Page 12 - MustangEbook
P. 12

Message from

                                                                   SAF Sergeant


                                                              So what is a healthy military culture? It is a

                                                              recipe  of  many  ingredients  that  provide  a
                                                              basic  framework  for  our  moral  and
               The observance of the customs and traditions
               of the Army is an integral part of military life   organisation values. Additionally, it is the rich
               and their retention will continue greatly to the   Army  history  interwoven  with  customs,
               maintenance of esprit de corps.                traditions and a “warrior spirit”. Over time it
                                                              will evolve and mature into the foundation of
               The  words  ‘customs’  and  ‘traditions’  hold   our organisational principles.
               important meaning for soldiers.
                                                              Throughout the course of our military history,
               The  Army’s  customs  include  the  people,    the Army has developed a distinct culture that
               events and ideas from the past that influence   portrays  an  identity  to  its  members  and  the
               the present. Customs are often manifested in   general public. Service members throughout
               ceremonies, museum exhibits, memorials on      the Army do not consider themselves as part
               Army  installations  such  as  named  streets,   of a generic Armed Forces but instead identify
               buildings, or landmarks.                       themselves  by  vocations,  eg.  Infantry,
                                                              Armour, Artillery, etc.
               Traditions are daily visible reminders of our
               Army’s core values and proud heritage. They    Thus,  I  am  confident  that  we  live  by  the
               remind  us  of  the  need  for  units  to  work   Army’s customs and traditions and embrace
               together so that traditions can be fostered and   them in our daily life as our own. We must not
               perpetuated. You will be surrounded by, and    only  understand  them;  we  must  believe  in
               be  part  of  the  tradition  as  long  as  you  are   them,  model  them  in  our  own  actions  and
               associated with the Army.                      teach others to accept and live by them.

               A strong well-defined culture built on the past
               traditions and history of the Army is critical to
               a  healthy  military  organisation.  A  vibrant
               military culture is so vital, if absent or weak,
               may  have  a  devastating  impact  on  the
               military’s readiness.                          SWO GUNGA
                                                              SAF Sergeant Major
                                                              Singapore Armed Forces
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