Page 129 - MustangEbook
P. 129
It is the anglicised form of the Spanish word COMMANDING OFFICER IN THE
for table - mesa. Mass has the same MESS
derivation. Until the last century a seamen's
mess was nothing more than a table; even
benches were not provided until the 19th
When the Commanding Officer comes into
the Mess, an announcement by a member
nearest must be made to all present. They
should all stand up, greet him appropriately
and offer him a drink before members present
may carry out their business. If seated, at the
During World War II officers gathered in this dining table, Officers do not stand but give a
Wardroom to: greeting. If the Commanding Officer is
already present in the Mess, the Officer
1. Eat meals entering will come to attention and greet him
2. Relax appropriately.
3. Play games
4. Enjoy entertainment
Whilst in the Mess, a member must avoid
“Above all it reminded us that in spite of the playing the radio or television loudly. The
fact that we were engaged in a very tough and reasons for the observance of this etiquette are
brutal war, we were still gentlemen, to be considerate and avoid offending others
accustomed to live like civilized human
beings.” who may wish to read, engage in conversation
or some other entertainment.
The wardroom is a large space covering A senior ranked member if seen to be without
almost the ship’s entire width. The space has a chair, should be immediately offered one by
a dining area and an adjacent lounge. the junior.
Singapore Ships have varying wardroom
sizes, Frigates have wardrooms that can sit MESS HOSPITALITY
about 40 officers, whereas smaller ships like The hospitality offered by members of a Mess
the Patrol vessel, can only sit 10 officers. in any Unit is traditional. All visitors must be
Ashore, the RSN also has messes in the naval warmly welcomed by members present in the
bases for Officers and Military Experts. They Mess. It must be remembered that the good
are known as the Wardroom, the Anchorage name of the Regiment and Unit, depends to a
and the Helms messes respectively.