Page 118 - MustangEbook
P. 118
The modern pace-stick is an adaptation of a CEREMONIAL SWORD
similar item used by the Royal Regiment of
Artillery in Britain. It was originally used by
gunners to ensure correct distances between
guns on the battlefield, to ensure effective
fire. Today, it is the symbol of the Parade
Sergeant Major (PSM) authority as a master
of the drill, parade and ceremony. It is also
used as a tool to measure, among other things,
the distance taken in a single marching step.
The pace stick carried by the Sergeant Major
is a symbol of prestige and authority. The Inaugural Army Sword Presentation
beholder is a trained instructor of drill, parade ceremony in Pasir Laba Camp on 22 August
and ceremonies. He holds the responsibility of
teaching various drill movements and 201, where 177 Warrant Officers and 27
ceremonial proceedings of the parade to all Military Experts (MEs) gathered to receive
ranks including Officers, this illustrating his ceremonial swords from Chief of Army Major
capability and his acumen in terms of drills General (MG) Ravinder Singh. The
and ceremony. presentation of ceremonial swords to Warrant
Officers, who hold the ranks of Master
The paces stick is the epitome of authority and Warrant Officer (MWO) and ME4s above,
rank. It is a recognition accorded to a Sergeant recognizes their leadership qualities and
Major to carry out his primary responsibility expertise in key military areas, which range
of maintaining a high standard of drill, parade from war fighting to engineering and military
and ceremonies as well as upholding the medicine.
highest standard of regimentation and
discipline in the unit. The brown pace stick
will be carried by the RSMs and the black
pace stick will be carried by the CSMs and
conducting warrant officer.