Page 19 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 19

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                        February 2020                                     19A

     Jewish Food Festival at Jewish Congregation of Venice

     By Cynthia Greene | This program is sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
           ack by popular demand, the ea-  tinuous entertainment,  vendor booths   the actual day of the festival. JCV bak-  the JCV classrooms.
           gerly awaited 26  annual Jew-  and raffle sales.                     ers take over the kitchen in early De-    It is an enormous undertaking by
 man Shop, Sarasota Square Mall.  Bish Food Festival at the Jewish   Over  5,000  visitors  from  Venice   cember, committees rev up and begin   this dedicated congregation, which un-
 We are also grateful to our many  Congregation  of  Venice  (600 North   and surrounding communities flock to   recruiting volunteers, provisions are   derstands that the bulk of its operating
 volunteers and regret if we inadver-Auburn Road) will take place on Sun-  the festival each year to purchase food   ordered, etc.  The ad book committee   revenue comes from this one yearly
 tently omitted a volunteer’s name:  day, February 16 from 10:00 a.m. to   and  treasures.  Over two-thirds  of the   solicits ads. Posters and flyers are put   event. In turn, the community responds
 Sam Schneider, Mia Schneider, Jonah  4:00 p.m.  synagogue’s membership participate in   up throughout  Venice.  Donations for   with great enthusiasm and hearty ap-
 Schneider, Elizabeth  Weber, Herman   In addition to Jewish delicacies   advance planning, and work tirelessly   the  flea  market  are  stacked  in  one  of   petites. Almost no one leaves without
 Weber,  Mark  Schlanger,  Larry  Hen-prepared by the bakers at the Jew-                                              an armful of bags filled with knishes,
 derson, Kelly Dietz,  Max Serebro,  ish Congregation of  Venice (JCV),                                               chopped  liver  and  stuffed  cabbage  to
 Ella  Steinmetz,  Mendel Steinmetz,  the festival features piled-high corned                                         be frozen for the future.
 Itzik  Safranovich,  Mendel  Zirkind,  beef and pastrami sandwiches, stuffed                                             Spend an hour or an afternoon eat-
 Chaya  Schotzinger, Grace  Rosman,  cabbage, knishes, kugel, chicken and                                             ing and drinking at  one of the  tables
 Martin Rosman, Stanley Glauser, Leah  matzah ball soups, brisket platter, and                                        set up near the entertainers. There’s no
 Suffin,  Shaya  Suffin,  Sadie  Laufer,  a whole lot more. New this year is a                                        better way to spend a Sunday in Ven-
 Ari  Steinmetz,  Chana  Steinmetz,  Al-booth  selling  wine  and  beer. Credit                                       ice.

 lie  Fraidowitz, Morris  Weinstein,  cards are accepted.                                                                 For more information  about the
 Paecia  Weinstein,  Marsha Goldsby,   The  festival  also  features  a  flea                                         festival,  call  941.484.2022 weekdays
 Hank  Goldsby,  Levi  Steinmetz,  Shai-market, book and jewelry sales, con-  Baked goods at last year’s Jewish Food Festival  from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
 el  Jones, Eden  Jones, Sadie  Siegel,
 Evabella  Serebro, Jim  Haberman,
 Paige Jones, Jakob Dubin and Michelle  Chabad of Sarasota honors the Landmans
     at its 25  annual gala

           habad of Sarasota will honor   Chaim  Steinmetz  and many Chabad     tive in Chabad and the Sarasota Jewish
           Randy and Robert Landman at    members.  After that short visit, they   community. Bob serves on Chabad’s
     Cits 25  annual gala at Michael’s    decided then that they would return to   Board of Directors and is on the LIFE
     On East on Tuesday, March 3 at 6:30   Sarasota for at least one month the fol-  & LEGACY™ committee. He partici-
     p.m.                                 lowing year. After spending the month   pates in the daily minyan, attends Tal-
        Randy and Bob first visited Sara-  here,  they  knew that  this  community   mud Class and JLI programs. He also
     sota in 2012 in their motor home, and   was special,  and they purchased a   serves as Treasurer of Hershorin Schiff
     stayed down the street from Chabad. In   home and settled in Sarasota in the fall   Community Day School and has been a
     the week they were here, they became   of 2013.                            Jewish Federation board member. Ran-
     instant  friends with Sara and Rabbi     Since that time, they have been ac-  dy is a Rebbetzin Circle sponsor for
                                                                                Chabad’s women’s group and a mem-            Robert and Randy Landman
      DIANE LAWSON, CCIM                                                        ber  of the  Federation’s Pomegranate   mission to bring Judaism with a smile
                                                                                                                      to every Jew regardless of background
                                                                                Society. Both are members of AIPAC’s
      COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES                                           Washington and Congressional Clubs.   or affiliation.
                                                                                                                          The  cost for the  dinner  is $180.
                                                                                    Randy and Bob are staunch sup-
                                   Part of only 6% of brokers who              porters and influential members in our   To receive an invitation or to place an
                                     have earned their CCIM                     community,  who  also  offer  hands-on   advertisement in the gala journal, call
                                     designation                                assistance  and constantly  volunteer   the Chabad office at 941.925.0770 or
                                                                                their  time  for the  furtherance  of our

                                   30+ years of experience in
 Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz announces the number   commercial real estate in the
 of Lego pieces in the Lego Menorah
                                     Sarasota/Bradenton area

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 at Temple Emanu-El  Senior Investment Advisor   tenant representation of retail,
                                     office, and industrial

 Saturday’s presentation – preceded   M: 941.780.6136
 by “Coffee with the Scholar” at 10:00      CALL OR EMAIL
 a.m. – is titled “Creativity and History  1626 Ringling Blvd., Suite 500   FOR ANY OF
 of Jewish Names.” This session asks:   Sarasota, FL 34236
 What  makes a family  name Jewish?        YOUR PROPERTY
 How do Jews around the world select             NEEDS!
 names for their babies? Participants                                                                        VOTED #1
 will learn about patronymic surnames
 like Abramovitch, Isaacs and Yaghobi-                                                                     FLOORING STORE
 an; geographic  names                                                                                  FOR OVER 20 YEARS!
 like Ashkenazi, Darda-
 shti  and Shapiro;  and                                                                                Featuring:
 profession names like                                                                                  •  Lifetime Guaranteed
 Hakim,  Melamed  and                                                                                    Installation
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 also be introduced to                                                                                                        BUSINESS  BUSINESS
                                                                                                                                       OF THE YEAR
 changes  in American    Your Local                                                                     •  Removal & Recycling         AWARD 2018
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 throughout  the  20
 century and beyond,”   Mortgage Lender
 Dr. Benor said. “And,”
 she added, “they will    ■   Conventional, FHA, VA, and USDA
 hear about names Jews select for dogs,
 cats and other pets.”     ■   Construction/Renovation Loans
 Temple  Emanu-El’s Scholar-in-   ■   Jumbo Loans
 Residence weekend – generously un-  ■   Physician Loan Program
 derwritten  by  Arny and Dee Kaplan   ■   Custom Portfolio Loans
 and the Peck family  – is open to the   ■   Manufactured Home Loans                          G. Fried Sarasota  |  941-584-8158
 community at no charge. For more in-
 formation, please call 941.371.2788.                                                            5990 South Tamiami Trail  |  Sarasota, FL 34231
                                                                                              M-F 9:30am-6pm  |  Sat 9:30am-5pm  |  Sun 12-4pm
                                   Penny Hill Group
                                   Scott Kolbe, Penny Hill,                                    G. Fried Tampa  |  813-642-7100
                                   and Paul Eidel                                              231 Brandon Town Center Dr  |  Brandon, FL 33511
                                   (941) 545-1275                                             M-F 9:30am-7pm  |  Sat 9:30am-5pm  |  Sun 12-4pm
                                   Scott NMLS# 450453
                                   Penny NMLS# 365464
                                   Paul NMLS# 1041466
                                                                                       Your Source For Fine Flooring Since 1930

               Subject to credit approval.                                                    
               CenterState Bank, N.A. Corp NMLS# 403455.

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