Page 6 - NextCare Holdings 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 6
Qualified Example Expenses

X Payments toward your deductible ACCOUNT (HSA)
X Prescriptions
X Medicare premiums If you elect the BCBS High Deductible Health Plan,
X Orthodontia you may open and contribute to a health savings
X Glasses/contacts account (HSA) through MyBlue Savings. This account
is not an option with the BCBS PPO plan.
Non-Qualified Example Expenses

X Food You elect a certain amount to contribute tax-free
X Clothing from your paycheck and the money is deposited into
X Household items your account through MyBlue Savings. You receive a
debit card from MyBlue Savings which can be used
Visit to view a complete list of eligible and ineligible to pay for eligible health, dental, and vision care.

For non-provider employees, NextCare matches 10
HSA Eligibility cents on the dollar to what you contribute to the

You may open and contribute pretax to an HSA health savings account for the employee portion
under the following circumstances: of the deductible. The chart below highlights the
maximum you can contribute per paycheck to
X Enrolled in an IRS qualiied high deductible your health savings account without exceeding
health plan (HDHP) the IRS maximum. You may elect to contribute

X Not enrolled in a traditional PPO plan through less than the employee portion listed. If you are
your spouse or other employer sponsored plan eligible to contribute more than the per pay period
options maximum noted below or would like to change your
X Not enrolled in a Government sponsored contribution amount, send an email to Michelle

program (Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, etc.) Geeve.
X Have not received VA beneits within the last Employee HSA Per Pay Period
three months (unless receiving beneits for a Maximum Contributions
service related disability)
X Not claimed as a dependent on someone else’s Plan Type
tax return Non-Providers: Individual Deductible $0.00–$268.01
Non-Providers: Family Deductible
X Do not have an HSA and healthcare FSA; your Providers: Individual Deductible $0.00–$140.38
spouse also cannot have a healthcare FSA Providers: Family Deductible $0.00–$280.76
through his/her own employer

The IRS allows a maximum contribution in 2022
for individual coverage of $3,650 and $7,300 for
family coverage. If you are age 55 or older you can
contribute an additional $1,000 on top of these
amounts as a catch-up contribution.

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