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JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                      February 2020                                      9B

          WEDNESD          A Y ,   FEBR  U  AR   Y  1 9

 Jewish Food Festival at JCV  NCJW General Meeting
        The National Council of Jewish Women’s General Meeting features award-
        winning author DL Havlin. His talk, “The Loyal 14  Colony – Florida in
        the Revolutionary War,” will focus on the history of Florida. A PowerPoint   MASTERWORKS 5
        presentation will cover the intrigue, chaos and violence in Florida during
        this period. The event will begin at noon on The Larry & Mary Greenspon        SOUNDS
        Family Campus for Jewish Life at 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota. Admission
        is free and refreshments will be served. Guests are welcome. To make a
        reservation (required) or for more information, contact Marion Marshak at              OF NOBILITY or Roz Hopp at
                     “How did American Women Act?                                              February 21-23 Neel & Van Wezel

                       Heroism on the Home Front”
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                                      SIMONE PORTER, violin
        Women’s  roles  changed  significantly  in  WWII  America.  Many  were
        conscripted to join the war effort and wielded new power through jobs
        outside  the  home.  But,  their  influence  wasn’t  limited  to  factory  floors.
        Some women used their social and political positions to fight back against
        isolationism and sound the alarm about the plight of Europe’s Jews. Join                                          guest conductor
        us to explore the role of the everyday woman during this era, as well as                            BRAMWELL TOVEY
        the  mindset  and  motivations  of  a  few,  including  Lois  Grunden,  Edith                            Principal Conductor,
        Rogers and Eleanor Roosevelt. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. at Temple
        Beth Sholom, 1050 South Tuttle Ave., Sarasota. It is co-sponsored by the                               BBC Concert Orchestra
        United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, The Jewish Federation of
        Sarasota-Manatee, Butterflies of Hope and Remembrance, and Temple
        Beth Sholom. There is no charge, but registration is required. To RSVP
        or for more information, contact Kelly Nester at 941.955.8121 or info@
           THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20                                                      cello

                           Club Fed Hits the Road                                       Berlioz’s Rob Roy Overture, based on Sir Walter Scott’s
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                            novel, opens this program of high drama and heartfelt
        St.  Petersburg’s  Imagine  Museum’s  collection  presents  major  works  of    emotion led by world-renowned British conductor Bramwell
        American and international art created by founding, leading, current and         Tovey. Violinist Simone Porter and cellist Joshua Roman,
        emerging artists working in the field of studio glass. Tickets to this road     shine in one of the most rapturous Brahms’ concertos ever
        trip are $70 and include a private docent tour, lunch and transportation.        composed. Sir William Walton’s Symphony No. 1, long
        The bus departs at 9:00 a.m. from The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family            viewed as one of the greatest symphonies of the modern age,
        Campus for Jewish Life, 582 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota. To purchase tickets,       is an emotionally searing, melodic commentary on love lost.
        go to For more information, contact Jeremy Lisitza at
        941.343.2113 or at                                                          Tickets from $35
                                                                                 |  941-953-3434
                   Idelson Library Film Matinee Series

        Live and Become is the epic story of an Ethiopian boy who is airlifted
        from a Sudanese refugee camp to Israel in the mid-1980s during Operation
        Moses. Shlomo is plagued by two big secrets: he is neither a Jew nor an
        orphan, just an African boy who survived and wants, somehow, to fulfill
        his Ethiopian mother’s parting request that he “go, live and become.” The
        film is followed by a Q&A with Sandi Kligman. The Temple Beth Sholom
        Men’s Club will provide popcorn and refreshments. The event begins at
        1:15 p.m. at Temple Beth Sholom, 1050 South Tuttle Ave., Sarasota. Sug-
        gested donation: $3 for TBS members and $5 for non-members. For more
        information,  please  call  Lex  Calaguas  at  941.955.8121  or  email  info@

                     Women’s Rosh Chodesh Society
        All women are invited to join Chabad of Sarasota’s Rosh Chodesh Society
        class entitled “Blending Celestial Spirit and Mundane Matters.” Learn the
        secret of a harmonious life, and find it within the Torah’s instruction. Not
        only is it a guide to a holy life, but within its instruction lies the key to
        achieving optimal success in a material sense as well. Gain insight into a
        different view of the Torah. Refreshments will be served. For assistance
        with underwriting this course, appreciation is extended to Anne Stein. All
        women are welcome at 7:00 p.m. at Chabad of Sarasota, 7700 Beneva Rd.
        Cost: free for Rebbetzin Circle, $10 for members, $12 for non-members.
        Anyone joining Chabad Women’s Rosh Chodesh Society class for the first
        time is our guest at no charge. For more information or to RSVP, contact
        Sara Steinmetz at 941.925.0770 or


              FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21                                                        2020
         “What’s New at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute”
        The Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, in coordination with its Shab-
        bat service, welcomes Janna Overstreet, Director of Lifelong Learning,
        who will discuss plans for the new facility. The event begins at 7:30 p.m.
        at Unity, 3023 Proctor Road, Sarasota. Free and open to the public. Dona-           Fri Feb 7 – Sun Mar 1
        tions accepted. For more information, please call 941.929.7771 or email
                                                                                                         Tickets: $15 - $55
              TBS Goes North! Lakewood Ranch Shabbat                                               20% Off Opening Weekend
        Join  Temple  Beth  Sholom  for  this  informal  service  filled  with  singing
        followed  by  an  Oneg  (light  refreshments  after  Friday  evening  Shabbat          Under the Big Top at Nathan Benderson Park
        service). This service is a great way to meet your neighbors and other               behind the Mall at UTC. Now Air Conditioned!
        people in your area. Services will be led by Temple Beth Sholom members
        Cantor Neil Newman and Rabbi Anat Moskowitz. The service begins at            |  941.355.9805
        7:30 p.m. at The Windsor, 8220 Natures Way, Lakewood Ranch. For more
        information,  please  call  Lex  Calaguas  at  941.955.8121  or  email  info@

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