Page 48 - Jewish News_February 2020
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8B                         February 2020                                                            JEWISH HAPPENINGS

                                                                                         SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16
                                                                                                   Jewish Food Festival at JCV
                                                                                    Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
       Big                           moments                                        Stop by between 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to savor the goodies at the Jewish
                                                                                    Food Festival at the Jewish Congregation of Venice (JCV), 600 North Au-
                                                                                    burn Road. In addition to Jewish delicacies prepared by the bakers at JCV,
                                                                                    knishes, kugel, chicken and matzah ball soups, brisket platters and lots
                                 DESERVE BIG MAZELS                                 the festival features corned beef and pastrami sandwiches, stuffed cabbage,
                                                                                    more. New this year is a booth selling wine and beer. The festival also fea-
                                                                                    tures a flea market, book and jewelry sales, entertainment, vendor booths
                                                                                    and raffle sales. Admission and parking are free, and there is a free shuttle
                                                                                    bus from the Achieva Credit Union at 1485 East Venice Ave. For more
                                                                                    information, call 941.484.2022 weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

                                                                                          Temple Emanu-El’s “Sunday at the Movies”
                                                                                    Temple Emanu-El’s popular “Sunday at the Movies” series presents The
                                                                                    Last Suit – the story of an elderly Holocaust survivor who resists his chil-
                                                                                    dren’s attempts to settle him into a nursing home and instead plots a solo
                                                                                    trip to Poland to meet up with the Christian rescuer who saved his life
                                                                                    during World War II. “Comedic and poignant in equal measure,” this film
                                                                                    festival winner boasts a klezmer-driven score and a host of memorable
                                                                                    characters. The screening begins at 2:00 p.m. at Temple Emanu-El, 151
                                                                                    McIntosh  Road,  Sarasota. Tickets  are  $5.  For  more  information,  email
                                                                                    Howard Kilman at

                                                                                                    An Evening with Batsheva

           Commemorate life’s big moments                                           Batsheva is a Jewish folksinger and songwriter known for her work in
                                                                                    Yiddish, Ladino and Hebrew. Last year she appeared in sold-out concerts
           with a Federation Tribute!                                               in  London  and Tel Aviv.  She  has  performed  for  Michael  Oren,  former
                                                                                    U.S. Ambassador to Israel, and Israeli author Ariel Shavit. Batsheva holds
                                                                                    the only authorized versions of two Leonard Cohen songs in Yiddish and
                                                                                    Hebrew. This program is sponsored by Judge Judith and Doron Barzilay
                                                                                    as part of the Arthur and Hilda Morgenstern Concert Series. The event
                                                                                    begins  at  4:00  p.m.  at  Temple  Beth  Sholom,  1050  South  Tuttle  Ave.,
                                                                                    Sarasota. Tickets are $10. For more information, contact Kelly Nester at
                                                                                    941.955.8121 or
           Call Paula at          Or visit
                      Call Paula at
                                         Or visit
           941.552.6304           to donate                                             MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17

                                         to donate
                                                                                              “Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust”
                                                                                    Sobibor, Poland, was an infamous Nazi death camp, where deported Jews
     THINKING  OF           SELLING OR TRADING                                      were immediately killed upon arrival. About 600 Jews were kept alive to
                                     THAT CAR, BOAT, OR RV?                         help administer the camp. In November 1943, these Jews executed a daring
                                                                                    plan in which they killed most of the SS commanders and then stormed
                                   • Our online form makes it easy.                 the barbed-wire fences and braved the minefields surrounding the camp,
                                                                                    as 300 Jews escaped into the surrounding forest. The program includes
                                   • Support a worthwhile cause.                    film clips of this escape. Join us at 11:00 a.m. at the Al Katz Center, 5710
                                   • Receive tax benefits.                          Cortez Road West, Bradenton. Cost: $10 per adult; $5 per student; healthy
                                                                                    kosher refreshments included. To RSVP, call Beverly at 941.313.9239.

                                                                                        TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18
                                                                                                   Tastes of Sephardic Cooking
                                                                                    Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                    Sarasota Sister Cities is sponsoring an opportunity to enjoy many tastes
                                                                                    of contemporary Sephardic cooking, from appetizers and main dishes to
                                                                                    sides and desserts. Join us from 5:30 to7:30 p.m. at the Sarasota Arts Cen-
                 Visit                                                  ter, located adjacent to the Municipal Auditorium on Tamiami Trail). The
                                                                                    cost is $25. To make your reservation by Friday, February 7, contact Tel
                                                                                    Mond Sister City Community Director Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz at jkatz@
                                                                           The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee is the spon-
                                                                                    sor organization for Sarasota Sister City’s Tel Mond, Israel, relationship.
                                  Every woman                                          Embracing Our Differences Tour and Luncheon

                                  matters here.                                     ORT members and guests are invited to lunch at Marina Jack (2 Marina
                                                                                    Plaza, Sarasota) at 11:30 a.m. and to hear the history of the Embracing Our
                                                                                    Differences billboard art exhibition that has been produced every year since
                                                                                    2004 at Sarasota’s Bayfront Park. After lunch there will be a guided tour of
                                  The Women’s Giving Circle [ “Ma’agal              this year’s exhibit by Alice Cotman, a member of the Steering Committee
                                  Nashim”] is a giving circle that empowers         since its inception in 2003. Can’t make lunch? Then join us at Bayfront
                                  women as funders, decision makers and             Park at 1:15 p.m. for the tour. Mail $5 (payable to ORT America) to Ethel
                                  agents of change. Each member contributes         Gross, 3919 Panola Lane, Sarasota, FL 34232. The $5 is a donation to ORT
                                  $518, and each has an equal voice in              and will hold your reservation. Those going to lunch will pay for their meal
                                  directing our funds. The giving circle model      at Marina Jack. There is no charge for the tour. Please contact Ethel Gross
                                  multiplies individual actions, creating a         by Wednesday, February 12 at or 941.388.7899.
                                  tremendous collective impact.                            Sarasota Jewish Singles Dinner Meeting

                                  In the last five years, we have distributed       The Sarasota Jewish Singles is an outreach program at Temple Beth Israel
                                  more than $236,632 in grants to                   of Longboat Key to give all Jewish singles in the Sarasota-Manatee area
                                  nonprofits in Israel that help women and          the opportunity to meet other men and women who are single. The group
                                  children of all backgrounds live safer,           meets once a month for dinner, laughter and a time to turn acquaintances
                                  healthier and more meaningful lives.              into lifelong friends. Join us at 6:00 p.m. at Café Baci, 4001 S. Tamiami
                                                                                    Trail, Sarasota. To make a reservation or for more information, call or text
                                  Our Mission                                       Rosalyn Fleischer at 941.915.6631 or email

                                  To enhance the lives of Jewish women and children                    CTeen at Livingston’s
                                  who are in need of help and live in Israel.
                                                                                    Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                    Join CTeen for an exciting evening of fun at Livingston’s! Meet at 7:00
                                                                                    p.m. at The Chabad House, 5712 Lorraine Road, Bradenton. Cost: free
                                                                                    for  CTeen  members  and  $18  for  non-members. A  CTeen  annual  mem-
                                                                                    bership is $180. CTeen 5780 is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of
                                  Contact Jeremy Lisitza at 941.343.2113            Sarasota-Manatee. For more information, contact Rabbi Mendy Bukiet at
                                  or                           941.752.3030 or
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