Page 155 - MustangEbook
P. 155

                                                              The deceased servicemen is given the highest
               A military funeral is a funeral where military   honour  and  he  shall  be  dressed  in  No  1
               procedures and honours are incorporated in     uniform.
               recognition  of  the  services  of  a  deceased
               military serviceman who had served the SAF.    DRESSING THE COFFIN
               There  are  two  types  of  military  funeral   The  coffin  of  the  soldier  during  a  Military
                                                              funeral  is  draped  with  a  State  flag  which
                                                              symbolises the nation’s recognition in token
               a.  Full Military Funeral - A full military
                   funeral  may  be  accorded  to  an  SAF    that he died in service of the State and that
                   serviceman, in full-time service or during   the state takes the responsibility for what it
                   national service training, whose death is   ordered him to do. The flag’s red half with
                   attributable to “Duty.”                    the crescent and stars will be placed over the
                                                              coffin’s left, nearest to the deceased’s heart.

                    “Duty” includes the following:            The accoutrements that will be placed on top
                                                              of the coffin are as follows:

                    (1) In  consequences  of  some  act  or
                       training  lawfully  performed  in      1.  The State Flag - The state flag is draped
                       discharge of the service’s duties.         over the Coffin

                    (2) While  on  a  journey  necessary  to   2.  Headdress - The No 1 ceremonial
                       enable  a  serviceman  to  report  for     peak cap/beret will be placed on the
                       duty or return to  homes/ base after       top of the coffin
                                                              3.  Sword - The Officer’s sword is placed

               b.  Modified Military Funeral - A modified         at the centre with the hilt nearest to the
                   military funeral (reduced scale) may be        Peak cap/beret
                   given  to  a  full-time  SAF  serviceman,
                   whose death occurs while he/ she is still   4.  Bayonet - If the deceased is a WOSE, a
                   in service but not attributable to “Duty”,     bayonet is placed at the center.
                   and if the NOK of the deceased requested
                   for it. The procedure for the conduct of   5.  Medals -The deceased ceremonial No 1
                   Modified Military Funeral for Burial will      medals will be placed on the left of the
                   be  similar  to  that  of  a  Full  Military   sword/bayonet.
                   Funeral except that there will be no gun-  6.  Badges - Ceremonial No 1
                   carriage,  Escort  Party  and  Funeral         Vocation/confidence badges can be
                   Procession.  Only  the  Firing  Party,  the    placed above the medals
                   Coffin  Bearer  Party  and  the  Military
                   Band will be involved.                     7.  Wreath - One wreath from the family

                                                                  may be placed on the coffin at the foot
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