Page 14 - 2016 Open Enrollment
P. 14

Karen Jones
beneitsPLUS—I have 3 kids and a husband on the Premium PPO, we have
tons of costs each year! We had 3 ER visits and lots of PCP visits last year
when my enire household got the lu for 2 months.

Premium Enhanced Standard
5 in-network PCP visit: $150 total $150 total $150 total $550
$550 total (deducible)
3 ER visits: $3,000 total $750 total $750 total $750 total $3,000
Total Responsibility for Karen
Total Out of Pocket $900 $900 $900 $3,550
Annual Payroll $12,053 $8,197 $4,788 $2,996
Deducion (Family)
Company HSA N/A N/A N/A ($1,000)
Karen Total Cost $12,953 $9,097 $5,688 $5,546

Karen, you are potenially over insured in the Premium PPO. With a
family, we understand your healthcare costs could luctuate greatly from
year to year. Maybe next year you won’t have any ER visits and you’ll
be able to use our virtual visit opion—we certainly hope so! But you
probably need a plan with some upfront protecion for your cost of care.
The Standard or Enhanced Plan ofer similar coverage that can meet
your needs for a lower employee contribuion.

f Please note the costs for the various services used to create the preceding scenarios are for
illustraive purposes only. Actual costs may difer the type of care or services provided.
f Hospital Stay—cost assumed as total of all inpaient, outpaient, and surgical expenses;
therefore, applying directly to deducible and coinsurance for all modeled plan

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