Page 152 - MustangEbook
P. 152

HANDGUNS                                       applied  to  the  vassals’  son  was  finally
                                                              corrupted to become sergeant.
               Italy  took  the  lead  in  the  development  of
               handguns. The early  handguns  were not  as    This is the accepted modern meaning of the
               effective as the longbow. Not until 1420 did   word, but in the past the Private has been
               they  evolve  into  something  that  could  be   known  as  man-at-arms,  archer,  sentinel,
               aimed from the shoulder.                       sentry,  common  soldier,  private  soldier,
                                                              trooper,  sapper  and  a  dozen  other  titles,
               Handguns  gradually  developed  into  the      including rank and file.
               hackbut, caliver and musket. Eventually they
               replaced the longbow, not because they were    Corporal  is  a  word  from  the  Latin  word
               more effective, but  because a recruit  could   “coporale”  which  means  caput,  a  head  –
               acquire  reasonable  proficiency  with  them   meaning a head, or leader –corporal being
               faster than he could learn to shoot a longbow   the  leader  of  a  section.  “Corporal”  is  an
               accurately.                                    English corruption of “caporale.”

                After  the  invention  of  gunpowder,  the    The  term  Sergeant  dates  back  to  the  English
                evolution of weapons again became a matter    Feudal  system.  Various  feudal  barons  were
                of relatively minor perfections : stronger gun   inclined to have tilts at the throne of England
                tubes,  more  manageable  handguns,  better   from  time  to  time,  and  for  this  purpose  they
                means of transporting artillery, breech rather   needed men-at-arms. So great did their demands
                than  muzzle  loading,  more  powerful        become upon the vassals of the day that these
                powder,  invention  of  a  recoil  mechanism,   landowners were forced to provide not only
                etc.                                          serfs from the fields, but Staff-Sergeant was
                                                              a later innovation, when a sergeant, often the

                                                              eldest son of the most powerful of the greater
               WHAT’S IN A RANK
                                                              vassals who owed allegiances to a particular
                                                              baron was selected to carry the coat-arms of
               Did  you  ever  wonder  where  the  term
               “Sergeant-Major  came  from?  Or  why          that baron into battle. The banner bearing his
               private  soldiers  were  called  “Privates”    heraldic device was raised on a pole or staff
               originally?                                    and so staff-sergeant became an accepted rank
                                                              in the British Army. Theoretically the Colours
                                                              Sergeant carried the Colours of his regiment
               The  actual  origin  of  the  word  is  somewhat   into  battle.  In  practice  however,  this
               obscure,  but  basically  the  word  “private”   hazardous  duty  usually  fell  to  the  junior
               denotes a soldier, who is so to speak, at the   subalterns and ensigns in the regiment.
               bottom of the ladder also to equip their sons
               and personal servants and send them out to do   The title Sergeant-Major was originally that
               battle in the names of feudal lords. As a mark   of the SergeantMajor-General. This term was
               of respect, these sons and personal servants of   later  reduced  to  become  Major-General.  –
               the great vassals were put in charge of groups   this being the Major or senior General. Later
               of field serfs and others with a lesser station   the  title  was  changed  again  to  become  the
               in life. After a few nomenclature changes, the   present  day  Major.  By  the  end  of  the  17
               general  term  of  “servienties”  which  was   Century,  Sergeant-Major  was  the  Senior
                                                              Sergeant. His bade or rank was at one time,
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