Page 148 - MustangEbook
P. 148

HOW ARMIES EVOLVED                             flags or colours by which they set great store,
                                                              especially  among  the  German  bands.  If  by
               Colonel  Ardant  duPicq  wrote,  “Passions,    chance  any  disgrace  fell  upon  a  German
               instincts  particularly  the  most  powerful   company,  the  Colours  were  furled,  planted
               instinct of self-preservation — these things   upside  down  in  the  ground,  and  not  flown
               are expressed differently in accordance with   again  until  the  culprits  responsible  for  the
               the  times,  the  circumstances,  the  character   crime  had  been  tried  and  punished  by  an
               and temperament of races. But, beneath it all,   assembly of the whole company. It is from
               the same man is to be found.”                  these  companies  that  fifes  and  drums  and

                                                              many of our military terms are borrowed.
               Singapore is in the process of developing its
               own  distinctive  military  system,  its  own   The  mercenary  system  reached  its  best-
               brand  of  soldier,  “in  accordance  with  the   developed  form  in  Italy.  Intense  economic
               times,  the  circumstances,  the  character  and   rivalry  among  the  rich  trading  republics
               temperament of our races.”                     (Venice,  Milan,  Florence,  etc.)  made  it

                                                              necessary for each to have its own army. The
               The  future  will  tell  how  good  the        services of English and Swiss fighters were
               Singaporean product is. But to visualize our   particularly sought after. Most military terms
               Military’s future we must know something of    are therefore derived from the Italians.
               its past.

                                                              HOW THE REGIMENT CAME INTO
               HOW THE FIRST MILITARY                         BEING
                                                              An administrative organization was needed to
                                                              control  the companies.  So they began to  be
               In  about  the  fourteenth  century,  when     collected  into  groups  under  the  rule  or
               firearms  began  to  appear  on  the  field  of   regiment of a single Officer who was called
               battle,  there  grew  up  mercenary  bands  of   the Colonel.
               professional  soldiers  in  Switzerland,  Italy
               and  Germany,  whose  leaders  would  accept   The regiment bore the name of the man who
               contracts to fight for or against anyone. These   raised it or who succeeded in its command.
               bands were known as companies, and were        This  practice  continued  down  till  the
               formed  on  a  commercial  basis,  men  of     nineteenth century, although numbers began
               substance investing money according to their   to replace names in the eighteenth.
               means  in  the  buying  and  equipping  of
               recruits,  and  taking  rank  according  to  the   The Colonel retained command of his original
               amount  of  their  investment.  The  profits   company.  His  second  in-command  was  the
               consisted  of  plunder  and  of  ransom  for   next  highest  ranking  company  commander,
               wealthy  prisoners;  and,  when  weary  of  the   who,  likewise,  retained  command  of  his
               profession,  they  sold  their  shares  in  the   company. In his new capacity, the second-in-
               company  to  anyone  who  would  buy.  The     command was the staff officer of the regiment
               companies  varied  in  strength  from  tens  to   and had the title of Sergeant Major.
               hundreds,  and  even  thousands,  and  the     Since the Colonel was often absent from the
               symbol of their corporate existence was their   regiment, a Lieutenant Colonel was needed to
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