Page 154 - MustangEbook
P. 154
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS COAT OF during the 1700’s in Europe and North
ARMS America. Until then, most flags stood for the
personal authority of rulers.
The Arms of the Colony were granted by
Royal Warrant dated 13 September 1948. Most national flags use one or more of only
They are derived from the first quarter of the seven basic colours.
arms of the former Colony of the Straits
Settlements, being that quarter representing Flags at sea. Before the days of radio, a
the Settlement of Singapore. The use of the complicated system of flag design and
lion and the tower alludes to the derivation of display grew up around the need for
Singapore from the two words Singa, lion, communication at sea. Flag codes enabled
and pura, city; though etymological doubts the sending of messages between ships or
have been expressed. However, these arms from ship to shore. A ship would salute
have been used as those of the Settlement another vessel by dipping, or lowering, its
since 1876 at least. the crest is the same as flag. Such salutes played a major role in
that formerly used in the Straits Settlements international diplomacy.
except that the banner has been changed from
one of blue with three imperial crowns, to Flag colours. Most national flags use one or
silver with a red cross pall reversed, bearing more of only seven basic colours. These
one imperial crown. This banner, though then colours are red, white, blue, green, yellow,
with three crowns, was used as the arms of black, and orange.
the Settlements, though without authority,
prior to the founding of the first Colony, and Flag symbols often reflect historical events.
the reversed cross pall is unique in British The cross that appears in many European
heraldry. flags originated in the flags carried by
Crusaders to the Holy Land. Some flags used
in Arab nations show the eagle of Saladin, a
Muslim warrior who fought the Crusaders in
The first “flags” consisted of symbols the 1100’s.
attached to the tops of poles. Such flag like
objects appear in Egyptian art of the mid-3000 Burning is considered the most dignified
B.C. Cloth flags were probably first used in way to destroy a flag that is no longer fit for
China about 3000 B.C. These flags were made display. But burning a usable flag often
of silk. signifies political protest.
Knights in the Middle Ages carried pointed MILITARY FUNERAL
flags called pennons. A knight’s promotion to
a higher rank was symbolized by having the The military funeral, with its custom,
end of pennon cut off. The resulting square precision and courtesies can be a source of
flag was called the banner, and the knight great comfort and pride to the bereaved when
becomes a knight-bannerette. executed correctly; if not executed correctly,
it can add to their grief. Understanding the
National flags are among the most recent various religious funeral practices is an
kinds of flags. They first came into use advantage.