Page 113 - MustangEbook
P. 113

The same principle is true of either the butt
                                                               salute with a rifle or the present arms. In the
                                                               latter  case  even,  the  name  implies  the
                                                               offering of the arms to a superior.

                                                              21 GUN SALUTE

                                                              Warships originally fired seven-gun salutes –
                               Eye’s Right
                                                              the number seven probably selected because
                                                              of  its  significance.  Seven  planets  had  been
               SWORD SALUTE
                                                              identified  then  and  the  phase  of  the  moon
               The  first  movement  in  saluting  with  the   changed every seven days.
               sword, known as the “Recovery”, is said to
               have  religious  significance  dating  from  the
               Crusades. The sword in earlier forms was in
               the  shape  of  a  cross,  and  the  position  of         21 Gun Salute Video

                                                              Land  batteries,  having  a  greater  supply  of
                                                              gunpowder, were able to fire three guns for
                                                              every  shot  fired  afloat;  hence  the  salute  by
                                                              shore batteries was 21 guns. The multiple of
                                                              three  was  probably  chosen  because  of  the
                                                              mystical  significance  associated  with  the
               recovery closely resembles the Crusader’s act   number 3 in many ancient civilizations.
               of kissing the cross of his sword before going
               into battle. It may also have some connection
                                            with        the
               The sword in earlier forms
                                            oriental custom
               was in the shape of a cross,
                                            of shielding the
               and the position of recovery
                                            eyes  from  a
               closely resembles the        superior.  The
               Crusader’s act of kissing the   position  of  the
               cross of his sword before    salute itself is a

               going into battle.           modification of
                                            the     former        Gun Salutes provided by the Ceremonial 25-
               practice  of  thrusting  the  point  of  the  sword
               into the ground from which position it would   The  21-Gun  Salute  would  be  fired  during
               be  more  than  difficult  to  strike  suddenly  at   National  Day  whilst  the  President  of  the
               one’s opponent.                                Republic of Singapore inspects the Parade.
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