Page 117 - MustangEbook
P. 117

past at Jalan Besar Stadium. In a day filled   As such, the mounting of the Camp Quarter
               with muster parades, open houses and pledges   Guard has been abolished since July 2004.
               of loyalty, the most solemn moment was the
               presentation of the SAF Colours for the first   Thereafter, the Welcome Guard is used and
               time to the 3rd Battalion, Singapore Infantry   mounted for VIPs when they visit units in the
               Regiment  (3  SIR)  by  the  then  Minister  for   Army. The Welcome Guard will be mounted
               Interior and Defence, Mr Lim Kim San.          for the following categories of VIPs:

               The  SAF  Day  is  a  reaffirmation  of  the
               importance of national defence and the vital   a.  Local Visitors – Service Chief and VIPs in
               role that every soldier plays in the security of   Group 2 and above in the MINDEF Table
               Singapore.  It  is  an  occasion  to  renew  the   of  Precedence  (Only  for  Introductory
               pledge of allegiance to the President and the     Visit)
               country, to remember comrades-in-arms who
               died during service to the nation, and to give   b.  Foreign  Visitors  –  Service  Chief  or
               recognition to the best in the SAF.               Brigadier General and above

               Today,  the  Parade  showcases  the  SAF  as  a
               modern,  integrated  and  cohesive  fighting
               force  that  is  ready  and  capable  of
               safeguarding the security and sovereignty of
               Singapore.  Thus,  bringing  about  greater
               confidence in the SAF and instil a sense of
               pride  amongst  past  and  present  Service

                                                               Britain’s Prince William inspecting the Welcome
               WELCOME GUARD                                                     Guards

               Welcome Guard was  previously  known as
               Camp  Quarter  Guard.  The  18-men  Camp       PACE STICK
               Quarter Guard mounted to welcome local or
               foreign VIPs visiting the camp were at the
               quarters of military personnel whose duties
               included the guarding of the camp premise
               and turning out at the guardroom whenever
               a senior officer or VIP visits the camp. The
               attire for the Camp Quarter Guard then was
               the  camp  guards’  attire  i.e.  Camouflage

               To optimise the use of manpower resources,
               the number of Camp Quarter Guard has been
               reduced.  In  fact,  the  concept  of  using  the
               camp guards for the Camp Quarter Guard is
               no longer valid or applicable for VIP visits.
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