Page 134 - MustangEbook
P. 134

ORIGIN OF MILITARY DINING-IN                   Officers to meet socially at a formal military
                                                              function.  This  is  effective  in  building  and
                                                              maintaining  military  tradition,  morale  and
                                                              espirit de corps.

                                                              Apart  from  adding  significance  to  the
                                                              occasion, the dining-in is also to familiarise
                                                              the  Officers  and  Warrant  Officers  with  the
                                                              proceedings,  formalities  and  courtesies
                                                              practised at such a function. The essentially

               The  exact  origin  of  the  Dining-in  is  not   simple  procedures,  which  have  become
               known.  It  is  believed,  however,  that  the   established,  heighten  the  enjoyment  of  the
               practice  dates  to  an  old  Viking  tradition  of   meal and impart graciousness to the occasion
               holding formal ceremonies to celebrate great   not often, found elsewhere.
               battles  and  feats  of  heroism.  These       Traditionally,  dining-in  is  held  in  camp
               ceremonies usually included a dinner of fine   premises  /  Messes  and  the  attire  worn  by
               food,  drinks,  and  fellowship.  Later  this   military  personnel  is  the  Mess  Kit  (No  2
               custom     spread   to    the   monasteries,   uniform).  However,  some  may  wish  to
               universities, and, eventually, to  the Military   organise  their  dining-in  outside  the  camp
               Officers’ Mess.
                                                              premises  such  as  hotel  function  rooms,
               During  the  early  eighteenth  century,  the   restaurants or at private clubs. The organisers
               British  Army  incorporated  the  practice  of   of  the  dining-in  must  observe  and  maintain
               formal  dining  into  their  regimental  Mess   the  decorum  and  traditions  of  the  military
               system. Customs and rules of the mess were     dining-in procedures.
               soon  institutionalized  in  the  Queen’s
               Regulations  that  governed  the  actions  and   RATIONALE BEHIND DINING-IN
               conduct of the British Army. The mess was a
               home for the bachelor Officers, a club for all   The  Dining-in  is  a  formal  dinner  held  by  a
               Officers, and the centre of social activity at the   Military  Unit.  The  rationale  prompting  the
               military garrison. An important feature of the   event may vary. The dinner may be held to
               Mess  was  Mess  night.  Usually  held  once  a   recognize the achievements of a Unit, to build
               week, it was a formal mandatory gathering of   and  maintain  esprit  de  corps  among  the
               the Officers of the Regiment. The purpose of   Officers of their command, etc.
               the dinner was to bring the Officers together   With  the  addition  of  female  Officers,  the
               in a fraternal atmosphere and to make them     Dining-in  has  changed  from  being  a  stag
               aware of the luxuries of life. The Mess night   affair.  Moreover,  some  units  occasionally
               or Dining-In became a tradition in all British   invite  spouses.  This  is  an  excellent
                                                              opportunity  to  introduce  the  spouses  to  the
               Military  dining-in  is  a  formal  military   Army’s history, customs, and traditions, and
               function, which is occasionally held in Units   their  attendance  often  stimulates  greater
               and  Formations  in  the  SAF.  The  diningin   interest and participation in the event.
               provides an occasion for Officers and Warrant
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