Page 143 - MustangEbook
P. 143

recommendation or action of the President, or   GUESTS
               take appropriate action on his or her own.
                                                              The selection of the guest list is an important

                                                              function  in  the  planning  process  for  the
               CUSTOM OF INVITING THE BAND                    Dining In. It is prepared in accordance with
                                                              the  desires  of  the  commander  of  the  Unit
                                                              hosting  the  function.  If  the  list  includes
                                                              dignitaries, coordination should be made with
                                                              the appropriate protocol office to ensure that
                                                              the proper rules of etiquette and protocol are
                                                              adhered to. Some of these are as follows:

                                                              1.  When  foreign  guest  is  invited  to  the

                                                                  Dining-in,  it  is  appropriate  to  invite
               It  is  customary  for  the  Guest  of  Honour     persons who have visited or have a special
               (GOH) to meet the Director of Music towards        interest in the guest’s country to interact
               the end of the dining-in.                          with one another.

               The Director of Band is offered a drink by the   2.  Language must be considered. If a foreign
               GOH. This  gesture is  to  thank the band for      guest does not speak fluent English, it is
               providing entertainment during the dinner.         important to   have someone who speaks
                                                                  his  language  seated  nearby  to  act  as  an

               THE BAND IN ATTENDANCE                             interpreter or table companion.

               The  SAF  Band  shall  perform  during  the    3.  The personality and interests of the guests
               dining-in  upon  request.  The  organising         should  be  considered  in  the  seating
               committee will brief the Director of Music on      arrangements.  A  person(s)  with  similar
               the order of proceedings for the night.            interests  should  be  seated  next  to  the
               AFTER DINNER GAMES
                                                              4.  Protocol requires that all   guests invited
               Games are an important part of the Dining-in       to the Dining-in to be seated according to
               tradition.  If  well  planned  and  properly       their rank.
               conducted, they tend to develop camaraderie
               and  teamwork  among  the  Officers.  Certain
               games require the Units to select teams and
               conduct  rehearsals  before  the  Dining-In.
               These  stimulates  additional  interest  in  the
               event and encourages Officers to attend.
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