Page 33 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 33

COMMENTARY                                                                             February 2020                                     33A

 “the common values we share and the A holiday for trees (and us)
 them, Menuhin said her goal is to show

 similarities between us.”                keep track of the correct dates so that   joy and renewal of spring. We can each   Nachman of Breslov would encourage
 Uzi Rabi, director of the Moshe          we could follow these mitzvot.  The   make time to look for blossoming buds   us: Make it our custom to go outdoors
 Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and      date also comes around when the ma-   and  greenery  becoming  even  more   among the trees and grass, among all
 African Studies at Tel Aviv Universi-  From   jority of rainfall has occurred each year   green.                     growing things. Do this not only at this
 ty, said the region was in a “transitory   the   in the land of Israel. It marks the time   At this  season, we can  stop to   holiday, but from the start of the year to
 phase,” including  “a growing portion    when fruit trees, which have been dor-  thank  the  Holy One  that  provides  all   its end, so that our lives, like the trees,
 of young  Arabs who are  no longer   Bimah  mant during the winter months, begin   the living things that give us clean air,   will be renewed and filled with good-
 afraid to talk to Israelis.... Today, most   to blossom. Maimonides calls it the be-  shelter and resources to live. As Rabbi   ness, blessings and peace. Amen.
 people know that Israel is not the prob-  ginning of the agricultural fiscal year.
 lem.”                                        Tu B’Shevat is festive. It is often   Opinions printed in The Jewish News of Sarasota-Manatee
 The Foreign Ministry’s  Arabic- Rabbi Michael Shefrin  marked by planting  a new tree and   do not necessarily reflect those of The Jewish Federation
 language  Facebook  pages,  Twitter  Associate Rabbi,    eating fruits and nuts found in Israel.   of Sarasota-Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.
 and Instagram accounts, and YouTube  Temple Emanu-El  There is a special holiday seder, simi-
 channel  collectively  draw 10 million   ere  in  Sarasota-Manatee,  we   lar to Passover. One of my favorite cus-
 viewers and followers each  week.   don’t experience the grandeur   toms is on that day to eat something not
 (Ruth Eglash, Washington Post)  Hof the seasons changing like in   yet eaten that year, allowing us to recite
 ISRAEL’S LEVIATHAN   some other places. The changing color   our prayer of gratitude, Shehekihyanu.
     of leaves and the delicate snowfall have
                                              Tu B’Shevat is more than Jewish
 OFFSHORE NATURAL   been  exchanged  for the  glorious and   Arbor Day. It calls out to us for an in-
 GAS FIELD BEGINS   perfect weather of our own “season.”   creased mindfulness of our relationship
 PRODUCTION  The Jewish calendar helps us keep   with nature. It is a time to appreciate
 Gas began flowing from the Leviathan  this in perspective. The holiday of Tu   our dependence on the natural world
 offshore natural gas field on Tuesday,  B’Shevat, which happens every year   and for us to acknowledge where we
 December 30, the largest energy proj-on the 15  day of the Hebrew month   find God in the rhythm of the seasons.
 ect in Israel’s history.   of Shevat, may be the best example of   It is a day to recommit to the Jewish
 Yossi  Abu, CEO of Delek Drill-this. A special and important  day, Tu   principle of Bal Tashchit, the biblical
 ing LP, said, “For the first time since  B’Shevat is also called Rosh Hashana   prohibition against waste and destruc-
 its establishment, Israel is now an en-L’Ilanot, the new year for the trees.   tion, and take actions toward caring for
 ergy powerhouse, able to supply all its   Where does this holiday come   our environment.
 energy needs and gaining energy inde-from? It is rooted in our Torah.  This year, Tu B’Shevat falls on the
 pendence. At the same time, we will be   The  book  of  Leviticus  contains   evening of Sunday, February 9 and the
 exporting natural gas to Israel’s neigh-laws regarding how old a tree should   day of Monday, February 10. While we
 bors [Egypt and Jordan], thus strength-be before it is harvested and tithed, and   may not have winter snow, we do have
 ening Israel’s position in the region.” how long  from  the  time  it  is  planted   the chance to observe this holiday. We   Everything you need for Valentine’s Day.
 Located in the Mediterranean Sea  until its fruit can be eaten. The Talmud   can reconnect with roots and leaves,   Elegant food, fine wine, fresh flowers,
 125 km. (77 miles) west of Haifa, the  established  Tu B’Shevat  to help  us   fruits and nuts, and the forthcoming   divine desserts and specialty gift baskets.
 Leviathan field holds some 22 trillion
 cubic feet of recoverable  natural gas.                                                Catered by us. For you and your sweetheart.
                                   140 kosher
 The gas supply will enable Israel to   280 kosher
 phase out expensive and polluting im-
 ported coal for generating  electricity.
 (Shoshanna Solomon, Times of Israel)  characters:

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                           is finally


                                                            a grant from:
                                Jewish Community Study     Sponsored in part by
                     Cohen Center Authors:   A socio-demographic portrait of the Jewish
                      Matthew Boxer
                     Matthew A. Brookner  community in Sarasota-Manatee
                      Eliana Chapman
                      Janet Krasner Aronson
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                                 Manatee Jewish community:


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         contact Kim Mullins
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