Page 15 - 2016 Open Enrollment
P. 15
Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN)

Mike Doe
I manage a chronic condiion and need a handful of prescripions; I’m also
57 and nearing reirement. I need to start thinking of my cost of care once
I reire. My wife and I are in the Premium PPO and feel prety conident
that’s the plan for us. Am I over insured?

Premium Enhanced Standard
Two Brand & Two $10/$30 $10/$30 $10/$30 $4,000
Generic In-network Rxs/ monthly monthly monthly to saisfy
Month: $300/$30 per copay ($960) copay ($960) copay ($960) deducible;
Month then 20% of
Total Responsibility for Mike
Total Out of Pocket $960 $960 $960 $4,784
Annual Payroll $7,235 $4,918 $2,867 $1,798
Deducion (EE + Sp)
Company HSA N/A N/A N/A ($1,000)
Mike Total Cost $8,195 $5,878 $3,827 $5,582

Mike, you are potenially over insured in the Premium PPO. Managing
a chronic condiion means you can beter budget what your healthcare
Notes: expenses will be each year. You could have very similar coverage in the
f Please note the costs for the various services Enhanced or Standard PPO and pay less in employee contribuions for
used to create the preceding scenarios are for that coverage. Considering your reirement is coming up, you may want
illustraive purposes only. Actual costs may difer to consider our HSA PPO which allows you contribute $1,000 on top of
the type of care or services provided.
f Outpaient Services—cost assumed as total of all the IRS maximum amount (since you are over age 55). You could build a
outpaient expenses; therefore, applying directly to nice “nest egg” of savings into your HSA to use once you reire.
deducible and coinsurance for all modeled plans.

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