Page 131 - MustangEbook
P. 131

RESTRICTION ON DRINKS                          entrance of the building or Mess. He escorts
                                                              the Guest  of Honour to  greet  and introduce
               To avoid heavy Mess bills and alcoholism, it   him to anyone he has not already met.
               is the acceptable practice for the Commanding
               Officer  to  impose  monetary  limits  on  the   MESS INITIATION
               member’s     Mess     accounts.   Excessive
                                        consumption      of   In the past, a member-to-be must go through
                                        alcohol,    mainly
              Excessive drinking of                           an acceptance regime when he is made to foot
                                        brought  about  by    the  bill  for  food  &  beverages  consumed  by
              alcohol may occasionally  the pernicious habit
              lead to misbehaviour and                        members, being asked questions and should
                                        of ‘alcoholism’, has   he not give the correct answer (most of which
              disrespect for others     been  the  downfall   he  could  not  answer),  is  made  to  drink
              around them.              of       promising    alcoholic  drinks  (mixed  with  unthinkable
                                        members, and their    concoctions) till he vomits.  Other times, new
               career  abruptly  ended  for  no  other  reason.   members  go  through  a  “baptism”  shower
               Excessive    drinking   of    alcohol   may    (mixed  with  soap  water  and  ice).  Mostly,
               occasionally  lead  to  misbehaviour  and      these were done for entertainment purpose to
               disrespect for others around them.             test   the   new     members’     toughness,
                                                              determination  and  sporty-ness.  He  must  be
               RESTRICTION ON HEADDRESS                       able to adhere to instruction and “abuses” yet
                                                              keep his cool.  All these happened away from
               It is customary for officers, and men as well,   the  view  of  junior  commanders  or  men
               to  remove  their  caps/head  dress  before    (including Mess Steward or Mess-boys).
               entering  a  mess  other  than  their  own;  this
               custom applies equally to officers’ messes and   The initiation completes with a toast proposed
               enclosed  messes  and  should  be  observed    to  the  Commanding  Officer,  the  PMC  and
               when  passing  through  seamen's  mess  decks   members of the Mess, by the new members.
               except on duty.                                The initiates get to clean the Mess thereafter.

               The  customary  rule  applies  to  cabins  and   Today, it is still customary that new members
               offices as well. This is the same as the practice   of the Mess are initiated. Its purpose remains
               ashore -- you do not wear a hat in someone     the same, i.e. is for introductory reasons and
               else’s home, and though you may wear it in     to  welcome  membes  to  the  Mess  and  Unit.
               your own home you would not normally do        However the “ragging” has stopped.

                                                              IMPROPER MESS ETIQUETTE
                                                              The following are some examples of improper
               In the interests of efficiency in the running of   behaviour in the Mess:
               any Mess, it is essential that all its members
               are punctual for all functions or activities of    1.  Late for Mess events.
               the Mess. Members are expected to arrive at        2.  Loud and obtrusive language.
               least ten minutes before the time announced.       3.  Leaving  an  organized  event  without
               The  host  or  the  President  of  the  Mess          permission from the PMC.
               Committee greets the Guest of Honour at the        4.  Foul language.
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