Page 137 - MustangEbook
P. 137

The “Black Tie” designation also implies the   The tables and chairs at the head table must be
               wearing  of  miniature  medals  on  Mess-kit   checked to make sure that they are firm and in
               uniform and the wearing of ribbons.            good condition. A spare chair is kept at the
                                                              side of the dining area. This is for the Director
               The  formality  of  the  occasion  should  be   of Music of the Band-in-Attendance.
               maintained even for support personnel.
                                                              MR. VICE

                                                              He is usually a youngest or a Junior Officer
               COCKTAIL PERIOD                                and is given the honour to propose the toast
                                                              during the dining-in on the instruction of the
               During  the  cocktail  period,  conversation   President, who will hit the gavel with a mallet
               should be light and of short duration. When    three times to summon Mr. Vice to propose
               the  signal  is  given  for  dinner,  the  members   the toast.
               enter the dining room and stand behind their
               chairs. Some organizations prepare a special
               punch  at  a  ceremony  with  an  elaborate    TABLE MANNERS
               mixture and tasting procedure in front of the
               assembled mess.                                The formal dining-in and dining-out tradition
                                                              requires use of a head table or speaker’s table.
                                                              The presiding officer, President of the mess,
               SEATING AND TABLE
               ARRANGEMENTS                                   sits in the centre with the most distinguished
                                                              guest at his or her right.

               OIC  Invitation  and  Seating  Plan  will  be
               responsible  for  the  seating  arrangement    The next most distinguished person is on his
               according  to  protocol  and  the  labelling  of   or  her  left,  and  so  on  alternately  across  the
               seats  at  the  head  table.  The  seating     head table until all are accounted for in order
               arrangement and layout should be displayed     of relative rank or importance.
               in the cocktail reception area in order that all
               are  informed  of  their  respective  seating   The Guest of Honour and the President of the
               arrangement.                                   mess will be the first to join the head table.

               The  Host  and  the  Dining  President  will  be   The table arrangements should be set up in a
               seated at the head table. This is to ensure that   manner most suitable to the dining area. The
               proper etiquette is observed and Mr Vice will   head table is usually a long single table.
               sit at the end of the “finger table”, nearer to
               the head table.                                No one should be seated across from those at
                                                              the head table. It is important that tables are
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