Page 158 - MustangEbook
P. 158
The firing Party for all Ranks comprises of REVEILLE OR ROUSE
twelve men commanded by a SSG with a 3SG
as the 2IC. Reveille meaning “Wake up” in French,
originated in medieval times, and possibly
Gun Salutes are given to the Head of State and around 1600 was adopted by the British, is a
Cabinet Ministers. bugle call (or drums) to wake the soldiers at
Once the grave is covered up or when the
coffin is conveyed off the service hall (for Rouse was the signal for the soldier to arise.
cremation), the conducting WO will signal the Rouse is the bugle call more commonly used
Firing Party I/C to give the commands for the in conjunction with the Last Post, and to the
firing of three volleys. On the last movement layman is often incorrectly called Reveille.
of the Present Arms, the Bugler will sound the Although associated with the Last Post,
Last Post. All uniformed Servicemen Reveille is rarely used because of its length.
attending the funeral will salute during the Today, the Rouse is associated with the last
Last Post. On completion of the Last Post the Post at all military funerals and services of
firing Party Commander will give the Dedication and remembrance. It is played on
command “Order Arms” and after a pause of the completion of one minute’s silence, after
3-5 seconds the bugler will sound the Rouse / the Last Post has been sounded. It calls the
Reveille. During the sounding of Rouse / soldier’s spirit to rise and prepare for another
Reveille all serviceman will stand at the day.
attention position.
A "plank owner" is an individual who was a
member of the crew of a ship when that ship
was placed in commission.
The naval term “plank owner” finds its origin
back in the days of sailing ships when sailors
slept on deck. Because some planks of the
deck were softer than others, the crew would
select those to sleep upon, and in time would
regard them as their own.
In many cases, when the ship was dismantled,
crew members would, in fact, lay claim to
these planks as mementos of their seagoing
The Last Post is a bugle call played to mark days.
the end of the day’s labours and the onset of
the night’s rest. In the context of the last post In current context, Plank Owners receives
ceremony (and in the broader context of Plank Owner’s plaques or certificates since
remembrance), it has come to represent a final they can no longer lay claim to a piece of
farewell to the fallen at the end of their earthly wooden plank on the ship’s deck.
labours and at the onset of their eternal rest.