Page 22 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 22

22A                          February 2020                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

     A Pulitzer-worthy investigation of escaped war criminals

     Book review by Philip K. Jason, Special to The Jewish News

       Citizen 865: The Hunt for Hitler’s   well as legal experts, slowly excavated   ter untold thousands of Jews in               neighbor  of  Lucyna
         Hidden Soldiers in America,      the  facts needed to turn the tide  and   Trawniki, Poland, where, in the                 and Feliks, whose saga
     by Debbie Cenziper. Hachette Books.   bring such people to justice.        early 1940s, the Nazis set up a                    fills  the  beginning  of
         320 pages. Hardcover $28.00.         In Citizen 865, author Debbie Cen-  “school” for committing mass                     the book.  Toward the
                                          ziper  provides stunning  insights into   murder.                                        end, we discover that
              hen  Adolf Hitler’s defeat   these Nazi hunters’ skills, accomplish-  The book’s attention-get-                      the couple married in the
              in  World  War II was im-   ments and dedication. She retraces    ting opening focuses on the                        Warsaw Ghetto,  lived
     Wminent,  a great number  of         their  steps,  giving  us two layers  of   story of  19-year-old  Feliks                through hell, made it to
     Nazi functionaries made their way to   investigation. We learn how these pro-  Wojcik and Lucyna Stryjews-                   the U.S., raised a family,
                       the  United  States   fessionals  went  about  their  work, in-  ka, a few years younger. It is a          enjoyed   grandchildren
                       and    essentially  terpreted the law and prevailed in their   story of overwhelming threats               and realized most – if not
                       hid in plain sight.   cases. We also learn quite a bit about   to their lives and communities. These   all – of their dreams.
                       They  moved  into   how Cenziper did her own investiga-  characters are vividly drawn individu-    Passionate,  provocative  and  art-
                       American  cities   tion  of the  investigators,  making  the   als scrambling to survive the Nazi pro-  fully  constructed,  this  fully  engaging
                       and suburbs, took   case for our appreciation                       grams  built  to annihilate   work of deeply humanized scholarship
                       on new  identi-    of their efforts.                                them. It is set in Lublin, a   is a fine addition to the literature of the
                       ties,  and  success-   To accomplish this,                          Polish town rich in Jewish   Holocaust  and its aftermath. It could
                       fully  evaded  any   she provides capsule bi-                       history  and  institutions,   very well bring Debbie Cenziper her
                       responsibility  or   ographies of many key                          but  now  without  support   second Pulitzer.
         Phil Jason    punishment   for   figures,  illuminating  their                    for  Jewish survival.  The     Debbie Cenziper is an investiga-
     their  crimes.  They  obtained citizen-  ambition,  their frustra-                    horrors of Feliks and Lu-  tive  journalist,  professor and author
     ship.                                tions, their sacrifices, their                   cyna’s experiences  bring   based in Washington, D.C. A contribut-
        Though attempts  were made to     home  life,  their  intelli-                     them together, and readers   ing reporter for the investigative team
     bring these war criminals  to justice,   gence  and their  courage.                   are temporarily  left  won-  at The Washington Post, she has won
     most cases failed. Many plausible leads   They are real people we                     dering about their chances   many major awards in print journal-
     were never pursued. However, the De-  get to know and like.        Debbie Cenziper    for a future, allowing the   ism, including the 2007 Pulitzer Prize.
     partment of Justice’s Office of Special   The title of the book refers to Jakob   author  to  paint  a  different  section  of   Cenziper is the co-author of the criti-
     Investigations (OSI), in part by hiring   Reimer, one of the monsters who did   her broad canvas.                cally acclaimed Love Wins: The Lovers
     capable  and committed  historians, as   what  he was told  and  helped slaugh-  That includes bringing into sharp   and Lawyers Who Fought  the  Land-
                                                                                focus Reimer’s trial, a small mas-    mark Case for Marriage Equality. She
                                                                                terpiece  within  the  larger  one  that  is   was recently  named  the  Director  of
                                                                                Citizen 865. Reimer’s studied yet con-  Investigative Journalism at the North-
                                                                                genial  nature  made  him  an excellent   western University Medill School of
                                                                                defendant,  but  the  facts  presented  by   Journalism.
                                                                                the OSI finally revealed his true nature   This review first appeared in Wash-
                                                                                and criminality.                      ington  Independent  Review  of  Books
                                                                                    Like many other incognito former   and is reprinted by permission.
                                                                                Nazis, Reimer lived in a neighborhood   Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeritus
                                                                                very much like those inhabited by an-  of English from the United States Na-
                      Quickly Locate all of your favorite Jewish                other group of immigrants: Jews who   val Academy. He reviews regularly for
                      organizations, clubs and service providers online.        survived the Holocaust and migrated   Florida Weekly, Washington Indepen-
                                                                                to the U.S. to build new lives, perhaps   dent Review of Books,  Southern  Lit-
                                                 shopping at the same supermarkets as   erary Review,  other  publications  and
                                                                                the hidden SS functionaries and other
                                                                                                                      the Jewish Book Council. Please visit
         Keyword Search        Filter Options     Drop Pin Locator Map       mass murderers of the Third Reich.    Phil’s  website  at  www.philjason.word
                                                                                    Reimer  might  even have been  a

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