Page 13 - MustangEbook
P. 13

Note from

                                                               Sergeant Major

                                                                         of the Army

               The Army customs and traditions provide the    A proud tradition is to a military organization
               rationale  behind  its  past  practices  and  a   what  “being  from  a  good  family”  is  to  an
               roadmap for the future. As such, we must not   individual. First, it is a thing you are born with
               only  continue  to  preserve  the  customs  and   or without; you can’t really feel any personal
               traditions of the Army, but also understand its   credit for having it, nor any personal chagrin
               significance.                                  for  not  having  it.  Second,  and  much  more

                                                              important,  unit  or  family  traditions  serve  a
               The intent of this book is to share the pertinent
               practices, customs and traditions as reference   common purpose of setting a standard to live
               material  that  provides  information  that    up to.
               connects us with the past to the present.      In conclusion, I wish to extend my personal

                                                              appreciation  to  the  Editorial  Committee  for
               Customs and traditions have played a crucial
               part in shaping and developing the Army. In    their  professionalism,  determination  and
               the  process  of  this  development  and       perseverance
               transformation  journey,  the  Army  has
               certainly  grown  in  stature.  This  is  partly
               because  we  have  inherited  the  richness  of
               British practices during the period of colonial
               rule. In order to continue growing, we must
               satisfy  our  thirst  for  knowledge  and
               understand the rationale for specific practices.   SWO FRANCIS NG
                                                              Sergeant Major of the Army
                                                              Singapore Armed Forces
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