Page 14 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 14

14A                          February 2020                                                              COMMUNITY FOCUS

     Daughter of Holocaust hero

     to speak at Temple Beth Sholom

     By Al Treidel | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
           uth Bielski Ehrreich, the daugh-  brothers Asael and Zus, led a group of   cluding one man who lived in the Biel-  was to save as many Jews as possible:
           ter  of Holocaust  hero  Tuvia   Jewish partisans who hid in the for-  skis’ boyhood village. Ultimately, the   men, women, children, the elderly and
     RBielski, will speak at  Temple      est.  Although always hunted by the   Bielskis saved the lives of more than   even the infirm.
     Beth Sholom in Sarasota on Tuesday,   Germans, Bielski’s group continued to   1,200 Jews.                            Ehrreich’s focus remains steadfast:
     March 10 at 7:00 p.m.  Tuvia Bielski   grow. They periodically                            Ruth Bielski Ehrreich   to continue to promote public aware-
     and  his  brothers’  story  was portrayed   raided the ghettos to                     was born  and  raised  in   ness about the Holocaust  and to em-
     in  the  2008  Hollywood  movie  Defi-  help people escape.                           Israel (Palestine). She is   phasize the heroic acts of resistance of
     ance starring Daniel Craig, Liev Sch-    As leader  of the                            the daughter of Tuvia and   the Bielski brothers. She also wants to
     reiber and Jamie Bell. This program is   Bielski  partisans, Tu-                      Lilka Bielski. Ruth retired   ensure the story and legacy of her fa-
     co-sponsored by The Jewish Federa-   via’s aim was to save                            from the fashion industry   ther Tuvia so that it remains in the fore-
     tion of Sarasota/Manatee, Butterflies   the lives of Jews, where                      after  almost  30 years  as   front of Jewish history and Holocaust
     of Hope and Remembrance,  Temple     he could make  a large                           president  of her  apparel   study.
     Beth Israel and Temple Beth Sholom.   impact.  The  partisans                         and footwear company.          Only  250  seats  are  available  for
     The title of Ehrreich’s presentation is   carried  out attacks  on                        When she is not vol-   this  presentation. Advance  tickets  are
     “Growing Up Bielski.”                railroads and roads that                         unteering  at  the  hospi-  $15 and reservations may be made by
        Many believe that the Bielski par-  the Nazis were using as                        tal, her synagogue or      calling the Temple Beth Sholom office
     tisans’ achievement is on par with more   supply routes. At times,   Ruth Bielski Ehrreich  various  other  Jewish and   at  941.955.8121  or  at  www.temple-
     famous acts of wartime courage such   the Bielskis joined forces with Soviet   community  organizations,  she trav- If any tickets
     as those performed by Oskar Schindler   partisans, engaging in guerrilla attacks   els throughout the United States and   are available at the door, the cost will
     and the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto   against the occupiers, raiding German   abroad to share the powerful story of   be $20. We anticipate a great demand
     Uprising. Tuvia Bielski, along with his   convoys loaded with supplies, and kill-  her father Tuvia and his brothers. The   for seats for this amazing program and
                                          ing Nazi soldiers. They also sought out   three brothers formed the largest armed   encourage all interested individuals to
                                          and executed  Nazi collaborators,  in-  Jewish partisan brigade whose mission   purchase tickets as early as possible.

                                          Tastes of Sephardic cooking and

                                          the Sephardic Israeli experience

                                          This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                  uring the last 30 years, Israeli   an opportunity to enjoy the tastes of   and about Tel Mond, Sarasota’s Sister
                                                  cooking  has truly  arrived  on   professionally  prepared  contemporary   City in Israel.
                                          Dthe international scene. It now      Sephardic cooking, including appetiz-     The  cost  is  $25.  You  don’t  have
         LIFE’S TOO                       goes far, far beyond hummus, falafel,   ers, main  dishes, sides and desserts,   to be a member of Sarasota Sister Cit-
         SHORT FOR                        shakshuka, baba ghanoush and schnit-  on Tuesday, February 18 from 5:30 to   ies to participate.  Please contact  Tel
                                          zel  (not that  there’s anything  wrong
                                                                                7:30 p.m. at the Sarasota Arts Center
                                                                                                                      Mond Sarasota Sister City Commu-
                                          with these classic dishes).           (located adjacent to the Municipal Au-  nity Director Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz
                                              Much of the focus on new foods    ditorium on Tamiami Trail). There will   at  941.366.2224  x166  or  jkatz@jfcs-
                                          highlights the rise of Sephardic cook-  be vegetarian  items  and, hopefully, to make your reservation by
      DELICIOUS PLANT-BASED               ing. Its delightful range of spices,   leftovers for you to take home.      Monday, February 10.
              DISHES ARE                  flavors,  grains,  produce  and  modern   In addition to enjoying wonderful     The Jewish Federation of Sara-
          NOW AVAILABLE                   fusions have garnered considerable cu-  food (for which the recipes will be pro-  sota-Manatee  is the sponsor organi-
          BESTFOOD.COM                    linary attention.                     vided),  attendees  will  learn  about  the   zation for Sarasota Sister City’s  Tel
                                              Sarasota Sister Cities is sponsoring   fascinating history of Sephardic Jewry   Mond relationship.

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