Page 17 - MustangEbook
P. 17

THE BIRTH OF SAF                               the beginning of the citizen army and the start
                                                              of National Service as a way of life for the
                                                              male citizens of Singapore.

                           The early NS                       The start of National Service led to many of 1

                                                              SIR’s experienced commanders being called

                                                              upon  to  train  National  Servicemen.  In
                                                              October 1968, 1 SIR joined the ranks of 3 and
                                                              4 SIR in training national servicemen, and by
                                                              the end of 1969, 1 SIR had become a fully
                                                              operational national service battalion.
               After more than 100 years of British colonial
               rule  and  two  tumultuous  years  under  the                      1  SIR  was  based  at
               Malaysian Federation, Singapore was left to                        Guillemard  Camp  since
               fend for herself. It was a time of significant                     January  1969,  together
               uncertainty as the leaders were faced with the                     with  the  Volunteers,
               enormous  task  of  charting  the  path  of  our                   provided  the  simple
               national destiny. Nevertheless, Singapore was                      foundation       around
               determined to not only survive on its own but                      which    our    modern
               to succeed.                                                        armed forces took shape.

               An urgent priority after independence was to   Only the top  10 per cent  of the 9,000 were
               build  up  Singapore’s  defence  capability.   chosen  for  two  years  of  full-time  military
               Singapore’s  very  first  battalion  of  regular   training in two new NS army battalions – the
               soldiers,  the  1st  Bn.  Singapore  Infantry   3  and 4th Bn. Singapore Infantry Regiments
               Regiment (1 SIR) was formed on 12 March        First 1 SIR logo           (3  and  4  SIR)  at
               1957 against a backdrop of impending self-     inaugurated on 4 March     Taman     Jurong
               government. Together with 2 SIR, which was     1957. The logo used was    Camp.  The  first
               raised  in  1962,  this  was  the  only  defence   one of a lion standing on a  batch of enlistees’
                                                              tower. This first logo was
               Singapore  had  in  the  post-independence     reminiscent of British     full-time  military
               years.                                         influence with its richness   service  reported
                                                              and grandeur.
                                                                                         from  17  August
               It was with that in mind that the then Prime   1967. A total of 450 men were absorbed into
               Minister,  Mr.  Lee  Kuan  Yew  and  other     each    battalion   with   formal   training
               Ministers  appealed  to  Singapore  citizens  to   commencing on 11 September 1967.
               support National Service.

               The passing of the NS (Amendment) Act in
               mid-Mar 1967 was a turning point in the lives
               of  Singaporean  males.  Between  28  March
               1967 and 18 April 1967, registration began in
               earnest  at  the  Central  Manpower  Base
               (CMPB)  for  the  first  batch  of  citizens  who
               were  born  between  1  January  1949  and  30
               June 1949 – some 9,000 of them. This marked
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