Page 31 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 31

ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                              February 2020                                     31A

     ISRAEL21c...continued from previous page
 Memorable moments  In fact, this wasn’t the only sports   who works at Yotpo, or Gin, a collie           BRIEFS
 Eurovision was a blastachievement of the year. Israel also saw   that keeps workers at Autodesk enter-
 Eurovision came to Is-gold wins in judo, sailing, ice-hockey   tained.         250,000 IMMIGRANTS TO                 ISRAEL WELCOMES
 rael this year for the first  and  at  the  Paralympics.  Who  knows   At property management company
 time since 1979, and it  what next year’s Olympics may bring?  Guesty, some 25 dogs help their own-  ISRAEL IN PAST DECADE   RECORD 4.55 MILLION
 was magnificent – even  The light side   ers out at work.                      More than 250,000 immigrants reached   TOURISTS IN 2019
 if you weren’t a fan. The  You never know what to expect  This  was a  subject  close  to  my   Israel  from  150  countries  in  the  past   In  2019,  4.55  million  tourists  visited
 acts themselves  may  in Tel Aviv        own heart. Luna, whom I picked up as   decade,  the Jewish  Agency reported,   Israel, the Tourism Ministry announced
 have been the usual so-We feature many photographers at IS-  a puppy from a shelter, keeps me com-  with 34,000 coming in 2019.  recently.  Tourist  entries  increased  by
 so Eurovision fare,  but  RAEL21c, showcasing some absolute-  pany in my office.   Over the  past  decade,  130,000   10% compared to 4,120,800 in 2018.
 the  organization  was  ly incredible talent. One photographer   A 3,000-year-old beer  came from the countries of the former   The  leading  sources for tour-
 spectacular.  who made a real impact on us all this   What do you do if you discover   Soviet Union; 55,000 came from other   ism were the U.S.  (890,000), France
 Madonna came (though most wish  year was Evyatar Dayan – a software   3,000-year-old jugs from an ancient   European  countries,  including 38,000   (338,200), Russia (296,000),  Germa-
 she hadn’t), Netta  was fabulous, and  engineer by trade, who goes out onto   Iron-Age brewery found in Israel?  from  France;  32,000 came  from  the   ny (268,900) and  Britain  (218,700);
 Tel Aviv went into prime party mode –  the streets of Tel Aviv in his spare time   If you’re a scientist then it’s obvi-  U.S. and  3,800 from  Canada;  13,420   144,400 visitors arrived from China, up
 a setting it does well. But the real win-to stalk photo ops.  ous – you isolate the yeast, and make   came  from  Latin  America,  including   51%. (Eytan Halon, Jerusalem Post)
 ner of this competition?  The Shalva   His pictures are funny, spontane-  your own brew.  4,320 from Brazil and 3,150 from Ar-
 Band.  ous and delightful, capturing moments   That’s exactly what a group of   gentina;  10,500  came  from  Ethiopia   ISRAEL EYES DUBAI EXPO
 Comprised of young people  with                       Israeli  scientists  from   and  2,560  from  South  Africa;  1,950   AS PORTAL TO ARAB
 disabilities,  the Shalva Band was the                four Israeli universities,   came  from  Australia  and  New Zea-  WORLD
 favorite to be Israel’s entry to the com-             the Dead Sea Arava Sci-  land; 1,180 came from India; 3,040    With the  Dubai Expo 2020 trade  fair
 petition, but had to drop out when they               ence Center and local    immigrants came from Middle East-     opening later this year, the Israeli pa-
 discovered the finals were on Shabbat.                beer experts did in May   ern countries with which Israel has no   vilion  will  present a unique opportu-
 Instead, they sang at the second semi-                this year.               diplomatic relations. 60% of the immi-  nity to speed up the “normalization” of
 finals  and  had  a  worldwide  audience                  At a special beer-   grants were younger than 45. (Globes)  relations and reach out to Arab peoples,
 sniffling emotionally, recognizing that               tasting, reporters were   THE ONLY PLACE IN                    officials say.
 the contest’s motto, “Dare to Dream,”                 invited to try the kind of                                         Dore Gold, former director-general
 was way more than just a slogan to this               beer that may have been   THE MIDDLE EAST                      of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, said the
 band.                                                 drunk by Pharaoh, King   WHERE CHRISTIANS                      “quasi-diplomatic presence” of the pa-
 In Israel, there’s no such thing                      David and Jesus. How     ARE THRIVING IS THE                   vilion is one of several developments
 as failure, even when you crash  Contrasts in romance (photo by Evyatar Dayan/ThisIsTelAviv)  did it  taste? Well,  kind   JEWISH STATE   with  “a  cumulative  effect.”  He  cited
 and burn  that most of us would miss. Truly play-  of like regular beer supposedly.  There are 177,000 Christians in Israel,   sporting  competitions  and  the  2015
 So near, and yet so far. After a great  ful and wonderful work. It’s hard to   Editor  and  Israel  Director,  Nicky   up 1.5% from last year; 78% are Arabs.  opening  in  Abu Dhabi  of an Israeli
 deal of excitement, Israel’s Beresheet  pick a favorite.  Blackburn  has  worked  extensively  as   A British report in July found that   mission to the International Renewable
 unmanned  spacecraft  did reach  the  Tel Aviv high-tech goes to the dogs  a journalist and editor both in Britain   the number of Christians in the Middle   Energy Agency, which is based there.
 moon, but not quite in the way every-In a city that  has the  world’s highest   and Israel for a range of national and   East  has dwindled  from  20%  of the   “It’s not normalization, but it’s an en-
 one expected. Instead, moments before  per-capita ratio of pet dogs to people,   international  publications  including   population a century ago to just 5%. In   hanced presence,” he said.
 it was expected to land, it crashed and  it’s no surprise that  many of those   The Cambridge  Evening  News,  Lon-  the Palestinian territories, the Christian   While  the  Gulf  Arab states  have
 burned.  dogs are accompanying their owners to   don News, Travel Weekly, Israel High   population  has  dropped  below  1.5%.   not lost interest in the Palestinian
 Was it a disappointment? Yes. Was  work, and yes, of course, we had to do   Tech Investor and The Times of Lon-  (Jerusalem Post)  continued on next page
 it the end of the effort? No. In true Is-an in-depth look at the trend.  don. She was the Associate Editor at
 raeli spirit, Beersheet’s failure was   Some of the dogs are already fa-  LINK  Israel’s  Business  and  Technol-
 seen as a temporary  setback on the  mous and have their own Instagram ac-  ogy Magazine and the High-Tech Cor-
 road to success. A new moon mission  counts – like Mona the Aussiedoodle,   respondent for The Jerusalem Post.
 is planned, and there’s even talk of
 Save a life, save a soul
 When Israeli bride Shachar Kugelmas  THEY HELP MAKE THE JEWISH NEWS POSSIBLE
 got  married  in  July,  a  Muslim  para-
 medic named Muawiya Kabha stunned
 the audience at the chuppah with a tale
 that no one could forget.  IT’S EAR-RESISTIBLE!                                                                            A Magical Night
 Ten  years earlier, as a  volunteer                                                                                              Under The Sea...
 for emergency response organization   FREE LUNCH ON US!
 United Hatzalah, Kabha arrived at the                                                                        CAT DEPOT’S
 scene of a car crash near Petah Tikva   “We’ll expose the truth about what most                    WHISKERS AND WAVES GALA
 and found a young Jewish girl trapped   companies don’t want you to know”                                FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2020
 in a car and already declared dead.                                                                           6:30 - 10:00 PM
 But Kabha wasn’t prepared  to              Tuesday, February 11th or
 give up. For 40 minutes he worked on   Begins at:     Tuesday, February 18th
 Shachar,  and  finally  –  against  all  the   VALENTI’S RISTORANTE
 odds – managed to get her heart beat-       11:30 am  1200 E Venice Ave.
                                                   Venice, FL 34285
 ing.                                           Venice: 941-866-0454
 United Hatzalah,  the Israeli vol-                                              MOTE MARINE LABORATORY & AQUARIUM  Cocktail Reception | Silent Auction| Plated Dinner   RSVP BY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2020
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 untary  emergency-response  organiza-  Thursday, February 13th    Friday, February 21st    SARASOTA, FL 34236  Music & Dancing | Valet Parking  SPACE IS LIMITED
 scene, shared a video of the paramedic   3713 Bahia Vista St.   6700 S Tamiami Trail
               Sarasota, FL 34232
                                                  Sarasota, FL 34231
 telling the story. The bride’s father had   Sarasota: 941-328-8253  Sarasota: 941-328-8253
 invited Kabha to the wedding as a sur-
 prise for his daughter.  MUST R.S.V.P. Limited Seating
 At the ceremony, Kabha conclud-  Venice: 941-866-0454
 ed with a thank-you to the emotional   Sarasota: 941-328-8253
 bride. “People ask me all the time,
 ‘How do you keep going after all the   Unable to attend our Lunch & Learn?
 death you see in your work?’ The an-  For a limited time only, we are offering the following:
 swer is here. Shachar, I am able  to   • FREE Hearing Screening  Smartphone
 continue my work because of you. Be-  • FREE Otoscopy - Check for Wax  Compatible
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 Baseball wins big  Smallest rechargeable Hearing Aid available!
 In September, Israel suddenly discov-  1076 E. Venice Ave.   406 N Indiana Ave. #2   1805 Siesta Dr.
 ered that  it not only had a national   Venice, FL 34285  Englewood, FL 34223  Sarasota, FL 34239
 baseball team, but that the team had   Provided by:
 just qualified – against all odds – for
 the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020.
 This will be the first time an Israeli
 team  has  taken  part  in  the  Olympics
 baseball tournament. The team is a mix
 of homegrown talent from Israel with   Winner of Best Place
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 some pros, who have taken on Israeli   8 Years in a Row!  Lauren Pulsifer, HAS, B.S., BC-HIS
 citizenship.  Venice • Sarasota • Englewood      Kathleen Lucier, HAS, B.S.
 The team may have emerged from  Chad Fonder, HAS, Hearing Aid Wearer
                                                 Sue DeBauche, HAS, BC-HIS,
 seemingly  nowhere to most Israelis,               35 Years Experience
 but it’s the fruition of a long-term vi-  BEST OF
                       Venice Gondolier Sun
 sion by Israel Association of Baseball   VENICE
 President Peter Kurz, who  has been   VENICE  R S T
          BEST OF
            Venice Gondolier Sun
 recruiting top Jewish American players   F R I
 including former major leaguers.  T S
                                              Like us on
 continued on next page   *Individual results may vary. Invisibility depends on ear’s anatomy.   © 2020 Starkey. All Rights Reserved. 1/20  439119342
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