Page 139 - MustangEbook
P. 139

CONVERSATION                                   COFFEE TIME

                  (1)  Everyone  has  a  duty  to  talk  to  the   (1) After the toast, coffee is served.
                     person sitting on either side.
                                                                 (2) The creamer set is placed on the table
                  (2)  The  volume  and  tone  of  voice  is        which  contains:  brown  sugar  and
                     important and must be regulated.               creamer goes with coffee, white sugar
                                                                    and milk goes with tea, but this can be
               TOASTING                                             changed    depending    on    personal

                  (1) Nowadays, one does not drain a glass
                     of champagne or wine – a favourite for   SMOKING
                     toast, but take a sip or two so there will
                     be plenty of wine left for other toasts.   Smoking is not allowed at the dinner table.
                     Upon informal occasions, any drink at
                     hand may be used when making a toast.    WHEN TO LEAVE
                     It is the word of love appreciation and   If a guest of honour or VIP is present, no one
                     respect which are shown to the person    leave until the VIP or guest of honour takes
                     toasted, which is important.

                  (2)  It  is  disrespectful  for  anyone  not  to
                     participate  in  a  toast;  a  “teetotaller”   PASSING THE PORT DECANTER
                     need  only  go  through  the  motions  of
                     holding the glass to his lips.

                  (3) In a dining-in, toast is generally given
                     at the end of the dinner, during or after
                     dessert as soon as the wine/champagne
                     is  served and before any  speeches  are
                                                              The  Port  decanters  are  uncorked,  passed
                  (4) When you are the one making the toast   always to the left, and then stopped, before the
                     at  a  formal  occasion,  you  must  have   Loyal  Toast.  This  practice suggests that the
                     advance information about the person or   wine  is  served  only  for  that  purpose.  If  the
                     persons to be toasted in order that your   port  is  passed  again  the  decanters  remain
                     remarks are accurate.                    unstopped until they are removed. The origin
                                                              of the custom of passing the port always to the
                  (5)  When  you  are  receiving  a  toast,  you
                     remain  seated  while  everyone  else    left is uncertain. It may be merely symbolic of
                     stands and you do not sip your drink or   the movement of the earth in turning toward
                     you will be drinking to yourself. After   the sun, which ripens the grape.
                     everyone sits down, you may rise and     The  custom,  which  we  know  from  early
                     thank them and offer a toast in return.   biblical times of protecting a man while he is

                                                              drinking,  continued  into  a  more  recent  era.

                                                              When the cup of cheer was being passed two
                                                              men  stood  at  a  time,  one  to  drink  and  the
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