Page 145 - MustangEbook
P. 145

INTRODUCTION                                   "These officers are donning the ceremonial
                                                              uniform and swords in the public. They have
               The term military wedding is generally used    to be able to carry off the image of an SAF
               when the groom and the groomsman are in        officer,"
               military  uniform  and  the  bride  and  groom
               pass  through  under  the  traditional  arch  of   SWORD BEARERS
               swords. The tradition of the military wedding
               inherited  from  the  British  is  usually  the   The ushers usually act as sword bearers, but
               choice  of  the  bride  and  groom  who  wants   other Officers may be designated for the arch
               both colour and ritual ceremony. It can be a   of swords ceremony following the wedding
               spectacular  memory  for  those  who  are      vows.
               authorised  to  be  married  in  the  military
               uniform. Military wedding is accorded to all   ARCH OF SWORDS CEREMONY
               SAF Officers.

               Military weddings were originally a privilege
               accorded  only  to  commissioned  officers  in
               recognition  of  their  higher  responsibilities.
               However, since 2014, the privilege has been
               extended to warrant officers, specialists and
               military experts. Wedding ceremony  can be
               conducted in Church or restaurant

                        Video Clip
                                                              The  custom  at  an  Officer’s  wedding  of

                                                              forming an archway of swords, with their
                                                              cutting  edges  sideways  symbolises  the

                                                              guarding of the couple as they enter upon
                                                              their married life.

                                                              Customarily, six, to a maximum of twelve
               In the past, officers could also use a military
               vehicle as their wedding car, but this has since   sword  bearers,  (usually  lower  or  same
               been discontinued.                             rank  as  the  Groom)  take  part  in  the

               Officers must write in to their units  to seek
               approval  to  hold  a  military  wedding.  Only   Rehearsals  must  be  conducted  to  ensure
               those with good conduct will be given the go-  that synchronization is achieved. On the
               ahead.                                         day of the wedding, all commands should
                                                              be given loud enough for only the sword
                                                              bearers  to  hear.  Usually,  simple  orders
               The  drills  and  proceedings  must  be  done
               correctly, and officers can seek guidance from   like “Ready, up!” to replace commands to
               their unit's sergeant majors.                  signify  an  action  to  be  taken.  They  will
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