Page 116 - MustangEbook
P. 116

SILENT PRECISION DRILL                         the  custom  to  assemble  the  garrison  in
                                                              formation  with  the  departing  troops  in  the
               Precision Drill was first introduced in the SAF   place of honour on the right. Three cheers for
               in the year 1984. It is a form of drill where a   their departing comrades were then given by
               group of men perform in unison, with precise   the troops remaining behind. The simple notes
               coordination  and  timing  without  commands   of  the  Three  Cheers  as  they  are  used  today
               being given.                                   could very well have this symbolic meaning.

               Every squad member takes about 6 months        In the SAF, the Three Cheers (Optional) are
               to train before they can start performing on   rendered  during  a  Change-  Of  Command
               any occasion.                                  Parade.  They  will  be  performed  without
                                                              removing headdress thus using the right hand.
               Their  training  emphasises  on  physical      The  right  palm  should  be  in  a  clenched
               endurance,  mental  discipline,  coordination
               and teamwork between the squad members         position.
               to execute a series of complex arms drill.
               The weapon that they are using is called MK
               4 (Mark 4). It weighs approximately 5 kg.      Apart from their practical uses to protect the
               and 1.2 m in length.                           hands  from  cold  and  injury,  gloves  have
                                                              symbolic connotations. They are mainly used
               The  Silent  Precision  Drill  Squad  has      for ceremonial purposes in the SAF. Gloves
               constantly  been  appearing  in  major  events   have  been  used  as  a  ceremonial  item  since
               like  National  Day  Parades,  Chingay         medieval times. They are worn when in No. 1
               Processions, Istana Changing-of-Guards and     uniform.
               numerous  recruitment  activities.  During
               participation,  the  Silent  Precision  Drill   SAF DAY PARADE
               Squad has won numerous recognitions.

               The Silent Precision Drill Squad has caught
               the  eye  of  every  Singaporean  with  the
               precision  execution  of  complex  arms  drill.
               The  popularity  of  the  squad  was  not  only
               confined to the local audience; it also spread
               across Singapore’s border.

               The Squad was invited to Malaysia in 1989
               to  perform  for  a  Military  Tattoo  in  Kuala   President Halimah presenting the new Regimental
               Lumpur, where the squad was commended             Colours to Headquarters Army Intelligence.
               for her outstanding performance.                  Received by Chief Army Intelligence Officer,
                                                                           Colonel Paul Cheak
               THE THREE CHEERS                               On 1 July 1969, the SAF celebrated her first

                                                              Armed Forces Day. The first SAF day saw a
               This  custom  originated  at  the  time  of  the
               Crusades.  At  the  time,  when  detachments   1,500-strong  contingent  of  servicemen  and
               were sent away on faraway campaigns, it was    women in a  grand parade finale and march
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