Page 18 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 18

18A                          February 2020                                                              COMMUNITY FOCUS

     9  Annual A Taste of Chanukah Festival
     an awesome success

     This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
           he 9  annual A Taste of Chanu-  by Steve Howard, the opportunity                                           man Shop, Sarasota Square Mall.
           kah Festival was well attended   to purchase food, the photo booth,                                            We are also grateful to our many
     Tand  fully  enjoyed,  despite  the   carnival games, silent auction, the                                        volunteers and regret if we inadver-
     last-minute  change of location  from   ability to interact with our event                                       tently omitted a volunteer’s name:
     Phillippi Estate Park to Sarasota Square   sponsors, along with the kindling                                     Sam Schneider, Mia Schneider, Jonah
     Mall. The change of location was an-  of the giant Lego Menorah created                                          Schneider, Elizabeth  Weber, Herman
     nounced three days prior to the event   a family-friendly and heartwarm-                                         Weber,  Mark  Schlanger,  Larry  Hen-
     due to the expected inclement weather.   ing event where smiles, Jewish                                          derson, Kelly Dietz,  Max Serebro,
     The management  at Sarasota Square   pride and laughter abounded.                                                Ella  Steinmetz,  Mendel Steinmetz,
     Mall went above and beyond to help us    Although many participants                                              Itzik  Safranovich,  Mendel  Zirkind,
     pull all the logistics together.     eagerly  anticipated  the outdoor                                           Chaya  Schotzinger, Grace  Rosman,
        The Skyriders trampoline  show,   showering  of  chocolate  Chanu-                                            Martin Rosman, Stanley Glauser, Leah
     the  live  music  by  DJ CJ Koenig,  the   kah gelt from a helicopter flying   ChuckO the Clown with Chirle Glinski, Lili Rosenberg,    Suffin,  Shaya  Suffin,  Sadie  Laufer,
     strolling magicians, face painting,   over the park, and the mouth-          Sara Steinmetz and Ari Steinmetz    Ari  Steinmetz,  Chana  Steinmetz,  Al-
     ChuckO the Clown, the trumpet  solo   watering  menu  offered  each  year  by   Michael’s On East at the  A  Taste of   lie  Fraidowitz, Morris  Weinstein,
                                                                                Chanukah Festival, the event brought   Paecia  Weinstein,  Marsha Goldsby,
                                                                                together over 1,000 participants  from   Hank  Goldsby,  Levi  Steinmetz,  Shai-
                                                                                all facets of the community  to enjoy   el  Jones, Eden  Jones, Sadie  Siegel,
                                                                                the spirit of the Chanukah holiday to-  Evabella  Serebro, Jim  Haberman,
                                                                                gether with pride.                    Paige Jones, Jakob Dubin and Michelle  Chabad of Sarasota honors the Landmans
                                                                                    The community calendars are full   Read.                                                   th
                                                                                of holiday events, and A Taste of Cha-                                  at its 25  annual gala
                                                                                nukah events and other outdoor com-
                        PEOPLE OF THE BOOK                                      Chabad chapters in the Sarasota-Man-
                                                                                munity  events  led by the  other four
                                                                                atee area assure that every Jewish child
                                                                                and adult  can truly  be proud of their
                                                                                rich heritage and experience an added
                                                                                dose of Jewish pride.
                                                                                    For the event’s success, we are
        New Author Lecture Series!                                              truly  indebted  to  the  following  spon-
                                                                                sors  and volunteers who  have been
                                                                                charitable, generous and thoughtful in
                                                                                helping us reach out to the community
             ARIEL BURGER                                  A Study of           at large, and helping bring the glow of
                                                           A Study of
             February 13, 2020 • 7:00 pm  • $18           Elie Wiesel           the candles to illuminate the spirit and
                                                          Elie Wiesel
             Beatrice Friedman Theater, 582 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota               soul of our greater community:
                                                                                    Premier Sponsors: The Jewish Fed-
                                                                                eration of Sarasota-Manatee, Fam-
                               Step into Elie Wiesel’s classroom and join Ariel Burger, author of    ily  Practice  Associates, Budweiser;
                               Witness, in their conversations about ethics, activism, spirituality,   Sponsors: Michael’s On East, Midas of
                               and literature which transformed the lives of students from   Sarasota, Hershorin Schiff Community
                               around the world.
                                                                                Day School, Sarasota Herald-Tribune,
                                                                                Sunset Chevrolet Buick GMC, Robert    Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz announces the number
                                                                                Toale and Sons Funeral Home, Rocket-      of Lego pieces in the Lego Menorah
             JOSH FRANK                                 A Surrealist in
                                                        A Surrealist in
             March 8, 2020 • 7:00 pm • $10                 Hollywood
             Beatrice Friedman Theater, 582 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota               Scholar-in-Residence
                                                                                at Temple Emanu-El
                               Giraffes on Horseback Salad, now a graphic novel, relives the
                               Marx Brothers film first written by Salvador Dali. Recreated by
                               author Josh Frank in partnership with comedian Tim Heideck and   emple  Emanu-El  proudly an-  Saturday’s presentation – preceded
                               Spanish comics creator Manuela Pertega, the film comes to life   nounces presentations  by Ka-  by “Coffee with the Scholar” at 10:00
                               on pages in all its gorgeous, full-color, cinematic, surreal glory.    Tplan Scholar-in-Residence Dr.   a.m. – is titled “Creativity and History
                                                                                Sarah Bunin Benor on Friday, February   of Jewish Names.” This session asks:
                                                                                21 at 7:15 p.m., and Saturday, Febru-  What  makes a family  name Jewish?
             JACK FAIRWEATHER / SARAH ROSE                Heroes of             ary 22 at 10:30 a.m. Professor of Con-  How do Jews around the world select
                                                              oes of
             April 21, 2020 • 10:30 am  • $10          the Resistance           temporary  Jewish Studies  at Hebrew   names for their babies? Participants
                                                       the Resistance
             Beatrice Friedman Theater, 582 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota               Union  College  in  Los  Angeles,  Dr.   will learn about patronymic surnames
                                                                                Benor specializes in sociology as well   like Abramovitch, Isaacs and Yaghobi-
                                    Jack Fairweather, author of The Volunteer: One Man, an   as language  and litera-               an; geographic  names
                                    Underground Army, and Sarah Rose, author of D-Day   ture.                                       like Ashkenazi, Darda-
                                    Girls: The Spies Who Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the   During Shabbat ser-                  shti  and Shapiro;  and
                                    Nazis and Helped Win World War II, will present a panel   vices on Friday evening,              profession names like
                                    discussion on heroes of the resistance during World War II.
                                                                                Dr. Benor will speak on                             Hakim,  Melamed  and
                                                                                “Jewish English: How                                Fingerhut. “They  will
                                                                                American Jews Speak,”                               also be introduced to
                        To order tickets visit:                                 focusing on the ques-                               changes  in American
                                                                                tion: Is it possible that
                                                                                                                                    Jewish baby names
                                                     Jews today continue the                             throughout  the  20
                                                                                                                                    century and beyond,”
                                                                                centuries-old  tradition
               or call 1-888-718-4253,  Option 1                                of speaking  distinctly                             Dr. Benor said. “And,”
                                                                                from their  non-Jewish       Dr. Sarah Bunin Benor  she added, “they will
                                                                                neighbors? “This talk looks at sev-   hear about names Jews select for dogs,
                         FEDERATION TORCH SPONSORS                              eral  features common  among Jewish   cats and other pets.”
      EDIE & DAVID CHAIFETZ  |  LEON R. & MARGARET M. ELLIN  |  DEBBIE & LARRY HASPEL  languages of the past and discusses   Temple  Emanu-El’s Scholar-in-
          ROSENTHAL ROOTS FAMILY FOUNDATION         |  SYLVIA  & NORMAN SAMET   whether American Jews use them,” Dr.   Residence weekend – generously un-
        BUNNY & MORT SKIRBOLL  |  HADASSAH & MARTIN STROBEL  |  LOIS STULBERG   Benor explains. “Through analysis of   derwritten  by  Arny and Dee Kaplan
                                                                                language, we can gain a better under-  and the Peck family  – is open to the
        SILVER SPONSOR                   BRONZE SPONSORS                        standing  of contemporary  American   community at no charge. For more in-
                                                                                Jews and how they compare to Jewish   formation, please call 941.371.2788.
                                                  JULES & CAROL B. GREEN        communities of the past.”

                                                  LORI AND DAVID LINER              Like us on Facebook


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                IRENE & MARTY ROSS
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