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JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                     February 2020                                      5B

             MOND       A Y ,   FEBR  U  AR  Y   1 0
             MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10
                                                                                                               British Night
 Observing Darwin Day and Tu B’Shevat  NCJW Book Club

        The National Council of Jewish Women Book Club will discuss Ten Green                          Tuesday, Feb. 11 @ 7:30 pm
        Bottles by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. at the Gulf Gate
        Library, 7112 Curtiss Ave., Sarasota. The NCJW Sarasota-Manatee section                               Church of the Redeemer
        website ( has information about the Book Club,
        the title selections and dates for the current season. Click on Community                             222 South Palm Avenue
        Services at the top of the page. You will also find Goodreads reviews of the
        books. Guests welcome. For more information, contact Barbara Aferiat at        Music & Monologues from Shakespeare’s Henry V, or 703.338.7112.                                          Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet & Julius Caesar

                                                                                      In collaboration with actors from Urbanite Theatre
             TUESD      A Y ,   FEBR  U  AR   Y  1 1                                       Plus Holst’s Fugal Concerto & Elgar’s Serenade
             TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11
                                                                                     Tickets: $25/adult, $15/student. Order online at:
                                Just Reel Films

        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                  
        Warsaw: A City Divided tells the story of the creation of the Warsaw Ghetto          For information, call : 219-928-8665
        as seen from both sides of the Ghetto wall, and its legacy in today’s city.
        The film sheds new light on a tragic time of division, destruction and mass
        murder, incorporating unknown amateur Polish 8mm found footage and
        survivor testimony. This screening is free with a suggestion that attendees
        bring a non-perishable food item for All Faiths Food Bank. It takes place
        from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Beatrice Friedman Theater on The Larry &
        Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life, 582 McIntosh Road,
        Sarasota.  Register  at  For  more  information,  contact
        Jeremy Lisitza at 941.343.2113 or

             Mitzvah Knitting Group at Temple Emanu-El

        Are you a knitter or crocheter interested in using your talent to brighten
        the lives of others while making new friends? If so, please come to the
        Mitzvah Knitting Group sponsored by Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood. We
        gather monthly to craft and socialize, and our beautiful handiwork has
        been donated to local new parents as well as needy families in Sarasota-
        Manatee and in Israel. Bring your needles or crochet hook and a favorite
 STEP “Survivor” event with Ethan Zohn  pattern – we’ll supply the yarn and great company! The group meets at
        10:00 a.m. at Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Road, Sarasota. For more
        information, email Susan Bernstein at

         Brandeis National Committee’s Art in the Afternoon
        Please join the local chapter of Brandeis National Committee (BNC) for
        Art in the Afternoon. Karin Jones, ASID, will speak on “The Architectural
        Tale of Two Cities,” detailing the fascinating parallels of Paris and Chi-
        cago, their identical world fairs, Baroque ideals of beauty, and the vision of
        one man. She will also discuss the astonishing divergences because of the
        opposite energy and sensibility of each country, (France and America), and
        the reverence for the old vs. love of the new, making each city so diametri-
 An Evening with Ethan Zohn  cally different today. Karin, a native of Chicago, has a degree in History
        and English from the University of Michigan. The event will be held from
        11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Meadows Country Club, 3101 Longmeadow,     S    ARASOTA CONCERT ASSOCIATION
        Sarasota. Cost: $50 for BNC members and $65 for guests. For more infor-
        mation, contact Janet Tolbert (941.388.9624 or
        or Maris Margulies (941.757.3012 or
                                                                                   The      Passion

                                                                                      of      Prokofiev

 Chabad of Sarasota’s Annual Garage Sale       celebrate
                                                                                             a Great Performers Series concert

                 Y   OM HA                ’A    TZMA             UT                 Chicago Symphony
                 YOM HA’ATZMAUT
                            Isr                 ael                                                    Orchestra
                                 Independence Day

 Tu B’Shevat Seder               Independence Day                                   Riccardo Muti, conductor
                                                                                         Feb 12 | Van Wezel
                                          SAVE                                               Maestro Riccardo Muti

                                            THE                                                   directs the CSO in this

                                          DATE                                               once-in-a-lifetime concert

                                                                                               of Prokofiev’s Suite from

                                    SUNDAY,  APRIL 26                                                   Romeo and Juliet

                                    BEATRICE FRIEDMAN THEATER                                      and Symphony No. 3,
                                       The Larry & Mary Greenspon
                                      Family Campus For Jewish Life                            Op. 44 (The Fiery Angel).
                                           582 Mcintosh Rd.                                                                                           Riccardo Muti • CSO Zell Music Director
                                             Sarasota                                          The Knights

                                                                                          Gil Shaham, violin

         ADMISSION                                                                       Feb 25 | Van Wezel
                                                                                                     Represented by Opus 3 Artists

                                                    FUN FOR
                                                    FUN FOR                                75            Great seats still available!
                                                          all ages!
                                                          all ages!

                                                                                         SARASOTA             941.225.6500
       Contact Jessi Sheslow 941.343.2109 or For more information, visit  ASSOCIATION
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