Page 151 - MustangEbook
P. 151

However,  its  first  use  in  the  concept  of   So along came the early refinements of the
               military  operations  was  by  French  writer   basic club and thrown stone. Men learned to
               Jomini. In 1838, he devised a theory of war     chip flint so that stones could be shaped into
               upon  the  trinity  of  strength,  tatics  and   stronger  and  more  effective  axe  heads.  .
               logistics.                                      Throwing  sticks  were  developed  to  give
                                                               spears  more  range;  arrowheads  and
               Today, lostics is defined as the “science and   spearheads  were  fashioned.  The  bow  was
               art of moving and sustaining armed forces”.     invented.
               This  means  getting  the  right  men  and
               materials, in the right quantities, to the right   Around 5000 B.C. it was found that a certain
               place, at the right time.                      kind of rock could be hammered into desired

                                                              shapes. About 2,000 years later a piece of this
               EVOLUTION OF WEAPONS                           rock happened to get next to a fire and a little
                                                              pool  of  bright  liquid  formed.  Copper  had
               The  object  of  fighting  has  always  been  to   been  discovered  and  began  to  be  used  for
               defeat or drive away the enemy while keeping   weapons.  Later  some  tin  accidentally  got
               yourself a maximum distance from him. Our      mixed in with a batch of copper and the result
               ancestors  therefore  looked  for  ways  to    was bronze. It was more difficult to work, but
               increase the range of weapons. Rock throwing   it took a real edge and was much harder than
               must have been the first development in this   copper.
               direction. Then a stone was tied to a piece of
               vine or leather thong, whirled and let loose.   Progress in the development of weapons was
               This increased range but decreased accuracy;   restricted  for  centuries  to  improvements  in
               the science of “exterior ballistics” was born.   the basic prehistoric arms.  The tremendous
                                                              and  ingenious  war  engines  of  the  Romans
               Slope  brown  survivors  of  early  “meeting   and  of  the  Middle  Ages—the  catapult,
               engagements”  soon  learned  that  weapons     ballista  and  battering  ram—were  really
               could be classified as offensive or defensive.   nothing  but  improved”  slings,  bows  and
               Early man probably devoted more “thought”      clubs.
               to providing himself with a satisfactory club
               for  close  in  protection  than  he  did  to  the   GUNPOWDER
               perfection of his rock slinging style.
                                                              The next big development was gunpowder,

               The club must have been the weapon man first   which  appeared  in  the  beginning  of  the
               made for himself. The sling, the spear and the   fourteenth  century.  Various  incendiary
               stone axe probably followed in roughly that    compounds  such  as  “Greek  fire”  had  been
               sequence.  The  shield  certainly  occurred  to   used since the dawn of history, but we must
               somebody early in the game.                    not confuse them with explosive compounds.
                                                              Gunpowder s main use in fourteenth-century
               But a characteristic of armament races is that   warfare was in huge cannon to knock down
               as soon as a new weapon is developed to give   the walls of fortresses and cities.
               its user an advantage over the foe, there are
               always enough survivors of the first defeat to
               steal the idea and use it against its inventor.
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