Page 18 - MustangEbook
P. 18
victory and merit in all endeavours. The
laurels surrounding the crest are a symbol of
honour, glory, excellence and virtues that the
SAF strives continuously to achieve.
Those who were not selected for full-time
military service served in the Peoples’
Defence Force (PDF), the Vigilante Corps
and Special Constabulary.
The second logo of 1SIR was instituted on March With the announcement having been made of
11, 1961
the British pulling out her forces from
To re-envision the identity of the battalion, a Singapore, it became more imperative to
second logo was instituted on 11 March 1961. accelerate our military build-up and attract
more resources for defence.
“First and Foremost,” has come a long way
With the announcement motto of our DEFENCE
having been made of the pioneer battalion
British pulling out her to become the Many of us are familiar with the old Police
forces from Singapore, it guiding principle Headquarters at Pearl’s Hill in Chinatown.
became imperative to of the whole SAF However, not many may know that in
accelerate our military representing November 1965, the newly set-up Ministry of
victory and merit Interior and Defence, now known as Ministry
in all our of Defence, occupied the site which continued
endeavours. to be its home until 1972.
The Ministry of Interior and Defence (MID)
was set up amidst tumultuous political
developments in 1965. Following
Singapore’s hasty and unexpected
separation from Malaysia, Singapore gained
independence on 9 August 1965 almost
overnight. Of the various nation-building
problems that confronted our political
leaders, one of the most pressing and urgent
Singapore youths sign up for National Service at tasks was to build a defence force from
CMPB scratch.
The SAF Crest of today bears a strong Dr Goh Keng Swee was tasked to help the
resemblance to 1 SIR’s logo. The guiding newly established Ministry in Aug 1965 as
principle of the SAF is reflected on the ribbon the first Defence Minister.