Page 19 - MustangEbook
P. 19
The build-up of the Singapore Armed Forces Today, MINDEF continues to be the Joint and
was no easy task which was made worse by Service Headquarters for the Army, Navy and
the lack of internal expertise and experience. Air Force, providing policy direction,
The period immediately following the set-up managerial and technological support for the
of the ministry was one of frenzied but careful SAF.
planning and groundwork. Large-scale
recruitment brought the regular Singapore
Infantry Regiments and the mobilized
Volunteer Forces up to strength. After
intensive training, they formed the first
Singapore Infantry Brigade. At the same time,
People’s Defence Force training camps was
set up to train volunteers and to build up new
volunteer battalions. In February 1966, the
Jurong Military School (now known as the Tanglin Complex served as MINDEF’s
SAF Training Institute or SAFTI) was set up headquarters from 1972 to 1989
and in June of the same year, the first intake
of young men started their intake of young SAFTI – SINGAPORE ARMED FORCES
men started their intake of young men started TRAINING INSTITUTE
their Officer Cadet training. By the time
Singapore celebrated her first National Day On 18 Jun 1966, Singapore Armed Forces
on 9 August 1966, the hard work and Training Institute (SAFTI) was officially
dedication of MID were evident in the young declared open by Dr Goh Keng Swee, then the
but promising Armed Forces. Minister for Defence. The institute was also
presented with its formation sign of a torch
(signifying education) and a scimitar
(denoting military training) during its official
The need for a military institute arose when
defence became one of the main priorities for
Singapore in 1965. This institute was to train
MID’s home in Pearl’s Hill officers to lead the new corps of men who
were to form the Singapore Armed Forces.
On 11 August 1970, the Ministry of Interior
and Defence was split into two ministries – SAFTI had its humble beginnings in the
the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and the Jurong Primary School where it was then
Ministry of Home Affairs. In February 1972, informally known as the Jurong Military
MINDEF moved from Pearl’s Hill to Tanglin Institute.
Complex at Napier Road. The latter served as The first course conducted was a three-month
MINDEF’s headquarters until April 1989 Instructors’ Preparatory Course held from 14
when the ministry shifted to its present site at February 1966.
Bukit Gombak.