Page 131 - Michigan Drill
P. 131

Multi-Tool  Cap Screw Counterbores

              For Forward & Backward Application – Patented
              ● Designed to counterbore holes for standard cap screws.                Exclusively
              ● Using the same piloted holder, you can forward or back                         By
                                                                                                                        HOLE MAKING
                  counterbore and spotface.
              ● Uses the same simple design of the multi-tool system.
              ● Just choose the appropriate blade for your application.                      Watch our instructional videos on

            STEP 1                                              STEP 2
            Select the appropriate piloted holder and blade for the screw size needed.  Insert the blade into the piloted holder and tighten the set screw.
                                                                 For FORWARD counterboring: Use in a clockwise direction
                                                                 For BACKWARD counterboring:
                                                                 Use in a reverse spindle, in a counter-clockwise direction.
            Piloted Holders
             Screw   Pilot  Shank  Overall   Tool     Price       Screw   Pilot  Shank  Overall   Tool    Price
              Size  Diameter Diameter  Length  No.    Each         Size  Diameter Diameter  Length  No.   Each
              10     13/64   1/4    4       AH8      30.78         1/2   17/32    1/2    5-3/4   BH16     42.98
              1/4    9/32    9/32   4       AH9      33.53         5/8   21/32    5/8    7-1/2   DH20     73.07
              5/16   11/32   11/32  4-3/8   BH11     36.10         3/4   13/16    3/4    7-1/2   DH24    102.38
              3/8    13/32   13/32  5       BH13     37.83         7/8   15/16    3/4    8       EH30    132.64
              7/16   15/32   15/32  5-3/4   BH15     40.74         1     1-1/16   3/4    8       EH34    141.41

            Compatible Blades NOTE: Select the same cutting speeds and feed rates as you would for drills of same size.
              ● Forward or back counterbore and spotface
              ● Worn blades can be ground to smaller diameters and reused
              ● Resharpen and modify blades to special diameters and unusual hole configurations

              Forward Blades                                       Backward Blades
             Screw   Cutting    Blade     Tool       Price         Screw   Cutting   Blade     Tool      Price
              Size   Diameter  Thickness   No.       Each          Size   Diameter  Thickness  No.       Each
              No.10   21/64     1/16     AB216       16.76         1/4     13/32     1/16     ABZ13      20.37
              1/4     13/32     1/16     AB13        17.11         5/16    1/2       3/32     BBZ16      25.62
              5/16    1/2       3/32     BB16        21.50         3/8     19/32     3/32     BBZ19      30.10
              3/8     19/32     3/32     BB19        23.73         7/16    11/16     3/32     BBZ22      30.78
              7/16    11/16     3/32     BB22        25.53         1/2     25/32     3/32     BBZ25      31.81
              1/2     25/32     3/32     BB25        26.65         5/8     1         3/16     DB32DN     38.08
              5/8     1         3/16     DB32        27.08         3/4     1-3/16    3/16     DB38DN     40.07
              3/4     1-3/16    3/16     DB38        29.07         7/8     1-3/8     1/4      EB44DN     45.85
              7/8     1-3/8     1/4      EB44        33.70         1       1-9/16    1/4      EB50DN     49.40
              1       1-9/16    1/4      EB50        36.40
            Replacement Parts
                         Description                      Tool No.           Price Each
                    Set Screw for AH8 and 9           Part SS540-14             .75
                Set Screw for BH11, 13, 15, and 16    Part SS832-516            .75
                   Set Screw for DH20 and 24          Part SS51624-38           .75
                   Set Screw for EH30 and 34          Part SS1220-12           1.35

            NOTE: Blades of similar thickness may be used in any piloted holder which accommodates that thickness.
                Set Type                  Description              Set No.     Price
                              10 piece set contains
               Forward Set    a Blade and a Piloted Holder for each of  AB1   282.56
                              the following screw sizes:
                              No.10, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2
                              10 piece set contains
               Forward &      a Blade and a Piloted Holder for each of
              Backward Set    the following screw sizes:            AB2       321.43
                              1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2
                              (reverse spindle required)
                                                                     Sets supplied in wood block
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