Page 30 - Jewish News_February 2020
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30A                          February 2020                                          ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD

     ISRAEL21c...continued from previous page
     year. It also sent aid  to the  Bahamas   medical clowns went on a mission to                                                 Memorable moments
     and California, to Venezuelan refugees   the hurricane-devastated Bahamas; and                                                Eurovision was a blast
     in Columbia, and to Mozambique.      Israel’s Fire and Rescue Services sent a                                                 Eurovision came to Is-
        What particularly impressed me    delegation to help extinguish the cata-                                                  rael this year for the first
     about  IsraAID’s work, after  seeing  it   strophic fires in the Amazon rainforest.                                           time since 1979, and it
     in action in Puerto Rico, was how the    In December,  an  Israeli  medical                                                   was magnificent – even
     NGO seems to encapsulate the best of   team  flew  to  Samoa  to  help  with  the                                             if you weren’t a fan. The
     Israel, and bring it all over the world.   measles epidemic; and a team of rescue                                             acts themselves  may
     The organization is lean, adaptable and   experts from the Israel Defense Forces                                              have been the usual so-
     innovative.  It  thrives  in  situations  of   flew to Albania after the earthquake.                                          so Eurovision fare,  but
     chaos, responds quickly to local needs   And let’s not  forget  the  work of   SodaStream CEO Daniel Birnbaum and employees celebrate at the   the  organization  was
     and  is  ready  to  find  solutions  even   ZAKA, United  Hatzalah  and  Magen   company’s Iftar dinner on May 27, 2019 (photo by Sivan Faraj)  spectacular.
     when the situation seems impossible.  David Adom.                          visitors  for a  celebratory  Iftar dinner,   Madonna came (though most wish
     Aid all over                             Truly, a year of doing good.      the largest ever held in Israel.      she hadn’t), Netta  was fabulous, and
     IsraAID isn’t the only Israeli  NGO   A reunion in Ethiopia                    The carbonation-machine  fac-     Tel Aviv went into prime party mode –
     providing aid all over the world. There   In October, over 100 Ethiopians came   tory in the Negev employs Christians,   a setting it does well. But the real win-
     are  many  other  organizations  that  we   together in Addis Abiba for a special   Jews and Muslims, and the Iftar event   ner of this competition?  The Shalva
     are equally proud of. Today, it seems,   25  anniversary reunion  with the  Is-  marked the end of the month of Rama-  Band.
     Israeli NGOs are some of the first re-  raeli doctors who saved their lives.  dan, when Muslims fast during the day.  Comprised of young people  with
     sponders that people look to in a crisis.  The  Ethiopians,  of  all  differ-  “The thousands of people who are   disabilities,  the Shalva Band was the
        This fall alone, Israel Flying Aid   ent ages, had all been operated on by   eating here with us tonight are the light   favorite to be Israel’s entry to the com-
     sent aid to women and children in Chad;   the Israeli NGO Save a Child’s Heart   which  defeats  the  darkness, both  un-  petition, but had to drop out when they
                                          (SACH), and for many it was the first   der missiles and during tense periods,”     discovered the finals were on Shabbat.
                                          time since the operation that they met   SodaStream  CEO Daniel  Birnbaum   Instead, they sang at the second semi-
                                          the surgeons.                         told the audience at the event.       finals  and  had  a  worldwide  audience
                                                                                A bikejacking that ended well
                                              At the  joyful  reunion,  doctors
                                                                                                                      sniffling emotionally, recognizing that
       PaiSanO’s                          met  Yared, who now runs a school     When  Israeli  Matan  Yaffe  was  am-  the contest’s motto, “Dare to Dream,”
                                          for underprivileged children; Robel, a
                                                                                bushed by four Bedouins while riding
                                                                                                                      was way more than just a slogan to this
       IT ALIAN  B AKER Y                 filmmaker; and Gifti, now a pediatric   a motorbike in the Negev desert, they   band.
       941.926.8422                       emergency room nurse. They were just   threatened  him with a metal  bar, but   In Israel, there’s no such thing
                                                                                ran off when he pulled out a gun.
                                          a few of the dozens of people at the
                                                                                                                      as failure, even when you crash
       2732 Stickney Point Road  2019     event who wouldn’t have made it into      This frightening experience could   and burn
      •Rugalach                           adulthood without SACH’s help.        have  left  Yaffe  with  lasting  animos-  So near, and yet so far. After a great
                                              In its 25 years, SACH has carried   ity, but instead he decided to create an   deal of excitement, Israel’s Beresheet
      • S tr udel                         out lifesaving heart operations for chil-  award-winning leadership program for   unmanned  spacecraft  did reach  the
      •Strudel      WINNER
                                                                                                                      moon, but not quite in the way every-
                                          dren from 61 countries, some of which
                                                                                Bedouins in the Negev.
                                                                                    Desert  Stars,  the  nonprofit  orga-
      • H aman      taschen               don’t even have diplomatic  relations   nization  Yaffe  founded  with  his  own   one expected. Instead, moments before
                                                                                                                      it was expected to land, it crashed and
                                          with Israel. This year, it also celebrated
                                          its 5,000  young patient.             money, today employs 80 people, and   burned.
                                          Breaking a fast                       runs four programs including a high       Was it a disappointment? Yes. Was
                  BEST                    and breaking barriers                 school leadership program for 210 stu-  it the end of the effort? No. In true Is-
                 LOCAL                    Coexistence was very much in evidence   dents, an empowerment center and an   raeli spirit, Beersheet’s failure was
               BAKERY                     in May, when SodaStream brought to-   entrepreneurship incubator.           seen as a temporary  setback on the
                                          gether 3,000 Jews, Israeli Arabs, Pales-  “By  strengthening  Bedouin  soci-  road to success. A new moon mission           tinians and a sprinkling of international   ety, I strengthen Israel,” Yaffe says.  is planned, and there’s even talk of
                                                                                                                      aiming for Mars.
                                                                                                                      Save a life, save a soul
                                                                                                                      When Israeli bride Shachar Kugelmas
                                                                                                                      got  married  in  July,  a  Muslim  para-
                                                                                                                      medic named Muawiya Kabha stunned
                                                                                                                      the audience at the chuppah with a tale
                                                                                                                      that no one could forget.
                                                                                                                          Ten  years earlier, as a  volunteer
                                                                                                                      for emergency response organization
                                                                                                                      United Hatzalah, Kabha arrived at the
                                                                       Discover the                                   scene of a car crash near Petah Tikva
                                                                       power of  he                                   and found a young Jewish girl trapped
                                                                       Discover t
                                                                                                                      in a car and already declared dead.
                                                                       power of                                       give up. For 40 minutes he worked on
                                                                                                                          But Kabha wasn’t prepared  to
                                                                       Jewish women...
                                                                       Jewish women...
                                                                      Starting                                        Shachar,  and  finally  –  against  all  the
                                                                                                                      odds – managed to get her heart beat-
                                                                                                                          United Hatzalah,  the Israeli vol-
                                                                      With You.                                       untary  emergency-response  organiza-
                                                                                                                      tion that brought Kabha to the accident
                                                                      With You.
                                                                                                                      scene, shared a video of the paramedic
                                                                                                                      telling the story. The bride’s father had
                                                                       #ItStartsWithWomen                             invited Kabha to the wedding as a sur-
                                                                                                                      prise for his daughter.
                                                                                                                          At the ceremony, Kabha conclud-
                                                                       #ItStartsWithWomen                             ed with a thank-you to the emotional
                                                                                                                      bride. “People ask me all the time,
                                                                                                                      ‘How do you keep going after all the
                                                                                                                      death you see in your work?’ The an-
                                                                                                                      swer is here. Shachar, I am able  to
           Your year-long journey with                                                                                continue my work because of you. Be-
           Momentum Includes                                         APPLY NOW Free Trip          *                   cause I saved your body, but you saved
           Your year-long journey with
                                                                                                                      my soul.”
           8 Days in Israel                                          APPLY NOW Free Trip          *                   Baseball wins big
           Momentum Includes
           8 Days in Israel                                  For more information, please contact:                    In September, Israel suddenly discov-
           July 14 – 21, 2020
                                                                                                                      ered that  it not only had a national
                                                             Gisele Pintchuck | |
                                                             For more information, please contact:                    baseball team, but that the team had
           July 14 – 21, 2020                                Gisele Pintchuck | |              just qualified – against all odds – for
           Join                     Enjoy                    Explore                  Discover                        the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020.
                                                                                                                          This will be the first time an Israeli
           Join                     Enjoy                    Explore                  Discover                        team  has  taken  part  in  the  Olympics
           women from all over the
                                                                                      how to connect deeper
                                    empowering Jewish
                                                             spiritual Tsfat, dynamic
           world for a revitalizing
                                                                                      and your
                                                                                      how to connect deep
           women from all over the   classes led by world-   Tel Aviv, Masada’s       with yourself, your family,     baseball tournament. The team is a mix
                                    class speakers and Israeli
                                    empowering Jewish
                                                             spiritual Tsfat, dynamic
           year of self-exploration,
                                                             desert magic, Shabbat
                                                                                                                      of homegrown talent from Israel with
           unforgettable experiences
           world for a revitalizing   thought-leaders.       Tel Aviv, Masada’s       with yourself, your family,
                                                             in Jerusalem, and many
                                    classes led by world-
           year of self-exploration,
                                                             more unique experiences.
           in Israel, and inspiring   class speakers and Israeli   desert magic, Shabbat   and your community.        Jewish-American college  players and
           unforgettable experiences
           Jewish learning.         thought-leaders.         in Jerusalem, and many                                   some pros, who have taken on Israeli
           in Israel, and inspiring                          more unique experiences.                                 citizenship.
           * APPLICATION DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 10                                                                            The team may have emerged from
           Jewish learning.
            Momentum Trips are free for participants excluding airfare. Additional costs for participants include $25 for the Year Of Growth book, $75 for tips, a
            $99 acceptance fee, and the cost of 1-2 meals per day. Participants pay a $500 deposit, which is fully refundable upon returning from the trip. This trip   seemingly  nowhere to most Israelis,
            is designed for women with children at home under the age of 18. The Momentum Year-Long Journey continues with monthly gatherings and Jewish
           *  Momentum Trips are free for participants excluding airfare. Additional costs for participants include $25 for the Year Of Growth book, $75 for tips, a   but it’s the fruition of a long-term vi-
            $99 acceptance fee, and the cost of 1-2 meals per day. Participants pay a $500 deposit, which is fully refundable upon returning from the trip. This trip
            is designed for women with children at home under the age of 18. The Momentum Year-Long Journey continues with monthly gatherings and Jewish   sion by Israel Association of Baseball
                                                                                                                      President Peter Kurz, who  has been
           Working in partnership with:                                                                               recruiting top Jewish American players
                    Ministry of Diaspora A airs
                    Creating a common Jewish future                                                                   including former major leaguers.
           Working in partnership with:
                    Ministry of Diaspora A airs                                                                                    continued on next page
                    Creating a common Jewish future
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