Page 27 - Example
P. 27
Long Term Disability (LTD)

Long-term disability beneits are provided to you if you cannot work as a result of illness or injury. In order to qualify
for these beneits, you must be unable to perform each of the main duties of your job, due to illness or injury.
Who provides your LTD beneits? Can your LTD beneit payment be reduced?

Your LTD beneit is insured by Unum. Yes. Depending on your circumstances, your
beneits may be reduced by:
How much of your income can LTD > Any disability beneits or retirement beneits you
beneits replace? may receive under your employer’s retirement
Through the company-paid LTD beneit, if you plan or a government retirement plan;
qualify for LTD beneits, you will receive up to 60% > Beneits payable to you by Social Security; and
of your pay, to a maximum of $5,000 per month.
You may also purchase voluntary LTD coverage that > Earnings you may receive from any form of
may cover you for up to 60% of your salary, up to an employment.
additional $12,500 per month. The maximum beneit
payable under both the company-paid and voluntary LTD Buy-Up
LTD plans is 60% of your pay, to a maximum of LTD Plan Features LTD Core Option
$15,000 per month—excluding overtime, bonuses Maximum Monthly $5,000 $15,000
and other incentive-based compensation. Find the Beneit 1
LTD schedule on the following page. Elimination Period 90 days
If your disability occurs before
Who pays for your LTD beneits? age 60, beneits will be payable
GLG pays for your company-paid LTD beneits. You Beneit Duration Period until age 65. If your disability
must pay for any voluntary LTD beneits you elect. occurs at or after age 60,
beneits would be paid according
The premium amount paid is included in the to a beneit duration schedule.
employee’s taxable income and reported on the Deinition of Disability 2 Own Occupation to Age 65
W-2. Since premium is paid with post-tax dollars,this Mental/Nervous
arrangement is intended to yield a nontaxable Maximum Beneit Period 2 Years
beneit. Survivor Beneit 3 Months

When does your beneit payment begin? Rate Per $100 by Salary N/A $0.14
Less than $200,000
Whether you are ill or have an accident, beneits $200,000+ N/A $0.17
become payable after 90 days following the 1. Beneit payment limit for combined employee-paid and voluntary LTD
occurrence of your disability. beneits is 60% of your pay, up to $15,000 per month.

How long may LTD beneits be paid? Note: This summary of STD and LTD beneits provides only highlights of
these beneits. Please refer to the oficial plan documents or Summary
If you qualify for coverage, you will be eligible to Plan Description, or contact your People Team Representative for speciic
terms and conditions, including limitations and exclusions.
receive beneits as long as you are disabled, but
no later than age 65 or Social Security Normal
Retirement Age (whichever is later).

Are beneits automatically paid?

No. You must apply to Unum and qualify for beneits
under the LTD program. No Evidence of Insurability
(EOI) is required if you enroll in the LTD buy-up
during the annual enrollment. There is a 3/12 pre-
existing condition limitation that will apply.

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