Page 20 - Jewish News_February 2020
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20A                          February 2020                                                              COMMUNITY FOCUS

           Major Gifts

                                   Major Gifts Dinner

                                            AN EVENING WITH                                                    ANNUAL

                                    deborah lipstadt                                               COMMUNITY CELEBRATION

                                   Tuesday, February 25, 2020                                    Celebrating


                                   Sarasota Municipal Auditorium

        DR. DEBORAH E. LIPSTADT,                Sarasota                                     Your Legacy
        Dorot professor of
        Holocaust Studies at
        Emory University in
        Atlanta, has published            Dinner Co-Chairs                                             SAVE THE DATE
        and taught about the
        Holocaust for close to              Nancy Jacobson                                           Thursday, April 2, 6:00 pm
        40 years. The author of                    and                                                    at Michael’s On East
        six books and numerous                                                                                    with
        articles, Lipstadt is prob-        Hannah Weinberg
        ably most widely known                                                                          Keynote Speaker
        because of the libel law-
        suit brought against her in   Couvert will include reserved seating at                        Rabbi Daniel Cohen
        1996 by David Irving for   the community lecture featuring Deborah Lipstadt
        having called him a Ho-           immediately following dinner.                                         Rabbi Cohen shares his unique blend of
        locaust denier. Irving was                                                                              wisdom and spiritual insight. He is the
        then arguably the world’s                                                                               author of What Will They Say About You
        leading denier. Join us to                                                                              When You Are Gone? Creating a Life of
        hear Professor Lipstadt’s            Lead Sponsor                                                       Legacy, and Senior Rabbi of Congrega-
        thoughts on anti-Semitism   Hannah and Norman Weinberg                                                  tion Agudath Sholom in New England.
        in today’s world.
                                            Gold Sponsor

                                                                                           Event Chair:
                                                                                           Nelle S. Miller                  Contact Gisele Pintchuck
                                                                                                                                   941.707.0029 or

                                   Minimum gift of $6,000 to the 2020 development efforts of
                                    The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee is required.

                                 For more information, please contact Gisele Pintchuck
                                    at 941.706.0029 or

                                                      KEHILLAH                REFUAH SHLEMA


                                                                TRIBE SRQ

          FOR TEENS &
          F O  R T    E  E  NS &
          COL     L E  G  E    S T  U  D  EN    T  S            TIKKUN OLAM                             A  B  O  U  T
          Meet Ethan Zohn, who will share stories on:                                                   ET    HAN
            •  Winning Survivor: Africa                       An Evening
            •  Surviving his teenage years
            •  Connecting to Judaism and Israel                           with                          ETHAN ZOHN is a former
          Ethan will also lead a Survivor game challenge.                                               professional soccer player,
                                                                                                        cancer survivor, winner of
          Stay for dinner afterwards and then attend Ethan’s                                            the hit reality television
          Community Presentation for free!                   ET           HAN                           show Survivor: Africa and

          February 9     Cost                                                                           co-founder of Grassroot
                                                                                                        Soccer. As demonstrated
                                                                Z      OHN                              community involve-                                                    CHARITY        CULTURE
          5:00 p.m.      $ 5pp                                                                          by his charitable work,                             ADULTS
                                                                                                        volunteerism, and
                                                                                                        ment, Ethan believes
                                                                                                        that a better and
          FOR THE COMMUNITY                                                                             healthier world can                             KIDS       JEWISH


                                                                                                        be achieved through
          Hear Ethan speak about his journey of survival     Winner of Hit Reality TV Show,             education, advocacy                                      CALENDAR            Your Hub
                                                                                                        and inspiration.
          through:                                                    Survivor: Africa                                                                           OF EVENTS
           •  Navigating his connection to Judaism                                                                                                                 IN SARASOTA       for Jewish Events
             and Israel                                     Sunday, February 9                            SPONSORED BY                                            AND MANATEE
           •  Crushing cancer, twice
           •  Moving from “Sole Survivor” to humanitarian
                                                                Beatrice Friedman Theater
           February 9    Cost                               The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life
           7:00 p.m.     $ 18pp                                       582 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota              For more information, please contact                       LEARN
                                                                                                                     Andrea Eiffert at                  FAMILY
                                                                                                          941.552.6308 or
                                          Please register at                                                                  
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