenbaum Fund  Scholarship
                     Rabbi Michael Shefrin at 941.371.2788.
                                                                                          $500                Renewable          Get more information
                                                                                                                                  and download the
          SPONSORED BY                                                                                        for  4 Years         brochure at the
                                                                                     B’nai B’rith Gulf Coast Lodge   Melissa Wides Foundation
                                                                                          Scholarship        Education Scholarship  website below.
                                                                                                                                          

                                                                                       APPLY ONLINE AT

                                                                                     For more information contact
                                                                                     Lisa Feinman at
                                                                                     or 941.706.0034                        The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish LIfe
                                                                                                                                      580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
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