Page 157 - MustangEbook
P. 157
grave or in the service hall. While the Coffin mast comes from the Prime Minister’s
Bearer Party (CBP) is removing the Office. When hoisting the flags at half-mast,
accoutrements and state flag, the Band will the flags should be raised to the top of the
disperse quietly. pole before lowering to the half-mast
position (one-third of the flag pole). In
circumstances when a flag raising ceremony
A eulogy may be given by a member of the is done with the singing of the National
family, clergy, a close personal friend or a Anthem, the Flags are hoisted to the peak of
business associate of the deceased. The the pole in tune with the National Anthem,
eulogy is not to be lengthy, but should offer thereafter lowered to the half-mast position.
praise and commendation and reflect the life Similarly, when lowering the flags from the
of the person who has died. half-mast position the flags must be raised to
the top of the pole before being lowered.
Sending a floral wreath is a very
appropriate way of expressing sympathy to Today’s customary three volleys fired over a
the family of the deceased. Flowers express grave probably originated as far back as the
a feeling of life and beauty and offer much Roman Empire. The Roman funeral rites of
comfort to the family. A floral tribute can casting dirt three times on the coffin
either be sent to the funeral parlour or the constituted the ‘burial’. It was customary
residence. If sent to the residence, usually a among the Romans to call the dead three
planter or a small vase of flowers indicating times by name, which ended the funeral
a person’s continued sympathy for the ceremony after which the friends and
family is suggested. The florist places an relatives of the deceased pronounce the word
identification card on the wreath. These ‘vale’ (farewell) three times as they depart
cards are removed from the wreath and from the tomb. In more recent history, three
given to the family so they may musket volleys were fired to announce that
acknowledge the tributes sent. the burying of the dead was completed and
the burial party ready for battle again.
Wreaths are also laid on the day of Another belief is that the three volleys are
burial/cremation ceremony by fired so as to drive away any evil spirits from
representatives of military protocol in taking away the soul of the deceased.
sequence as follows: “On behalf of
MINDEF”, “On the Behalf of CDF” and The three volleys are fired at the conclusion
“On the behalf of Service Chief” followed of the funeral service for Officers of the rank
by the Formation Commander and the Unit of Brigadier and below.
The SAF has also implemented this tradition
HALF-MAST by firing the three volleys after the coffin has
been lowered into the grave and covered with
The State, SAF and Army Flags are hoisted soil or just before pushing it into the
at half-mast as a mark of respect to honour cremation chamber.
the death and funeral of a person in high
office. The decision to fly the flags at half-