Page 120 - MustangEbook
P. 120
Institute. Led by Chief of Defence Force
The following shall be taken into Lieutenant-General (LG) Ng Chee Meng,
consideration for the conduct of the parade: they recited the SAF Pledge to reaffirm their
loyalty and commitment to the nation. They
a. The parade must be simple, meaningful also observed a one-minute silence to
and the duration kept short. remember those who died in the line of duty.
b. The parade must be carried out formally The parade featured a special ceremony
in RSAF No.4 uniform with headdress known as Trooping of the Colours, where a
(Beret) and combat boots. contingent carried (or 'trooped') the Colours
c. The parade must accord the necessary (flags) across the parade square, marching to
dignity and protocol to commensurate the beat of music performed by the military
with the occasion band. The parade also recognised the
d. It should be conducted only once a year contributions of SAF pioneers, and a video
during the anniversary. montage paid tribute to the late Mr Lee Kuan
Yew, Singapore's founding prime minister,
The parade allows the celebration of the who played an instrumental role in building
formation of RSAF and her heritage. It also
allows reflection of past achievements and to up the
showcase our RSAF as a modern and
operationally-ready fighting force SAF.HONOURING PIONEERS
The parade also recognised the contributions
of SAF pioneers, and a video montage paid
tribute to the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew,
The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Singapore's founding prime minister, who
commemorated its 50th year of defending the played an instrumental role in building up the
nation with a special parade officiated by SAF.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on SAF
Day, 1 Jul. Five F-15SG fighter planes Some 500 SAF pioneers were guests at the
performed a flypast to pay tribute to all parade. Among them was Major (MAJ) (Ret)
regulars and national servicemen - past and Leong Kwai Wah, 74, who was part of the
present. Also featured was a heli-flypast of the first batch of SAF officer cadets in 1966. He
national flag. More than 3000 SAF Regulars, was involved in taking over Tengah Air Base
Operationally-ready National Servicemen from the British when they started
(NSmen), and Full-time National Servicemen withdrawing their troops from Singapore in
attended the parade at SAFTI Military the late 1960s.